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List of stakeholders

Provides a list of contacts who were sent a copy of the draft framework and asked to provide feedback.

The following is a list of contacts who were sent a copy of the draft framework and asked to provide feedback. It should be noted that this is not an exhaustive list, as the draft was further disseminated through channels held by certain stakeholders, including members of Domestic Violence Victoria, the Victorian Government Family Violence Steering Committee and the Diverse Communities and Intersectionality Working Group.

Organisation Area
Arabic Welfare
Australian GLBTIQ Multicultural Council
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Disability and Ageing
Australian Muslim Women's Centre for Human Rights
Australian Vietnamese Women's Association
Berry Street
Bisexual Alliance Victoria
Carers Australia Victoria
Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare Inc
Centre for Multicultural Youth
Commission for Children and Young People
Coroners Court of Victoria Crime Prevention Unit
Department of Education and Training Social Cohesion and Family Violence – Wellbeing, Health and Engagement Division
Department of Health and Human Service

Business Technology and Information Management

Outcomes, Performance and Risk Branch – Strategy and Planning Division

Health and Human Services Workforce Branch – Strategy and Planning Division

Operational Performance and Quality Branch – Children, Families, Disability and Operations Division

Community Based Health Policy and Programs Branch – Health and Wellbeing Division

Diversity and Community Participation Branch – Health and Wellbeing Division Health Services Data – Health Data Standards and Systems

Office of Professional Practice

Office for Disability

Mental Health Branch – Health and Wellbeing Division

Disability and NDIS Branch – Children, Families, Disability and Operations Division

Victorian Agency for Health Information

Department of Justice and Regulation

Koori Caucus Working Group on Family Violence (members include representatives from Koori Justice Unit, Victorian Aboriginal Community Services Association, Djirra, and a number of Regional Aboriginal Justice Advisory Committees)

Corrections Victoria (Modelling, Analysis and Statistics)

CSA Family Violence Database Advisory Working Group

Department of Premier and Cabinet

Victorian Centre for Data Insights

Multicultural Affairs and Social Cohesion Division

Equality Branch

Commissioner for Gender and Sexuality

Office for Women

Disability Discrimination Legal Services
Disability Justice Advocacy
Disability Services Commissioner
Djirra (formerly the Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention and Legal Service Victoria)
Domestic Violence Victoria
Drummond Street Services
Ethnic Community Council of Victoria
Family Access Network
Family Relationship Centre
Family Safety Victoria

Diversity, Engagement and Strategy

Risk Management and Information Sharing

System Policy and Reform

Information Systems Reform

Federation of Community Legal Centres Victoria Inc
Foundation House (Victorian Foundation for Survivors of Torture Inc)
GASP Geelong
Gay and Lesbian Health Victoria
Health Complaints Commissioner
Home of Multicultural Exchange Group
inTouch Multicultural Centre against Family Violence
Jewish Care
Launch Housing
Mental Health Complaints Commissioner
Mind Australia
Mind Equality Centre
Monash Health
Monash University
Multicultural Centre for Women's Health
No to Violence Projects and Policy
Office of the Public Advocate
Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner
safe steps Family Violence Response Centre


LGBTIQA+ Family Violence Network

Seniors Rights Victoria
South Sudanese Community in Australia
Southern Melbourne Integrated Family Violence Partnership / WAYSS
Spectrum VIC
The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne
Transgender Victoria
Victoria Legal Aid
Victoria Police

Priority Communities Division

  • LGBTI Portfolio Reference Group (PRG)
  • Seniors PRG
  • Mental Health PRG
  • Disability PRG
  • Multicultural PRG
    • Youth PRG
Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency
Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation
Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service
Victorian Aids Council
Victorian Cooperative on Children's Services for Ethnic Groups
Victorian Council of Social Service
Victorian Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby
Victorian Multicultural Commission
Women with Disabilities Victoria
Women's Health In the North
WoVG Information Management Group

Department of Treasury and Finance

Environmental Protection Authority

Wyndham Community & Education Centre
Youth Disability Advocacy Service
Youth Research Centre, University of Melbourne
