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Public entity executive remuneration policy

Find information about the Public Entity Executive Remuneration (PEER) Policy, for senior executive service in Victorian public entities.


New remuneration bands for executives employed in prescribed public entities

On 20 December 2024 the Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal issued its 2024 Determination of Remuneration Bands for Executives Employed in Prescribed Public Entities. For further information and to view the Determination and remuneration bands, please visit the Tribunal's website. For information on implementing the remuneration bands, please visit the website, Executive and senior office holders annual remuneration changes.

Updated PEER Policy issued on 2 July 2024

On 2 July the Governor in Council issued the updated Public Entity Executive Remuneration Policy following consultation across the public sector.

Key changes are to provide prescribed public entities with greater flexibility in conducting work value assessments, and updating a remuneration clause to ensure the PEER Policy keeps pace with changes to executive remuneration bands.

2024-25 Premier annual adjustment guideline rate

The Premier issued the 2024-25 annual adjustment guideline rate on 26 June 2024. For further information, please visit the website, Executive and senior office holder annual remuneration changes.

Overview of the PEER Policy

The Public Entity Executive Remuneration (PEER) Policy supports consistency and transparency in executive employment and remuneration in prescribed public entities.

The PEER Policy requires that:

  • executive roles in prescribed public entities are classified under the relevant framework;
  • executive roles in prescribed public entities are appropriately remunerated in accordance with the relevant remuneration band; and
  • executive contracts contain specified contractual terms and conditions.

On 2 July 2024 the Governor in Council issued the updated PEER Policy, on the recommendation of the Premier.

You can find the Order, including the PEER Policy, in the Government Gazette dated 4 July 2024. You can also find it below.

This replaces the previous PEER Policy issued on 15 December 2020.

Scope of the PEER Policy

The PEER Policy applies to executives in prescribed public entities to ensure executive positions are appropriately assessed, classified and remunerated consistently.

Prescribed public entities are defined in the Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal and Improving Parliamentary Standards (Prescribed Public Entities) Regulations 2021 (VIRTIPS Regulations) with reference to the definition of public entities in section 4(1) of the Public Administration Act 2004 (PAA). All public entities are prescribed unless they are specifically exempted in the VIRTIPS Regulations.

The following executive roles in prescribed public entities are covered by the PEER Policy:

  • A Chief Executive Officer (or similar role); or
  • A role with a work value score of 21 or more; or
  • A role not yet classified under the Public Entity Executive Classification Framework (PEECF), but which has a minimum total remuneration package (TRP) value equivalent to the minimum value of the SES-1 remuneration band for executives in public service bodies (not the public entity remuneration band).

The PEER Policy also applies to executives in prescribed public entities that are employed under Part 3 of the PAA. Under the Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal’s (Tribunal) public entity Determination, these executives are subject to the Tribunal’s VPS remuneration bands (as opposed to the public entity remuneration bands).

List of entities

You can find a list of prescribed public entities on the Victorian Public Sector Commission (VPSC) website, List of public sector employers.

Under the column ‘VIRT Determination’ it will note whether the agency is a prescribed public entity.


The VIRTIPS Regulations specify which public entities are exempt from the PEER Policy. Exemptions from the PEER Policy are not common. Obtaining an exemption will typically require approval from the relevant Minister, the Premier and the Governor in Council.

Please contact for more information.

As specified in the VIRTIPS Regulations, exempt entities include:

  • public hospitals, multi purpose services or public health services;
  • ambulance services;
  • the Victorian Institute for Forensic Mental Health;
  • school councils;
  • the State Electricity Commission and its subsidiaries; and
  • some committees of management appointed under the Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978.

Classifying executive roles

The PEER Policy requires prescribed public entities to facilitate the classification of executive positions.

Under clause 6.2 of the PEER Policy, an entity must have a current work value assessment (conducted within the previous 12 months) in place before creating a new position, renewing an expiring contract or making a remuneration adjustment, including any executive recruitment currently underway.

Prescribed public entity executive positions must be classified consistent with the Public Entity Executive Classification Framework (PEECF). In the case of executives employed under Part 3 of the PAA, positions must be classified consistent with the Victorian Public Service Classification Framework (VPSCF).

The PEECF and VPSCF provide a consistent, fair and transparent mechanism for classifying public entity executive positions based on work value. You can find information on the PEECF and VPSCF on the VPSC website.

Please also see the VPSC website for guidance material to assist in undertaking work value assessments, and other tools and materials to support executive classifications.

The PEER Policy provides flexibility for entities in facilitating work value assessments. For example, public entities may choose to undertake assessments in-house or facilitate a third-party provider to undertake the assessment. Work value assessments may also be completed by the relevant portfolio department, by agreement.

When engaging third-party providers, public entities should ensure they follow the principles outlined in the Administrative Guidelines on Engaging Professional Services in the Victorian Public Service, and Administrative Guidelines on Engaging Labour Hire in the Victorian Public Service issued under section 36A of the PAA. The entities to which the guidelines apply are set out in each document.

These guidelines provide decision making principles and practical guidance that supports public service bodies and entities to determine when the use of professional services is appropriate. These principles need to be included in decision-making processes.

Please also see the website, Administrative Guidelines on Engaging Professional Services for guidance material and other tools to assist in decision making when engaging third-party providers.

Requirement for entities to consult with departments

Under clause 6.3 of the PEER Policy, entities must consult with their portfolio department prior to finalising work value assessments when:

  • establishing a new executive position; or
  • changing the classification of an existing position.

This requirement is intended to ensure that departments can fulfill their portfolio oversight obligations and support consistency in the application of the PEECF and VPSCF. As such, departments are responsible for establishing appropriate consultation processes, and entities should get in touch with their key departmental contacts to confirm how this consultation should occur.

The final decision regarding the work value assessment lies with the public entity head or the Board, as appropriate.

While prescribed public entities operate under individual governance arrangements and are responsible to their portfolio Ministers, departments advise Ministers in relation to these governance obligations. Departmental Secretaries have a responsibility under the PAA to advise Ministers on matters relating to a public entity and to work with and provide guidance to a public entity to assist it in relation to public administration and governance.

To discharge these duties, departments may wish to set up processes to provide advice to entities in relation to executive classification and remuneration decisions and to monitor classification and remuneration outcomes. Departments are also responsible for establishing appropriate processes for consultation regarding work value assessments.


Clause 5.1 of the PEER Policy requires that executive remuneration falls within the relevant remuneration band, which is determined by the Tribunal. Prescribed public entities must also comply with any relevant guidelines issued by the Tribunal.

The current executive remuneration bands and guidelines can be found at the website, Remuneration bands for executives in prescribed public entities.

Executives in prescribed public entities must be remunerated within the relevant band, unless the Tribunal’s advice on a proposal to pay above the band has been obtained and considered. While the work value assessment provides a useful starting point, establishing an executive’s remuneration within a band may also consider other factors.

For advice regarding proposals to pay above the remuneration band, please visit the Tribunal’s website or contact

For information on annual adjustments to public entity executives’ remuneration please visit the website, Executive and senior office holders annual remuneration changes.

Executive contracts

Clause 7 of the PEER Policy requires contracts for executives in prescribed public entities to contain certain mandatory terms and conditions.

The PEER Policy outlines mandatory terms and conditions, which are included in the standard contract template for public entity executives available on the VPSC website.

On 4 February 2020 the Governor in Council gave effect to the Premier’s decision to remove bonus opportunities from public entity executive contracts. Some executives may have bonus buy-out offers in their employment contract. Only executive contracts entered prior to 4 February 2020 may include this bonus buy-out offer.

Please see the website, Bonus Removal Offer, for further information.

Further information

The Department of Premier and Cabinet manages executive employment policy, including:

  • the Premier's guideline rate;
  • the PEER Policy;
  • matters relating to standard executive contracts, remuneration and employment policy;
  • executive vehicle policy; and
  • executive superannuation policy.

Queries on these matters can be directed to

The VPSC hosts:

  • the VPS Standard Executive Contract;
  • the Standard Contract for Public Entity Executives;
  • the VPS Executive Employment Handbook; and
  • the Victorian Public Entity Executive Employment Handbook.

For more information, please visit the VPSC executive employment website, or contact

The Tribunal is responsible for:

  • determining remuneration bands for executives employed in prescribed public entities and public service bodies; and
  • advising on proposals to pay public sector executives above the remuneration band.

For further information, please visit the Tribunal’s website, or contact
