Lionel Bamblett is the General Manager of the Victorian Aboriginal Education Association Incorporated (VAEAI) and has been involved in Koorie education for over 25 years. Lionel has provided advice to successive governments in Victoria on measures to improve education and training opportunities for Koorie people in Victoria and has played a prominent role in promoting Indigenous education and training issues at a local, regional, State and National level.
Lionel was instrumental in the development of the Wurreker Strategy (2000), which is the central strategy for Indigenous vocational education and training policy development and service delivery in Victoria. Lionel has continued to inform the development of the key policies and strategies in Koorie education and training in Victoria including the Partnership in Education: Koorie Education Policy (1990), the Koorie 2000 strategy, the Yalca policy (2001), the Wurreker (2000) strategy, Wannik strategy (2008) and the Marrung Aboriginal Education Plan (2016–2026).
About the award
The Outstanding Achievement in the TAFE and Skills Sector Award (previously known as the Lynne Kosky Memorial Award for Lifetime Achievement) is presented in recognition of an individual’s outstanding leadership and contribution to the Victorian TAFE and training sector for more than 15 years.
Recipients of this prestigious award have reached a pinnacle of their profession or industry and have demonstrated long standing commitment and outstanding leadership in the Victorian TAFE and training sector.