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Victorian public sector executive remuneration

Guidance for Victorian public sector executives and their employers.

Victorian public service executives

Information and guidance on the remuneration of Victorian Public Service executives, meaning executives employed under Part 3 of the Public Administration Act 2004, is available on the Public service executive remuneration policy page.

Prescribed public entity executives

Information and guidance on the remuneration of Victorian public entity executives is available on the Public entity executive remuneration policy page.

Summary of responsibilities

A table demonstrating key bodies and their responsibilities in executive remuneration policy is shown below.

Victorian public sector executive employment – Table of roles and responsibilities
Body Roles and responsibilities
Department of Premier and Cabinet
  • Primary responsibility for whole of government executive workforce policy.
  • Responsible for the Public Entity Executive Remuneration (PEER) policy.
  • Communicates Premier’s annual remuneration adjustment guideline rate.
Other Departments
  • Provides day-to-day advice and support to public entity employers in their portfolios on executive workforce matters across remuneration, classification, employment and performance.
Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal
  • Determines the remuneration bands and annual adjustments to remuneration bands for executives employed in public service bodies and prescribed public entities.
  • Issues guidelines on the placement of executives within remuneration bands.
  • Provides advice on request from an employer to approve remuneration for an executive which is above their relevant remuneration band.
  • At the request of the Minister, inquires into and determines the remuneration package for a Chief Executive Officer employed in a prescribed public entity.
Victorian Public Sector Commission
  • Primary responsibility for executive classification and performance management policy, standard executive contracts and data collection.
  • Responsible for executive employment handbooks and guidance materials.
  • Provides tools, materials and support for executive work value assessments and performance management.


For information on the Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal’s Determinations or Guidelines, including how to request advice on a proposal to pay above the band, please visit the Tribunal’s website.

For information on classification frameworks or for general enquiries about non-remuneration related executive employment matters (including salary packaging, executive employment handbooks and the standard executive contracts please visit the Victorian Public Sector Commission's website.

Enquiries about the executive vehicle scheme can be directed to the Department of Treasury and Finance through VicFleet.
