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Centralised Racing Marketing Program

The Centralised Racing Marketing program supports the three racing codes to conduct centralised marketing campaigns with an aim of raising the awareness of racing events and attracting patrons to race meetings across Victoria.

A sustainable racing industry needs high‑quality, accessible, and well-designed promotion of racing events. Developing coordinated and targeted marketing campaigns to attract patrons to racing events is a priority.

Program objectives and outcomes

The program will support centralised marketing campaigns for Victorian racing events.

The Centralised Racing Marketing program aims to:

  • attract traditional and non-traditional patrons to Victorian racing events
  • develop quality marketing campaigns to reach target audiences with consistent branding, effective marketing tools, innovation, and underpinned by research
  • support projects that underpin the sustainable growth and viability of the Victorian Racing Industry
  • ensure that Victoria continues to be a vibrant state for racing events of every scale.

The intended outcomes of this program are:

  • improved centralised racing marketing campaigns
  • improved attendance at racing events
  • support for the ongoing viability of racing in Victoria.


Grants will be provided on a cash co-contribution basis of up to 50 per cent of the total eligible budget expenditure.

Program dates

Applications are considered all year round. It is recommended that applications are submitted at least 3 months prior to the expected commencement date of the project.

Eligible applicants

The following organisations are eligible to apply:

  • Racing Victoria Limited/Country Racing Victoria
  • Harness Racing Victoria
  • Greyhound Racing Victoria

Eligible expenditure

A full listing of eligible and ineligible project expenditure is provided within the program guidelines.

Applicants must read the program guidelines before submitting an application.

Centralised Racing Marketing Program Guidelines
PDF 419.82 KB
(opens in a new window)
Centralised Racing Marketing Program Guidelines
Word 1010.57 KB
(opens in a new window)
Centralised Racing Marketing Budget Template
Excel 26.91 KB
(opens in a new window)

Apply now(opens in a new window)

Program area and assistance

For more information about the Victorian Racing Industry Fund and the Major Racing Events Fund please contact the Office of Racing at
