The work of FVRICs needs to align with statewide family violence policy and reform priorities. The findings and recommendations of the RCFV continue to drive extensive reform effort. The following key policy frameworks underpin the reforms, and the strategies and initiatives supported by FVRICs need to reflect these policy priorities.
Ending Family Violence: Victoria’s Plan for Change (2017)
The Ending Family Violence: Victoria’s Plan for Change (The 10-Year Plan) outlines how the Victorian Government will deliver the recommendations of the RCFV and build a future where all Victorians live free from family violence, and where women and men are treated equally and respectfully.
The 10-Year Plan describes the Victorian family violence reform agenda.
The Family Violence Reform Rolling Action Plan (FVRRAP)
The implementation of the 10-Year Plan is supported by three-year Rolling Action Plans (FVRRAPs) which identify key priorities for implementation.
The second FVRRAP identifies three reform-wide priorities for the period 2020-2023:
- Intersectionality: Considering the needs of diverse communities and people at different life stages who face additional barriers to accessing support in delivery of the family violence reform
- Aboriginal Self Determination: Embedding the social, cultural and economic needs of Aboriginal Victorians in the design and delivery of a culturally safe, holistic family violence reform
- Lived experience: Working with people with lived experience of family violence to inform policy development, service delivery and the broader reform to support better outcomes for all Victorians
Family Violence Outcomes Framework
The Family Violence Outcomes Framework (the Framework) translates the government’s vision into a quantifiable set of outcomes, indicators and measures, helping to communicate key priorities, why they matter and what constitutes success. There are four domains in the Framework:
Domain 1: Family violence and gender inequality are not tolerated
Domain 2: Victim survivors, vulnerable children and families are safe and supported to recover and thrive
Domain 3: Perpetrators are held accountable, connected and take responsibility for stopping their violence
Domain 4: Preventing and responding to family violence is systemic and enduring. The key objectives of this domain are:
- the family violence system intervenes early to identify and respond to family violence
- the family violence system is person-centred and responsive
- the family violence system is integrated
- the family violence and broader workforces across the system are skilled, capable and reflect the communities they serve.
Building from Strength: 10 Year Industry Plan for Family Violence Prevention and Response (Industry Plan)
The Industry Plan sets out how the Victorian Government will work with stakeholders to create a flexible and dynamic workforce. The strategy builds on four themes:
- A system that works together
- Building prevention and response capability across the system
- Strengthening the specialist family violence and primary prevention workforces
- Workforce health and wellbeing.
While the Industry Plan focuses on the specialist family violence and primary prevention sectors, it includes actions for other workforces that intersect with family violence including community services, health, justice and education and training. Implementation of the Industry Plan is supported by three Rolling Action Plans (Industry Plan RAPs) which identify priority actions and initiatives actions for each three-year period.
Dhelk Dja: Safe Our Way – Strong Culture, Strong Peoples, Strong Families
The Dhelk Dja: Safe Our Way Agreement commits the signatories – Aboriginal communities, Aboriginal services and government – to work together and be accountable for ensuring that Aboriginal women, men, children, young people, Elders, families and communities are stronger, safer, thriving and living free from family violence.
Dhelk Dja strategic priorities include:
- Aboriginal culture and leadership
- Aboriginal-led prevention
- self-determining Aboriginal family violence support and services
- system transformation based on self-determination
- Aboriginal-led and informed innovation, data and research.
Everybody Matters: Inclusion and Equity Statement
The Everybody Matters: Inclusion and Equity Statement (Everybody Matters Statement) is the Victorian Government’s 10-year vision for a more inclusive, safe, responsive and accountable family violence system for all Victorians including individuals with multiple and overlapping social characteristics such as, age, gender, ability, sex, sexuality, ethnicity, culture or religion.
To achieve objectives of the Everybody Matters: Inclusion and Equity Statement, three-year action plans (Blueprints) identify specific actions under each of the three strategic priorities of the Everybody Matters Statement.