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Anzac Day Proceeds Fund

The Anzac Day Proceeds Fund supports the veteran community by funding a range of wellbeing-related activities. This funding helps organisations whose principle objective is providing welfare to the ex-service community.

Anzac Day Proceeds Fund

Who can apply:
Not-for-profit groups, government

About Veteran Grants

The Victorian Government offers grants to support and commemorate veterans and to preserve war heritage.

Our grants programs support veteran communities to:

  • honour, commemorate and educate Victorians about veterans’ service and sacrifice
  • provide welfare and wellbeing-related activities to the ex-service community
  • improve veteran community infrastructure
  • restore community war memorials, honour rolls and avenues of honour.

For more information visit Grants to support and commemorate veterans.

About the Anzac Day Proceeds Fund

The Anzac Day Proceeds Fund assists ex-service organisations and veterans’ community groups to provide practical support to the veteran community. It does this by funding welfare and wellbeing-related activities.

The Victorian Government works with the Victorian Veterans Council to award Anzac Day Proceeds Fund grants in one round per year.

