Sean Creasey (left) and Jaike Ross (right) both completed their business administration traineeships at Chisholm Skills and Job Centre (CSJC), learning the ropes of the administrative and support services industry.

While their training paths ran parallel, each has since taken up a role that complements their respective skill sets.
As Jaike reflects on their shared traineeship, he remembers his initial motivations.
“I got to a point in my career of asking, ‘okay, what’s next?’” Jaike says. “I’ve always wanted to know more about the inside of a business, so I started studying and haven‘t looked back since.”
Both Sean and Jaike appreciated how their shared studies boosted their training experience and allowed them to gain insights into all sides of the business.
“The traineeship has probably been one of the most satisfying experiences I’ve ever had,” Jaike enthuses.
“It was really great having someone to bounce ideas off during that study period,” adds Sean. “We were both learning in a new environment and could reflect as we grew into our roles.”
Today, they both work at CSJC, Jaike in the administration department and Sean in the recruitment department. Each plays a part in helping people plan their career pathways.
“If someone comes in looking for a job, I’m either sending them through to Sean or booking them in with a career counsellor and doing all the background data entry that goes along with it,” Jaike explains.

As an employment support officer, Sean taps into his people skills, taking on more client-facing responsibilities. Meanwhile, Jaike uses his attention to detail and time management skills in his administration role.
“I love being able to help people to get a job or into a course. Seeing someone come through our doors and being able to take them from one place in their life to the next is a great feeling.”
Both find the most fulfilling aspect of the job is the end result – placing people onto pathways that can get them into jobs that use their skills.

For Jaike, the tipping point was seeing first-hand the amount of support that CSJC provides to the local community.
“I’ve always wanted a career where I get to help people,” Sean says.
“Three years ago, I didn’t even know this industry existed. Now, we help people find jobs that are suitable for them and help build the skills they need.”
They relish the joy of being part of a team where everyone can work together, towards a shared vision of supporting the community and building future careers.

Administrative and support services
Learn more about working in administrative and support services.

Training and skills to work in administrative and support services
Explore training courses and skills to start working in administrative and support services. If you already work in the industry, training can help advance your career.