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Rainbow Ready roadmap - Health and community services

A guide for health and community services to become more LGBTIQA+ inclusive. Health and community services include hospitals, aged care, disability services, mental health services and more.

Rainbow Ready roadmap - Setting guide for health and community services
PDF 1.13 MB
(opens in a new window)
Rainbow Ready roadmap - Setting guide for health and community services (accessible)
Word 159.38 KB
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Three practical tools support users of the Rainbow Ready roadmap in assessing their progress towards LGBTIQA+ inclusion, planning inclusive activities and demonstrating Rainbow Ready status.

Assessment and evaluation tool

A tool to assess where your setting is at with LGBTIQA+ inclusion, and to identify areas for improvement. This tool is also used at the end of a Rainbow Ready project, to measure progress, highlight achievements and areas for further improvement.

Rainbow Ready roadmap - Measurement and evaluation
Word 136.76 KB
(opens in a new window)
Rainbow Ready roadmap - Measurement and evaluation tool (accessible)
Word 155.44 KB
(opens in a new window)

Action plan tool

A template for planning your Rainbow Ready Roadmap project, and to identify actions, people involved, and desired outcomes.

Rainbow Ready roadmap - Action plan
Word 389.32 KB
(opens in a new window)
Rainbow Ready roadmap - Action plan (accessible)
Word 133.19 KB
(opens in a new window)

Rainbow Ready status checklist

A checklist to demonstrate Rainbow Ready status at the end of completing Rainbow Ready roadmap projects and meeting all applicable indicators under your setting guide.

Rainbow Ready roadmap - Rainbow Ready checklist
Word 138.8 KB
(opens in a new window)
Rainbow Ready roadmap - Rainbow Ready checklist (accessible)
Word 150.62 KB
(opens in a new window)

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