Why you need to complete an annual return
The information included in annual returns gives us a statewide overview of wildlife possession and trade, which helps to manage wildlife.
Your return summarises the wildlife transactions you conducted under your licence between 1 April and 31 March. Under the Wildlife Regulations 2024, it is a legal requirement that all wildlife licence holders:
- keep a copy of your return for future reference, this copy must be kept for the duration of your licence, including any renewals
- submit a complete and legible return
- complete your return by 14 April
Do not complete your return form before 31 March.
The deadline for submission of returns is 14 April each year.
If you do not submit a return, you may not be eligible to renew your licence.
Penalties apply if these obligations are not met.
Information contained in the returns is confidential.
How to lodge your return
You can now complete and submit your Annual Return online. It is a requirement of your licence that you submit a return before 14 April of the given year. You may use the linked form below to lodge your Return and create a copy for your own records. Please retain a copy of your return as you may be asked to produce it by authorised officers.
If you are unable to complete the online form, you can request a blank form from our Customer Contact Centre at 136-186.
Return forms not completed online can be emailed to wildlifelicensing@delwp.vic.gov.au or posted to DEECA at 475 Mickleham Road, Attwood VIC 3049.
Licence holders who do not currently hold wildlife
You must submit an annual return, even if you held a wildlife licence between 1 April and 31 March but:
- did not conduct any transactions during this period or
- do not currently have any wildlife
If you use the online form, you can indicate a 'Nil Return' by ticking the provided box.
To complete a paper form, write your name, address and licence number in the space provided, sign and date the form and write 'NIL RETURN' across the form.
Species codes
Species codes are used to ensure accuracy in record keeping and data entry.
If you use an incorrect code in your return, your licence or a related permit may be delayed while the matter is investigated. Find the correct codes in the species code lists below:
Species code and common name
Species code and scientific name
Completing your return form
You must keep a legible copy of each return form.
Please ensure:
- You complete all of the sections of the return form clearly, using the species code numbers provided in the species code list.
- You sign and date the form.
- Your current licence number is correct. An incorrect licence number may mean that your return is not registered.
- All transactions for a single species are summarised on one line and that each species is listed only once in each return.
- Your numbers add up. For example, 11 alive + 2 bred + 3 purchased – 1 death (destroyed) – 3 exports – 1 escape = 11 alive.
Don't record:
- Male and female specimens of the same species separately.
- Adult and juvenile specimens of the same species separately.
- Breeding that occurred before the current return period.
- Acquisitions or purchases that occurred before the current return period.
- Exotic species or wildlife species that do not require a licence.
More information
Further information about wildlife licence record keeping is available on the following pages:
- Commercial licence obligations and record keeping.
- Private licence obligations and record keeping.
If you have any questions about returns, contact our Customer Contact Centre:
- phone: 136 186