Calcutta Sweepstakes
Calcutta Sweepstakes are lotteries in which the winner is determined by the outcome of a sporting contingency, such as the Melbourne Cup. There is no prescribed format for conducting a Calcutta Sweepstakes however it would usually involve a lottery draw and an auction open to all ticket holders.
Clubs wishing to hold Calcutta Sweepstakes must obtain approval from the Minister for Racing.
Information Guidelines
Calcutta Sweepstakes are lotteries where the winner is determined by the outcome of a sporting contingency such as the Melbourne Cup. Usually, Calcutta Sweepstakes involve the auctioning of drawn tickets.
The Gambling Regulation Act 2003 requires clubs wishing to hold Calcutta Sweepstakes to obtain approval to do so.
As Calcutta Sweepstakes Permits are issued on a perpetual basis, please check with the Office of Racing to verify if a Permit has already been issued to your club via email at
If your club does not already have a Calcutta Sweepstakes Permit, please proceed with your application. You must also include a copy of your club's current rules of constitution with your application.
How to apply
If your club is not a Calcutta Sweepstakes Permit holder, please proceed with your application by printing out the form below, completing all sections and sending the form to the address provided.
What you need:
- A copy of your club's current rules of constitution
- An application fee of $54.90 - cheques are to be made out to the Department of Justice and Community Safety.
Applications for approval need to be lodged with the Office of Racing no later than 28 days prior to the scheduled event.
Contact information
For information regarding Calcutta Sweepstakes, please contact the Office of Racing:
Telephone enquiries: 03 8650 8722
Please send the application form, fee and copy of the club's constitution to: