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Private licence obligations and record keeping

The rules for holders of a private wildlife licence.

Licence conditions

It is the licence holder’s obligation to understand and abide by the conditions of their licence and the rules established by Wildlife Regulations 2024 and the Wildlife Act 1975.

Once you have received and signed your private wildlife licence and record book, you are able to acquire wildlife.

Under your licence, you may only possess species which are listed in the schedules of the licence.

Wildlife may only be acquired from other licence holders. You cannot take wildlife from the wild.

Sick, injured or orphaned wildlife

If you find sick, injured or orphaned wildlife, it must be handed to an authorised wildlife shelter for care and rehabilitation for release back to the wild.

Specified premises

Any wildlife being held under a private wildlife licence must be kept at the address on the licence. The only exception is if the licence holder is going to or returning from a veterinarian or is trading an animal with another licence holder.

The only exception to this is a dingo licence. The holder may take dingoes to other sites for non-commercial purposes of exercise, obedience training, education or display at a canine show.

If you are going away and want to transfer your wildlife to another appropriately licensed person to look after, this must be recorded as a transaction in your record book.

If you are going interstate and are planning to take your wildlife with you, an Export Permit is required.

If the person looking after your wildlife holds either a basic or advanced Licence and intends to return your wildlife to you within 6 months, you will need to obtain prior written approval from the Conservation Regulator at

If a person is looking after the wildlife at the address specified on your licence, no action is required.

Only one address can be specified on a licence.

Record keeping

Four key record keeping obligations are required as a condition of a wildlife licence. Failure to keep accurate and up-to-date records is an offence under the Wildlife Act 1975.

Annual return forms

  • You must submit a completed return form no later than 14 April each year.
  • This return must detail any wildlife in your possession and include any transactions which occurred during the 12-month period commencing 1 April and ending 31 March.

Even if you have not kept any wildlife or no longer have any wildlife in your possession on 31 March, you must still complete a return form.

How do I complete my Annual Return?

Wildlife Licence Returns have now closed for 2024. It is a requirement of your licence that you submit a return prior to 14 April of the given year. You may still use the below linked form to create a copy of your 2024 Return for your own records. Please retain a copy of your Return as you may be asked to produce this by Authorised Officers.

Submit now

If you are unable to complete the online form, you can request a blank form from our Customer Contact Centre, by phoning 136 186.

You must keep a copy of your completed return form.

Changes in personal details

You must inform the Conservation Regulator of any changes in your personal details that are recorded on your licence (including name, contact details and address).

Amend now

If the details are incorrect, complete and return the licence amendment form below. An amended licence will be posted to you. You must notify the Conservation Regulator within 10 business days of any changes.

Alternatively, you can download the form:

Wildlife Licence Amendment Form - Natural Person v24.2
Word 101.4 KB
(opens in a new window)

Record book

Maintaining accurate and complete records of wildlife transactions. When you receive your licence, you will also receive a Record Book.

All wildlife transactions must be recorded in your record book by the close of the same business day.

Entries must be permanent and legible. Record books must not be tampered with – this includes erasing, or editing entries, removing pages, or damaging your Record Book in any way.

You must ensure that your record book is kept safe and secure at all times. Licence holders must report damaged, lost and stolen record books.

The record book remains the property of the Conservation Regulator. If you choose not to renew or if you surrender your wildlife, your record book must be returned to the Conservation Regulator within 10 business days.

All wildlife transactions must be recorded in your record book.

Escaped or stolen wildlife or lost or damaged record book

Inform us if your wildlife has escaped or been stolen or if your record book is missing or has been destroyed. You must report these issues within 2 business days of becoming aware of the loss.

Notify now

Alternatively, you can download the form:

Notify Theft, Loss, Damage or Escape (Oct 2024)
Word 105.92 KB
(opens in a new window)

You must report theft of wildlife to the police and retain a copy of any police report. In the case of the theft, escape or loss of a dingo, you must report the microchip number of the dingo to us within 2 business days of becoming aware of the loss.

Renewing your wildlife licence

Licence holders will receive a renewal notice approximately 4 to 6 weeks before their licence expires on 30 September of the relevant year.
