Gippsland Roller Derby Pride Bout and Inclusion Forum
Gippsland Ranges Roller Derby Inc.
Lardner, Victoria
Funding amount
Project Description
The Gippsland Roller Derby Pride Bout and Inclusion Forum was one project with two distinct and complementary components - Pride Round match and a community inclusion forum in the following week.
This project engaged with their local sporting clubs and bodies on LGBTIQ issues.
The Pride match used sport as a vehicle for inclusion for people from the Gippsland region as well as across the State. The community inclusion forum was specifically tailored to women, female-identifying persons, transgender and non-binary individuals as a specifically marginalised representation within the LGBTIQ and sporting worlds.

Queer Formal
Funding amount
Project Description
The Minus18 Queer Formal is a free celebration for LGBTIQ young people aged 13-19 years old from all over Victoria.
For many young people, a high school formal is a rite of passage. According to the 2017 Minus18 Youth Engagement Survey, 81% of young people noted that they did not feel comfortable truly expressing their LGBTIQ identity at their own high school formal event.
The Queer Formal gave them the chance to experience a high school formal experience - where they could be themselves, take a partner of any gender, and safely wear the clothes that align to their gender identity.
The Queer Formal is one of the largest social support gatherings of LGBTIQ youth in Australia, bringing 500 young people together in a space where they can connect, make friends, and celebrate not just their LGBTIQ identity, but also with a focus on their intersectional identities.
The 2019 Minus18 Queer Formal included a sit-down dinner, inspiring guest speakers, a marketplace of support services, and activity areas for people of colour and youth with a disability.

Climbing QTs Camp
Climbing QTs
Gariwerd/Grampians National Park.
Funding amount
Project Description
ClimbingQTs is an LGBTIQ rock climbing club that hopes to re-conceptualise the relationship between sport, gender identity and body image.
Through the Pride Events and Festivals Fund, ClimbingQTs to ran their first ClimbingQTs Camp in early 2019 in Djurite (Mount Arapiles). Over 3 nights and 4 days, 13 attendees camped and climbed to new heights and learnt new skills with local climbing legends and LGBTIQ climbing guides.
'The Camp created an inclusive space where LGBTIQ climbers were able to bring their whole selves outdoors without fear of discrimination and affirm gender diverse and non-binary bodies beyond heteronormative expectations' — Riley, event organiser.
