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Major Racing Events Program

The Major Racing Events Fund is a Victorian Government initiative that provides funding to the Victorian racing industry to support the development and growth of large-scale racing events.

The program supports events that are large-scale and significant to the industry, state, national or international in focus, and are recognised by a relevant racing body.

Program objectives and outcomes

The program will support race clubs and racing codes to develop or secure significant new or expanded racing events for Victoria.

The Major Racing Events Fund objectives are to:

  • increase economic benefits by driving international, interstate, and intrastate visitation
  • improve returns to the state and racing industry through increased broadcast reach into interstate and overseas markets
  • showcase premium Victorian racing and build on Victoria’s reputation as an events destination
  • develop a sustainable calendar of major racing events
  • increase the depth of quality existing events and incentivise new innovative events.

The intended outcomes of this program are:

  • increased attendance at large-scale racing events in Victoria
  • deliver economic and reputational benefits for Victoria
  • provide support for the ongoing viability of major racing events.


Grants will be provided on a cash co-contribution basis of up to 50 per cent of the total eligible budget expenditure.

TierDescriptionValue of grant funding
Tier 1Events that deliver broad economic and community benefits$50,000 to $500,000
Tier 2Major events that are new to Victoria and/or represent a significant driver of economic benefit for Victoria $500,000 to $1,000,000

Program dates

Applications are considered all year round. It is recommended that applications are submitted at least 3 months prior to the expected commencement date of the event.

Eligible applicants

The following organisations are eligible to apply for a Major Racing Events Fund grant:

  • Racing Victoria Limited
  • Country Racing Victoria
  • Harness Racing Victoria
  • Greyhound Racing Victoria
  • Racing clubs licensed under section 24A of the Racing Act 1958. This includes HRV Management Limited (trading as Tabcorp Park) and racing clubs registered as part of the Wimmera Racing Club.

Eligible expenditure

A full listing of eligible and ineligible project expenditure is provided within the program guidelines.

Major Racing Events Program Guidelines
PDF 383.1 KB
(opens in a new window)
Major Racing Events Program Guidelines
Word 1006.2 KB
(opens in a new window)
Major Racing Events Budget Template
Excel 26.45 KB
(opens in a new window)

Apply now(opens in a new window)

Program area and assistance

For more information about the Victorian Racing Industry Fund and the Major Racing Events Fund please contact the Office of Racing at
