- Status:
- Closed
- Who can apply:
- Government, not-for-profit groups
- Funding:
- $1,000 - $30,000
About Veteran Grants
The Victorian Government offers grants to support and commemorate veterans and to preserve war heritage.
Our grants programs support veteran communities to:
- honour and commemorate veterans
- educate Victorians about their service and sacrifice
- provide welfare activities for the ex-service community
- improve veteran community infrastructure
- restore community war memorials, honour rolls and avenues of honour.
For more information visit the Grants to support and commemorate veterans website.
About the Victoria Remembers grant program
Victoria Remembers provides grants of up to $30,000 (excluding GST) for projects honouring or commemorating veterans’ service. This includes projects that educate Victorians about veterans’ contributions.
The Victorian Government works with the Victorian Veterans Council to award Victoria Remembers grants in one round each year.
In previous years, there was two funding rounds. From July 2023, the Victoria Remembers grant program will only have one round each year.
The program guidelines include further information about the objectives of the Victoria Remembers Grant Program, eligibility and assessment criteria and activities that can and cannot be funded.
Download the program guidelines before you apply:
Victoria Remembers grant program guidelines 2024(opens in a new window)Word 3.03 MBWe will prioritise projects that:
- honour, commemorate and/or educate about veterans’ service in effective ways
- target veterans who are women, First Nations, LGBTIQA+ and/or from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds (CALD) and veterans with disability
- veterans who have experienced negative impact of service to their mental health
- focus on post-1990 Australian Defence Force operations
- create and expand collaborative partnerships.
Projects should be able to:
- be completed within 12 months of the signed agreement date.
- include in-kind contributions, particularly from organisations with multiple or commercial revenue streams. Higher contributions may be looked at more favourably.
Be aware that:
- you cannot apply for funding if your project has already commenced or will commence before the anticipated announcement date of November 2024.
- success of previous funding is not indicative of future funding through this program.
- incomplete or incorrect applications will not be considered.
To be eligible to apply for funding through Victoria Remembers:
- your application must be submitted by an eligible organisation (refer to the ‘Who is eligible to apply for a grant?’ section)
- your organisation must have no outstanding reports from previous or current grants funded via the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (the department)
- you must be seeking funding for an eligible activity (refer to ‘What can the grant money be used for?’ section)
Who is eligible to apply for a grant?
To be eligible for this program, your organisation must have a valid Australian Business Number (ABN).
If you do not have an ABN, you must provide written advice from the Australian Taxation Office that no withholding tax is required from the grant payment.
Your organisation must also be:
- a company incorporated under the Corporations Act 2001 and registered as not-for-profit through the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission, or
- an organisation incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012, Corporations Act 2001(Cth) or equivalent state legislation.
If your organisation is unincorporated, you can arrange for an incorporated organisation to act as an auspice on your behalf (refer to the ‘Auspice applications’ section).
Alternatively, unincorporated organisations are eligible if they are:
- a government entity, for example a local council
- a registered educational institution
- a social enterprise with a clearly stated purpose or mission that specifically relates to supporting the welfare and wellbeing of veterans. Social enterprises must attach their constitution with their application.
Social enterprises are defined as:
- having an economic, social, cultural or environmental mission consistent with a public or community benefit
- deriving a substantial portion of their income from trade
- reinvesting the majority of their profit/surplus in the fulfilment of their mission (at least 50 per cent).
In addition to all of the above, to be eligible, your organisation must:
- show that your main activity is providing welfare or wellbeing services or supports to the ex-service community in Victoria
- be financially solvent
- be based in Australia (funded projects must be delivered in Victoria).
Who is not eligible to apply for a grant?
Organisations that cannot apply include:
- state and federal government departments
- individuals and sole traders
- public companies limited by shares (unless the foundational document can prove not-for-profit status)
- commercial enterprises
- organisations that have failed to comply with the terms and conditions of previously awarded grants from any Department of Families, Fairness and Housing grant program
- groups whose projects are the responsibility of another Victorian Government department
- hospitals and health service organisation
Funding for this grant comes from the Community Support Fund. This means organisations that receive revenue from electronic gaming are not eligible to apply.
Examples of projects we might fund include the following:
- New war memorials
- for districts without an adequate existing memorial
- that commemorate the service or sacrifice of veterans in a specific battle or campaign relevant to a local area, and which does not already exist in Victoria
- in honour of individuals awarded the Victoria Cross.
- Commemorative events
- that commemorate major or significant anniversaries (for example, every 5th or 10th year anniversary). Lower priority may be given to other anniversaries
- that honour or commemorate service and sacrifice of Victorian veterans
- that are of local or regional significance
- encourage school students/children to attend.
- Public education projects
- applications for digital publications that include evidence of diverse and broad distribution channels.
- that educate Victorians about the service and sacrifice of veterans
- that use digital forms of storytelling (for example websites, podcasts, short films). These may be given a higher priority.
- Preservation of wartime heritage
- that preserves war heritage for future generations
- for expert assessment or materials to conserve objects of demonstrated historical significance
- that increase public access to heritage by creating displays.
Please note:
- Memorabilia displays should be publicly accessible.
- New war memorials
Ineligible projects include:
- repair and restoration of existing war memorials – the Restoring Community Memorials and Avenues of Honour Program is for these projects
- capital works, maintenance or repairs to buildings and office equipment – the Capital Works Grants Program is for these projects
- projects located outside Victoria or on Defence land
- purchase or restoration of weapons or decommissioned military assets and armoured vehicles
- ongoing staffing, administrative, office or equipment costs (for example, IT equipment, musical instruments, sporting equipment, white goods and coffee machines)
- landscape beautification and cosmetic improvements
- university research projects
- administrative, advertising or office equipment purchasing costs (for example, computers, printers, white goods)
- purchase of vehicles (for example, cars, buses)
- veterans’ reunions and conferences
- personal memoirs, unit/ship histories
- functions and event catering
- interstate and overseas travel
- printing costs
- publishing of books.
In addition, Victoria Remembers does not support activities that:
- are funded primarily under another state, federal or local government program
- are within the responsibility of another state, federal or local government program
- have already started or have been completed (including any activities undertaken prior to the notification of the application outcome)
- are private sector projects undertaken because of a Victorian Government contract.
Please note:
- If you are unsure about whether a cost can be supported under Victoria Remembers, please contact the Veterans Grants team (refer to the ‘For more information and assistance’ section) before submitting your application.
- You may be offered a smaller funding amount than you applied for. We may ask for a revised project plan and budget.
You need to submit the following mandatory documents with your application:
- evidence that your organisation is one of the following:
- ex-service organisation
- local government authority
- not-for-profit organisation
- educational institute
- annual statement
- evidence of your organisation’s financial information over a 12-month period. We need this to make sure your organisation is viable and financially responsible.
- evidence that any project income from other sources is approved and available prior to submitting your application
- auspice applications must provide the signed Accepting an Auspice Arrangement form from the auspice organisation
Accepting an Auspice Arrangement(opens in a new window)Word 477.77 KB- letters of support from other organisations, agencies or partners involved in your project.
Please note that:
- You can attach documents to your online application. Check carefully to make sure all attachments have been uploaded before you submit your application.
- If you have trouble uploading documents online, you can send them by email to veteransgrants@dffh.vic.gov.au. Make sure you include your application number with the email. You must submit all documents before the due date.
- You do not need to provide letters of support from government officials or representatives (for example, your local Member of Parliament or councillor). We will not consider these in the assessment process.
- evidence that your organisation is one of the following:
We will look at how your project will benefit the ex-service and wider Victorian community.
This includes:
- how it provides an opportunity to honour and commemorate the service and sacrifice of veterans
- how it educates Victorians about the contribution made by veterans in their service to the nation and state
- how the project will be delivered, the budget and who will be involved
- who will benefit from your project.
Your application will be assessed competitively against other applications. Please note the following:
- Applications will be assessed during the two months after the closing date.
- We may contact you if we need more information.
- We will notify successful and unsuccessful grant applicants in writing.
- Successful grant applicants will be required to enter into a common funding agreement (CFA) with the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing.
- Project deliverables, milestone dates and payments will be included in the CFA.
You should not have any expectation of receiving ongoing annual funding.
All decisions are final. This includes decisions about any aspect of the funding application, eligibility and assessment process, including any decision to offer or award a grant under Victoria Remembers or to withdraw the offer or cancel the grant funding agreement.
Merit Assessment
Eligible applications will be assessed on merit. We will use the assessment criteria below.
How the project commemorates veterans and/or how it educates Victorians about veterans’ contributions
We will ask ‘what, why, how and who’ to determine the benefits the project provides to veterans and the wider Victorian community.
- What is the project?
- Describe the project and how it will educate Victorians, and/or commemorate veterans’ service.
- Why is there a need for the activity?
- tell us who will benefit from your project.
- if your project is education based, please provide details of who and how many people will be reached as an audience of the project.
- if your project is to honour and commemorate veterans’ service, please explain how your project will achieve this.
- explain why your project is necessary.
- How have you planned the project and what steps will you take?
- when do you expect the project to commence?
- how will the project be delivered?
- what is the budget for your project?
- Who will manage the project?
- will staff or volunteers manage the project?
- where relevant, list any other organisations or agencies that will work with you on the project and attach support letters.
- do you have the capacity to complete the project in 12 months?
- do you need to consult with others for this project?
- Register or log in to the Grants Gateway to complete an application.
- Applications must be completed by a person authorised to submit on behalf of the applicant organisation.
- You can save your application as a draft and resume it later.
- Submit all mandatory and supporting documents with the application.
- Submit the application by the due date and time.
- You will receive acknowledgement of submission via email.
- Note the application number for reference when contacting us about your application.
We will give you written notification of the outcome of your application.
If you are successful, we will tell you about any specific conditions attached to the grant. We will publish details about your project, including its name, description and grant amount, on the Victoria Remembers website.
If you are unsuccessful, you may ask us for feedback about your application.
Successful grant recipients
Funding agreement
If you are successful, your organisation must sign a Victorian common funding agreement (VCFA) with the department. You must enter into this agreement within 30 days of your funding offer. If you do not accept the agreement during this period, the grant may be withdrawn.
The funding agreement will outline:
- the grant terms and conditions, including use of funds
- key deliverables and due dates
- reporting requirements.
If you need to request a variation to the VCFA or ask for a reporting extension, email the veteransgrants@dffh.vic.gov.au.
Payment of grant funds and reporting requirement
If you are successful, we will pay your organisation when you complete the project milestones and deliverables you agreed to in the VCFA.
We make milestone payments via electronic funds transfer once you meet the deliverables set out in the VCFA.
You must use all funds during the activity period, as outlined in the VCFA. You must return any unspent funds to the Office for Veterans.
Goods and Services Tax (GST)
- We will pay GST if the grant is funding a good or service, and if the recipient organisation is registered for GST.
- We will not pay GST if the recipient organisation is not registered for GST.
- We will not pay GST if the recipient organisation is a government entity (for example, school, local council).
- We will not pay GST if the grant is not funding a good and/or service.
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) considers grants and sponsorships as taxable income. The ATO can help with information on tax, including GST. Call 13 28 66 or visit the ATO for further information.
Funding agreements
If you are successful, you will be required to enter into a Common Funding Agreement with the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing that sets out the terms and conditions along with reporting requirements of the grant.
It may not be possible to fund all projects for which applications are submitted. You may however be offered a smaller funding amount than applied for in your application. In this instance, a revised project plan and budget may be requested.
The project must be completed within the time-frame specified in the funding agreement. Any variation or extension to an approved activity must be requested in writing and submitted to the Office for Veterans for approval prior to implementation.
Funds must be spent on the project as described in the application and Common Funding Agreement and any unspent funds must be returned to the Office for Veterans.
A Final Report is required to acquit the grant.
If you are successful in receiving funding, your organisation will need to submit a final report and financial acquittal. You may also need to provide progress reports for complex or high-value projects.
Funding acknowledgement
Successful applicants must acknowledge that funding for the project came from the Victorian Government and the Victorian Veterans Council (VVC).
The VCFA sets out guidelines around promotion. These include a requirement that all activities must acknowledge support from Victorian Government and VVC. You must include the appropriate logos on any activity-related publications and websites, media releases and promotional materials, project hardware and formal event invitations.
You must formally invite the Victorian Government and the VVC to attend any official events related to the project (for example a project launch or exhibition). We will send you the acknowledgement requirements if your project is funded.
Legal responsibilities
If you apply for a grant, you must ensure the project activity follows relevant legislation, regulations, by-laws and codes. It must also meet the requirements of any Commonwealth, state, territory or local authority. It is your responsibility to know the laws and protocols that regulate your work.
Contact Us
- Phone the Grants information hotline on 1300 366 356.
- Email the Veterans Grants team at veteransgrants@dffh.vic.gov.au with your query. You can also request a call back (during business hours).
If you need an interpreter: Please email the Veterans Grants team at veteransgrants@dffh.vic.gov.au to request a call back, advising us of your preferred language.
If you are deaf, hearing impaired or speech impaired: Please email the Veterans Grants team at veteransgrants@dffh.vic.gov.au to request a call back and tell us the National Relay Service you would like us to use to contact you.
Access online grant resources
Visit the Applying and reporting veterans grants website for resources on:
- how to write a grant application
- how to access the department’s Grants Gateway
- common grants words and terms
- in-kind contributions
- auspice arrangements and how to know if you need one.
Subscribe to our newsletter
For updates on upcoming grant rounds, subscribe to the Veterans Grants email newsletter.
Account name Opportunity name Recommended amount Ararat Legacy Inc 2024 Project Remembrance - Legacy in Schools Program $4,072 ATOMVic Victorian Schools Remember $30,000 Australian Aircraft Restoration Group Womens Auxiliary Australian Air Force & Their Contributions to the War Effort $3,855 Australians with Serbs Association Inc. By Far Kaymakchalan documentary $29,000 Battle of Crete & Greece Commemorative Council of Victoria
Auspice: Cretan Federation of Victoria2024 Battle of Crete & Greece Commemorations $15,000 Borough of Queenscliffe Anzac Day commemorative services $23,528 Committee 4 Warrenheip Inc Warrenheip War Memorial $3,836 GLAAS Inc A Memory In Light: Podcast On Vietnam Veterans' Commemorative Walk, Seymour $22,000 Hawthorn RSL Sub-Branch ANZAC Day 2024 $10,000 Hawthorn RSL Sub-Branch Hawthorn RSL - Acknowledging those who served $19,000 Hawthorn RSL Sub-Branch Remembrance Day 2024 $8,500 History Teachers' Association of Victoria History classroom resources - Significant places of WWI $25,000 HOUSE OF JT PTY. LTD.
Auspice: Lara RSL Sub-BranchOf Service $30,000 Inverloch RSL Sub-Branch Inverloch RSL & Legacy Commemorative Garden $6,580 Katipunan Australia, Inc Commemoration of Battle of Leyte (Philippines) Gulf in World War 2 (1944) $20,000 Mt Macedon ANZAC Day Dawn Service Incorporated 2024 Mt Macedon ANZAC Day Dawn Service $18,909 Oakleigh Carnegie RSL Sub-Branch Oakleigh Carnegie RSL ANZAC Dawn Service 2024 and Remembrance Sunday 2024 $1,830 Residents of Castlefield
Auspice: Sandringham and District Historical Society IncCastlefield Centenary Project $30,000 Rotary Club of Manningham City Inc Schools Anzac Service for April 2024 $5,534 Shrine of Remembrance National War Memorial Design Competition Exhibition (working title) $30,000 St John's Primary School, Euroa St John's School Remembrance Project $3,570 This Story Australia Ltd. Williamstown Veterans $28,750 Toongabbie Township Group
Auspice: Toongabbie Recreation Reserves Committee Inc.Toongabbie Cenotaph $30,000 Torquay RSL Sub-Branch ANZAC Day 2024 $15,000 Totally & Permanently Incapacitated (TPI) Ex Servicemen & Women - Geelong Welfare and Social Club Design work for TPI Veterans Memorial Gardens Complex $10,000 Totally & Permanently Incapacitated Ex-Servicemen & Women's Association of Victoria Inc Remembering Pozieres $30,000 Yarra Glen RSL
Auspice: Vietnam Veterans Outer Eastern Melbourne, IncErection of Yarra Glen Vietnam Veterans Memorial $2,740 Account name Opportunity name Recommended amount Ararat Legacy Inc 2025 Project Remembrance - Legacy in Schools Program $4,551 ARVN Rangers Association
of VictoriaThank You Vietnam Veterans $28,000 Australian Vietnamese Women's Association Thrive $20,000 Borough of Queenscliffe Anzac Day commemorative services $24,622.28 Darwin Defenders 1942-45 Melbourne Branch
Sir Edward Weary Dunlop Medical Research FoundationCommemoration Service for the 83rd Anniversary of the Bombing of Darwin $5,455 Flemington / Kensington RSL Sub-Branch 110th Anniversary, ANZAC Day $10,000 Hawthorn RSL Sub-Branch Remembrance Day 2025 $10,000 Hawthorn RSL Sub-Branch ANZAC Day 2025 $14,072 Kerang Neighbourhood house Faces of Valor: Honouring Veterans' Legacy $30,000 Kilmore Wallan RSL Sub-Branch Kilmore & Wallan District School Education Program $4,137.94 Lang Lang RSL Sub-Branch
Returned & Services League of Australia Victorian BranchNew Lectern $1,000 Limelight Touring Company
Auspicious Arts Projects Inc.Shoehorn Sonata $13,700 Melbourne Legacy 92nd Melbourne Legacy ANZAC Commemoration Ceremony for Students $30,000 Monash Men's Shed Incorporated We Remember $2,890 Mt Macedon ANZAC Day Dawn Service Incorporated 2025 Mount Macedon ANZAC Day Dawn Service $29,309 Returned & Services League of Australia Victorian Branch Program to attract more families & underrepresented veterans to ANZAC Day $30,000 Rotary Club of Boronia Anzac Service for Grade 5/6 Students of the Knox Council area $3,120 Rotary Club of Glen Waverley Anzac Service for Schools 2024 $6,072 Rotary Club of Manningham City Inc Schools Anzac Service for April 2025 $6,020 Seymour RSL Sub-Branch ANZAC Day 2025 $10,000 Shrine of Remembrance Eucalypts of Hodogaya: Design of Yokohama War Cemetery (working title) $30,000 Tawasul Foundation Bridging Cultures, Honouring Veterans: A Digital Initiative $28,500 This Story Australia Ltd. "Bombers in Service: Stories of Essendon Veterans" $29,500 Vasey RSL Care Honouring their Service: Memorial to veterans, to Mrs Vasey and war widows $30,000 Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia (VVAA) Victoria Remembers its Central Victorian Vietnam Veterans $29,750 Wodonga RSL Sub Branch Remembering the Sacrifice $6,000 Woodend RSL Sub-Branch Incorporated Woodend RSL Commemorative Mural $24,900