Maria Peters was CEO of Chisholm at the time of receiving this award and has extensive experience in vocational education and training at a state, national and international level, having held a wide range of management, leadership and governance roles.
Maria has led significant educational innovation within the VET sector aimed at improving participation and ensuring strong student and industry outcomes. She has been at the forefront of effective organisational change and management in the TAFE sector. Her commitment to industry has seen the development of specialist centres in partnership with industry to meet employment and community need in areas of engineering, manufacturing, health and the trades.
She has held a range of management positions before becoming the Chisholm Director of the School of Social Sciences in 2001. She was appointed to the newly created position of Deputy CEO and Executive Director Programs in 2008.
About the award
The Outstanding Achievement in the TAFE and Skills Sector Award (previously known as the Lynne Kosky Memorial Award for Lifetime Achievement) is presented in recognition of an individual’s outstanding leadership and contribution to the Victorian TAFE and training sector for more than 15 years.
Recipients of this prestigious award have reached a pinnacle of their profession or industry and have demonstrated long standing commitment and outstanding leadership in the Victorian TAFE and training sector.