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Summaries of major campaigns undertaken in 2018-19 by advertiser V

VicHealth – This Girl Can – Victoria


A state-wide, mass media campaign, including sports sponsorships aimed at increasing physical activity and supporting gender equality. This campaign aims to empower women to be active however, whenever and wherever they want.


2 December 2018 – 30 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure
$ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 1,000,000
Creative and campaign development 236,000
Research and evaluation 400,000
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 1,863,000

VicRoads – Motorcycle Safety


A targeted campaign in response to the high motorcyclist road toll seen in 2019. The campaign provides easy access for Victorian motorcyclists to reliable, trusted content so they are equipped with the right knowledge and skills to ride safely in all conditions.


June 2018 – July 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure
$ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 500,000
Creative and campaign development 200,000
Research and evaluation 80,000
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

VicRoads – Regional Roads Victoria


Public launch campaign to create brand awareness and inform regional road users of Regional Roads Victoria (RRV) as a new division of VicRoads. The campaign focused on promotion of a new hotline enabling rural people to provide direct feedback, and educate on the essential role performed by the rural arterial network in connecting regional Victorians for maximum social and economic prosperity.


December 2017 – January 2018

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 846,000
Creative and campaign development 170,000
Research and evaluation 27,000
Print and collateral 191,000
Other campaign costs 291,000

VicRoads – Share the Road


A public awareness campaign to get people in Victoria sharing the roads respectfully, in keeping with the Towards Zero 2016-2020 Road Safety Strategy. The campaign aims to start influencing behaviour change on our roads across multiple transport modes.


December 2017

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 120,000
Creative and campaign development 0
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Victorian Building Authority – Carbon Monoxide Training Program


Radio and press activity to support statewide Carbon Monoxide Safety Program to enhance the skills of plumbers who install and service gas heaters and other gas appliances.


29 July 2018 – 1 September 2018

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 105,036
Creative and campaign development 0
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Victorian Electoral Commission – State Election 2018


During the 2018 election the Victorian Electoral Commission communicated with electors through advertising, social media, the VEC website, the digital VoterAlert system and the published Election Guide and Easy English Guide to raise awareness around how and where to enrol to vote, the early voting process and how to vote on the day.


1 September – November 2018

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 3,800,000
Creative and campaign development 0
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation (VRGF) – Help-seeking – continuous digital promotion of help services (digital continuity)


Ongoing digital promotion that allows help-seeking messages to be served continuously via search engine and social media marketing, paid digital display and content advertising, enabling the VRGF to better reach those who need help.


1 July 2018 – 30 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 796,680
Creative and campaign development 0
Research and evaluation N/A (research conducted by MediaCom Australia as part of media buy)
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

VRGF – In-venue convenience advertising


Advertising that places responsible gambling and help services messages in the conveniences in or near gaming rooms in almost all venues in Victoria.


1 July 2018 – 30 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 647,521 (print costs included)
Creative and campaign development N/A (included in advertising costs)
Research and evaluation N/A (ongoing quarterly reporting provided)
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

VRGF – Early intervention – Reducing harm among moderate-risk gamblers – Effects of gambling


Targeting people who gamble in a risky way to increase awareness about the negative emotional consequences that gambling can cause.


19 May – 30 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure
$ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 1,416,810
Creative and campaign development 356,560
Research and evaluation 178,834
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

VRGF – Early intervention – Reducing harm among
low-risk gamblers, Gambling Harm Awareness Week – Talk. Share. Support.


Inviting the community to have open discussions about gambling harm.


8 – 14 October 2018

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 94,600
Creative and campaign development 40,340
Research and evaluation 58,675
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

VRGF– Help-seeking – Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities – Gambling can be an issue in any language


Local advertising campaign raising awareness of in-language help services in Vietnamese, Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin) and Arabic, to increase help-seeking in these communities.


11 January – 30 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 246,352
Creative and campaign development 13,706
Research and evaluation N/A (research conducted by MediaCom Australia as part of the media buy)
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

VRGF – Prevention – Gambling normalisation – Love the game, not the odds


Highlighting for parents how the normalisation of gambling makes it difficult for young people to recognise the risks involved.


26 August – 30 September 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 884,212
Creative and campaign development 17,470
Research and evaluation 42,000
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

VRGF – Help-seeking – Gambler’s Help – 100 Day Challenge


For people who want to take a break from, or cut back on or quit gambling, the 100 Day Challenge offers 100 activities over 100 days, to get more out of life.


1 January – 2 March 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 832,203
Creative and campaign development 27,345
Research and evaluation 61,474
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Victoria Police – Police Officer recruitment campaign


Advertising, communication and marketing activities for the recruitment of Victoria Police Officers.


1 July 2018 – 30 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 3,592,000
Creative and campaign development 682,000
Research and evaluation 250,000
Print and collateral 23,000
Other campaign costs 137,000

Victoria Police – PSO Community Assurance campaign


Advertising, communication and marketing activities for the community awareness and recruitment of PSOs.


1 July 2018 – 30 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 1,740,000
Creative and campaign development 603,000
Research and evaluation 58,000
Print and collateral 1,200
Other campaign costs 26,000
