The Victorian Government authorises Forest and Wildlife Officers to protect and enforce laws pertaining to our natural resources, public land environments and wildlife.
They work to educate the public about these rules. This helps everyone understand and can enjoy their outdoor and recreational experiences responsibly.
Forest and Wildlife Officers:
- regularly patrol in state forests, parks and reserves
- work closely with other public land managers
- can enforce laws in national parks and along beaches.

Becoming an authorised Forest and Wildlife Officer
Forest and Wildlife Officers are authorised officers appointed by the Secretary of the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) under section 83(1) of the Conservation, Forest and Lands Act 1987.
Forest and Wildlife Officers:
- undertake education, compliance and enforcement activities
- issue infringements
- launch court proceedings as they exercise their powers under relevant laws.
A Forest and Wildlife Officer must:
- act with integrity and be honest, open, and transparent in their dealings
- understand the relevant legislation under which they are operating
- properly exercise their powers
- have excellent communication skills
- be able to explain complex ideas clearly and concisely to people from diverse backgrounds and cultures
- act with compassion and empathy when engaging with the public
- have high-level negotiation and problem-solving skills.
Before becoming authorised, a Forest and Wildlife Officer must:
- complete the relevant legal, investigative and first aid training
- have relevant experience working on compliance and enforcement activities in the field.
To apply to become a Forest and Wildlife Officer, the first step is to identify an open opportunity advertised on the Careers.vic website.