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Privacy statement for veterans grant programs

This statement is to help you decide whether to consent the use of images you have provided in relation to your grant funded by the Victorian Government’s Office for Veterans.

Organisations often provide images when submitting a final report of their commemorative service, restored or new memorial and or Capital Works project. The department may from time to time use these images to promote grant programs as described in the following section called Collection, use, disclosure and storage of the images, which may include:

  • website
  • social media
  • marketing
  • video
  • publications/brochures/other written material
  • presentations
  • advertising
  • exhibitions and trade show displays.

Please read each part of this statement carefully. If you don't understand any part of this form or wish to seek clarification about the collection, use, disclosure or storage of the images, please send an email to

Privacy protection

The department values the privacy of every individual and we're committed to protecting all personal information it collects. In Victoria, the primary law that outlines privacy requirements is the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic). This law sets out what the department must do when it collects, uses, handles and destroys personal information. Personal information will also be handled in accordance with the department’s information privacy policy. Personal information includes images which can identify an individual.

Collection, use, disclosure and storage of images

With consent, the department will access the images you provide as part of your final report for the duration of the Common Funding Agreement, for the purposes of promoting the grant program and the work of the Victorian Government. Images are saved against your account details in our central grants management database. These images may be collated into an image library and selected for use in any Victorian Government marketing and communication initiatives.

These marketing and communication initiatives include, without limitation, social media, websites, email marketing, exhibitions and trade show displays, printed material, reports, outdoor advertising campaigns and website and e-marketing promotions.

Such initiatives may involve the disclosure of the images to third party service providers, media outlets and other Victorian or Local Government entities and community partners to produce, publish and distribute materials containing the images.

Accuracy and access to images

The department will endeavour to ensure that any personal information held is up to date and accurate. You can access or correct your personal information held by the department by writing via email to

Ownership and reproduction of the images

The images will be owned by the State of Victoria, and may be used, reproduced, amended and edited for the purposes set out in this form without notice, acknowledgment, remuneration or compensation to you.

Your consent for the images to be used and reproduced as outlined in this statement may be withdrawn at any time by contacting the Office for Veterans via email However, withdrawal of your consent will not apply in relation to any prior use of the images or in relation to group photos containing your Image.

When you provide consent to the department to use the Images, your representative will:

  • have read this Authorisation and Privacy Consent Statement
  • acknowledge and agree to the purposes of the collection, use, disclosure and storage of the Images as stated in this statement
  • authorise the use and reproduction of the images as stated in this statement
  • secure permission from any individuals appearing in the image or consent from a parent or guardian
  • understand that the images will be collected and may be used and reproduced without further notice, acknowledgment, remuneration or compensation
  • acknowledge that the consent to the use, disclosure and storage of the images may be withdrawn at any time
  • understand that you may withdraw authorisation for the use and reproduction of the images at any time, but that the withdrawal of authorisation will not apply in relation to any prior use of the images or in relation to group photos containing the images.
