- Published by:
- Department of Families, Fairness and Housing
- Date:
- 19 Nov 2024
What, or who, we see in a campaign reflects our community and our values. Because of this, it’s important that campaigns represent our rich diversity. This includes diversity of culture, ethnicity, sexuality, gender, and age. It shows people that they are seen, heard and valued.
Useful terms - Guide for including trans and gender diverse talent in campaigns
Explanations of terms that you might find useful for a campaign that includes trans and gender diverse talent.
Introduction to the Guide for including trans and gender diverse talent in your campaigns
Campaigns should reflect our community's diversity including culture, ethnicity, sexuality, gender and age. Including trans and gender diverse people helps to reduce misrepresentation.
Campaign development
When developing a campaign, focus on your message and write an inclusive brief. Ensure genuine inclusion of trans and gender diverse talent. Make it safe for talent to disclose their identity and use non-gendered language.
Campaign production
During production, ask talent about their pronouns, comfort needs, clothing, setting, script and if they have accessibility needs. Provide clear support contacts. Avoid stereotypes and ensure diverse, authentic representation.
Campaign in market
If your campaign faces backlash, stay true to your values and commitment to diversity. Prepare responses, be direct and keep it simple. Support your team and talent and avoid engaging with negative comments.
Appendix 1 - Checklists
A checklist of items to consider when planning small and large campaigns that feature trans and gender diverse talent.
Appendix 2 – Issues response template
How to classify and respond to issues arising from a campaign featuring trans and gender diverse talent.
Appendix 3 – Example brief
A sample campaign brief with prompt questions on the campaign's background, objective, task or key message, target audience, desired customer perception, tone and blind casting.
Appendix 4 – Developing a campaign strategy
Information on developing a campaign including prompt questions on topics like the campaign's desired outcome and objective, call to action and user journey, audience segmentation, research and evaluation, tactics and touchpoints.
Appendix 5 – Calendar
View the names and dates of LGBTIQA+ events held in Australia and overseas.