Consents for mixed sports gatherings authorise bookmakers to operate at an event under specified conditions as if the event were a race meeting.
Scope of betting
Consent authorises bookmakers to conduct betting on:
- concurrent metropolitan and country race meetings
- horse, harness or greyhound races being conducted at the mixed sports gathering
- athletics races being conducted at the mixed sports gathering in conjunction with the Victorian Athletic League
- bicycle races being conducted at the mixed sports gathering in conjunction with CycleSport Victoria Incorporated
- bookmakers may not bet on other events being conducted at the mixed sports gatherings unless specifically approved by the Minister.
Issue of consents
Consents are issued by the Minister for Racing under the Racing Act 1958. The consent system is administered by the Office of Racing which is an agency of the Department of Justice and Community Safety.
Permit Officer
Office of Racing
Phone: 03 8650 8722
Eligible organisations
Permits are issued to non-proprietary sporting or community organisations which are raising funds for either charitable purposes or for the purposes of the organisation.
Applications for consents by organisations proposing to conduct a mixed sports gathering for the first time
Applications being made by an organisation seeking a consent for the first time must include:
- a copy of the proposed program of events
- a copy of the organisation's constitution
- a copy of the organisation's Certificate of Incorporation (if applicable).
Applications for permits by organisations which have previously conducted a mixed sports gathering
Applications being made by an organisation which has previously conducted a mixed sports gathering must include:
- a completed application form
- a copy of the proposed program of events.
Documents to be submitted after the holding of a mixed sports gathering
Within 14 days of the holding of a mixed sports gathering, the holder of a consent is required to submit the following financial records to the Office of Racing:
- A bookmaking return detailing the bookmakers and bookmakers' key employees attending the mixed sports gathering, betting turnover and levy payments made.
- All original betting sheets and print outs submitted by the bookmakers as required under rule 8.2 of the model rules.
- All bookmakers' statements submitted by the bookmakers as required under rule 8.3 of the model rules.
Within 30 days, the holder of a permit is required to submit to the Office of Racing:
- An itemised statement of receipts and expenditure for the mixed sports gathering signed by an authorised officer of the holder of the consent.
- A copy of the receipts for the payment of the net proceeds of the mixed sports gathering (except where the holder of this consent was the sole recipient of the net proceeds).
Supervision of bookmakers
Bookmakers and bookmakers' key employees fielding at mixed sports gatherings must hold current Certificates of Registration issued by the Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission.
Organisations conducting mixed sports gatherings must appoint a person to act as a bookmaker's supervisor. This individual is responsible for ensuring all bookmakers and bookmakers' key employees hold current Certificates of Registration. It is a requirement that these people carry their registration certificates with them.
The bookmaker's supervisor must ensure that there are no unregistered bookmakers or bookmaker's key employees fielding at the mixed sports gathering.
The supervisor must also ensure that bookmakers only bet on authorised events. (See Scope of betting above).
Information or queries regarding the registration of bookmakers and bookmakers' key employees should be directed to the Victorian Commission on 1300 599 759 or email