- Published by:
- Family Safety Victoria
- Date:
- 1 June 2022
Acknowledgement of Country
Family Safety Victoria proudly acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the lands across Victoria and pays its respects to all First Peoples. We acknowledge that sovereignty over this land was never ceded. This is Aboriginal land; always was, always will be.
We recognise and value the ongoing contribution of Aboriginal people and communities to Victorian life, and particularly acknowledge the long-standing leadership of Aboriginal communities and Elders in Victoria in preventing and responding to family violence and improving outcomes for Aboriginal people, children and families.
Acknowledgement of victim survivors
Family Safety Victoria acknowledges adults, children and young people who have experienced family violence, sexual violence, and all forms of violence against women and children. We recognise the vital importance of family violence system and service reforms being informed by their experiences, expertise and advocacy.
We also remember and pay respects to those who did not survive and acknowledge all those who have lost loved ones to family violence. We keep forefront in our minds all victim survivors of family violence and sexual violence, for whom we undertake this work.
Statement of support for Aboriginal self-determination
Family Safety Victoria is committed to the principles and approach underpinning the Dhelk Dja Partnership Forum’s Dhelk Dja: Safe Our Way – Strong culture, strong peoples, strong families.
This Aboriginal led 10-year Agreement and its Action Plans commits communities, services and Government to work together and be accountable for ensuring that Aboriginal people, families and communities are stronger, safer, thriving and violence-free, built on the foundation of Aboriginal self-determination.
Self-determination requires Government to:
- value and respect Aboriginal knowledge, systems and expertise
- transfer authority, decision making control and resources to Aboriginal people.
This requires a significant cultural shift and a new way of working together. The Government acknowledges that this will ensure better outcomes for Aboriginal people and stronger, safer families and communities.
Aboriginal self-determination in a family violence context
This requires the transfer of power, control, decision making and resources to Aboriginal communities and their organisations by:
- investing in Aboriginal self-determining structures to lead governance, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of family violence reform
- transferring decision making for policy development and program design by prioritising funding to Aboriginal communities and their organisations
- investing in community sustainability, resourcing and capacity building to meet the requirements of the new reforms
- growing and supporting the skills and knowledge base of the Aboriginal workforce and sector to support self-determination
- ensuring that government and the service system is culturally safe, transparent and accountable
- and ensuring that community have access to culturally informed, safe service provision and programs by the non-Aboriginal service sector
Family Safety Victoria is committed to Aboriginal-led collective action, Aboriginal self-determination, and systemic change which addresses bias and institutional racism, whilst centring Aboriginal voice and decision-making in the prevention of family violence in Aboriginal communities.
In the Family Violence Regional Integration Committees guidelines, ‘Aboriginal’ refers to both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. ‘Indigenous’ or ‘Koori/Koorie’ is retained when part of the title of a report, program or quotation.
Regional integration governance structures have been underpinning the delivery of family violence reform for well over a decade. Established in 2006, Family Violence Regional Integration Committees (FVRICs) were established to improve the integration of services, playing a vital role in the transformation of Victorian service delivery and community responses to family violence. Since their inception FVRICs have played a system leadership role focussed on increasing the safety of victim survivors and accountability of perpetrators.
The recommendations of the 2016 Royal Commission into Family Violence (RCFV) have driven far-reaching reform within the Victorian family violence service system. Regional integration plays a critical role in implementing the reform agenda, and in recognition of this Family Safety Victoria (FSV) has led a process to review the 2013 Regional Family Violence Integration Operational guidelines (the guidelines) to articulate the role of FVRICs in the current reform context.
In 2021, 13 FVRICs operate across the 17 Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH) Areas. Funding is provided by FSV to support their operation including the co-ordination role of the Principal Strategic Advisor (PSA) positions and area-based projects.
The redevelopment of these guidelines has been supported by a Reference Group with representation from FSV, DFFH Areas, Safe and Equal (formerly Domestic Violence Victoria), FVRIC Chairs, auspice agencies and the PSAs.
Purpose of these guidelines
These guidelines outline FSV’s expectations of FVRICs and provide guidance for key stakeholders, including FVRIC members, Chairs, PSAs, auspice agencies, and DFFH Areas.
The guidelines outline:
- the role FVRICs play in contributing to the design, implementation and monitoring of statewide family violence policy and reforms
- the strategic priorities of FVRICs which support strategic leadership and cross sector collaboration within local service systems
- the approach to strategic planning
- governance arrangements
- the frequency and types of required reporting.
By aligning their approaches and priorities with these guidelines, FVRICs will take on greater consistency and will collectively build knowledge about successful strategies to drive systemic improvements.
The guidelines also describe how local system knowledge informs statewide planning and policy development through the engagement of FVRICs with FSV and peak bodies, and participation in state-wide forums.
Review of guidelines
The guidelines will be formally reviewed in three years with the review to be completed by the end of 2025. If updates or amendments are required earlier (outside of the review process), these will be considered and endorsed by FSV. FSV will communicate any amendments as supplements to this version.
Background to the Family Violence Regional Integration Committees (FVRICs)
The 2015 Royal Commission into Family Violence and 2018 Strengthening Regional Integration Report made recommendations about the FVRICs.
Policy context
The Family Violence Regional Integration Committees support the achievement of objectives across a number of key policy frameworks.
Policy context
The work of FVRICs needs to align with statewide family violence policy and reform priorities. The findings and recommendations of the RCFV continue to drive extensive reform effort. The following key policy frameworks underpin the reforms, and the strategies and initiatives supported by FVRICs need to reflect these policy priorities.
Ending Family Violence: Victoria’s Plan for Change (2017)
The Ending Family Violence: Victoria’s Plan for Change (The 10-Year Plan) outlines how the Victorian Government will deliver the recommendations of the RCFV and build a future where all Victorians live free from family violence, and where women and men are treated equally and respectfully.
The 10-Year Plan describes the Victorian family violence reform agenda.
The Family Violence Reform Rolling Action Plan (FVRRAP)
The implementation of the 10-Year Plan is supported by three-year Rolling Action Plans (FVRRAPs) which identify key priorities for implementation.
The second FVRRAP identifies three reform-wide priorities for the period 2020-2023:
- Intersectionality: Considering the needs of diverse communities and people at different life stages who face additional barriers to accessing support in delivery of the family violence reform
- Aboriginal Self Determination: Embedding the social, cultural and economic needs of Aboriginal Victorians in the design and delivery of a culturally safe, holistic family violence reform
- Lived experience: Working with people with lived experience of family violence to inform policy development, service delivery and the broader reform to support better outcomes for all Victorians
Family Violence Outcomes Framework
The Family Violence Outcomes Framework (the Framework) translates the government’s vision into a quantifiable set of outcomes, indicators and measures, helping to communicate key priorities, why they matter and what constitutes success. There are four domains in the Framework:
Domain 1: Family violence and gender inequality are not tolerated
Domain 2: Victim survivors, vulnerable children and families are safe and supported to recover and thrive
Domain 3: Perpetrators are held accountable, connected and take responsibility for stopping their violence
Domain 4: Preventing and responding to family violence is systemic and enduring. The key objectives of this domain are:
- the family violence system intervenes early to identify and respond to family violence
- the family violence system is person-centred and responsive
- the family violence system is integrated
- the family violence and broader workforces across the system are skilled, capable and reflect the communities they serve.
Building from Strength: 10 Year Industry Plan for Family Violence Prevention and Response (Industry Plan)
The Industry Plan sets out how the Victorian Government will work with stakeholders to create a flexible and dynamic workforce. The strategy builds on four themes:
- A system that works together
- Building prevention and response capability across the system
- Strengthening the specialist family violence and primary prevention workforces
- Workforce health and wellbeing.
While the Industry Plan focuses on the specialist family violence and primary prevention sectors, it includes actions for other workforces that intersect with family violence including community services, health, justice and education and training. Implementation of the Industry Plan is supported by three Rolling Action Plans (Industry Plan RAPs) which identify priority actions and initiatives actions for each three-year period.
Dhelk Dja: Safe Our Way – Strong Culture, Strong Peoples, Strong Families
The Dhelk Dja: Safe Our Way Agreement commits the signatories – Aboriginal communities, Aboriginal services and government – to work together and be accountable for ensuring that Aboriginal women, men, children, young people, Elders, families and communities are stronger, safer, thriving and living free from family violence.
Dhelk Dja strategic priorities include:
- Aboriginal culture and leadership
- Aboriginal-led prevention
- self-determining Aboriginal family violence support and services
- system transformation based on self-determination
- Aboriginal-led and informed innovation, data and research.
Everybody Matters: Inclusion and Equity Statement
The Everybody Matters: Inclusion and Equity Statement (Everybody Matters Statement) is the Victorian Government’s 10-year vision for a more inclusive, safe, responsive and accountable family violence system for all Victorians including individuals with multiple and overlapping social characteristics such as, age, gender, ability, sex, sexuality, ethnicity, culture or religion.
To achieve objectives of the Everybody Matters: Inclusion and Equity Statement, three-year action plans (Blueprints) identify specific actions under each of the three strategic priorities of the Everybody Matters Statement.
Background to the Family Violence Regional Integration Committees (FVRICs)
As area-based cross sector committees representing government and non-government agencies, family violence services, children and family services, Victoria Police, justice and legal services, housing, community, and health services, FVRICs are well positioned to focus on collectively building a more integrated family violence service system.
FVRICs are uniquely positioned and constituted to harness expertise and knowledge and build family violence literacy across different service sectors to build the effectiveness of services and improve the pathways to support for victim survivors, as well as promoting accountability of perpetrators.
The Royal Commission into Family Violence (2016) and resulting reforms
A key finding of the RCFV was the need for more integrated service delivery to provide timely and effective responses to people experiencing family violence. Issues in the service system were identified, including:
myriad entry points, and overlapping service systems at both the state and federal levels provide services to those experiencing family violence... elements of the family violence system response remain ‘siloed’ and fragmented, leading to inaccessibility and complexity for people seeking help.
The RCFV also found that the service system needed to be strengthened to keep perpetrators in view and to hold them to account.
It identified the requirement for a strong ‘systems focus’ to achieve change at the local level, and the importance of linking statewide policy and planning with an understanding of local issues.
The RCFV recognised the value of formally linking the area based FVRICs with the statewide governance of the family violence reforms, and in line with the RCFV’s recommendation 193, FVRICs are represented in the on the Family Violence Reform Advisory Group (FVRAG). The FVRAG provides advice to the Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence, FSV and government departments to realise the vision of the family violence reforms.
Family Violence regional integration project: Strengthening the case for the future of regional integration (strengthening regional integration)
In 2018 FVRICs collaborated to engage a consultant to undertake an analysis of the role of regional integration in the context of the family violence reform agenda as proposed by the RCFV.
The project identified that FVRICs are the only local governance structures with a dedicated focus on the family violence system, and the valuable role of FVRICs in establishing consistent family violence literacy across the diverse service types that make up a local service system.
The report highlighted the value of FVRICs, and their capacity to provide strategic advice to the government on the design and implementation of family violence reforms, informed by local system knowledge and cross-sector perspectives. The project supported the recommendation of the RCFV that the regional integration co-ordinator role should be elevated to principal strategic advisor (PSA) status to strengthen the capacity of FVRICs to support system development by providing strategic advice and leadership.
The project also made various recommendations for strengthening the role of FVRICs including by creating more consistency in the way they operate. Findings from the project have informed these guidelines.
In response to the strengthening regional integration report, the PSAs recognised that forming a statewide committee would enhance the work of FVRICs by supporting collaboration to identify synergies and common issues across FVRICs, and to provide a co-ordinated point of engagement between FVRICs and statewide bodies including FSV and peak bodies. The Statewide Family Violence Integration Advisory Committee (SFVIAC) was formed in 2019 as the representative group for the 13 FVRICs. Its purpose is to provide a mechanism to identify and prioritise systemic issues occurring across the state, and to facilitate statewide representation of FVRICs in discussions with FSV, peak bodies, and other statewide forums.
Operational guidance for Family Violence Regional Integration Committees
The role of FVRICs in the service system
Family Violence Regional Integration Committees play a strategic leadership role in developing the effectiveness of the family violence service system.
Strategic priorities for FVRICs
FVRICs fulfil their important role in strategic leadership by focussing on five strategic priorities to achieve system development and improvement.
Strategic planning and annual action planning
FVRIC activities are described in 3-year Strategic Plans and Annual Action Plans aligned with the FVRIC strategic priorities and reform priorities.
Governance arrangements for FVRICs
Governance arrangements must be representative, inclusive and support transparent and participatory decision-making contributing to local and statewide work.
The role of FVRICs in the service system
FVRICs are area-based family violence governance structures that provide strategic leadership and drive system development by fostering innovation and building collaboration across sectors to improve pathways to support and ensure the system holds perpetrators to account.
FVRICs play a key strategic leadership role in developing the effectiveness of the family violence service system by strengthening system integration and supporting the implementation of the Victorian Government’s family violence reform agenda.
FVRICs bring together specialist expertise and key stakeholders to identify and implement improvements in local service delivery, and to advocate on relevant policy and program design issues.
FVRICs strengthen ‘horizontal system integration’ at the local area level by fostering shared understandings and collaboration between a wide range of service providers across sectors and with key stakeholders. As place-based governance arrangements, FVRICs can identify and respond to issues specific to their area, such as geography (e.g. rurality) and demographics (e.g. specific or diverse communities), etc.
FVRICs also strengthen ‘vertical system integration’ by providing a mechanism to ensure that policy development and planning at the state level is informed by intelligence on local service system issues, and insights regarding opportunities and challenges relating to the design and implementation of reform initiatives.
At the local level, the chair and PSA are delegated to represent the FVRIC. At state level, FVRICs are represented by the Statewide Family Violence Integration Advisory Committee (SFVIAC) which comprises all PSAs. The SFVIAC provides a representative to the Family Violence Reform Advisory Group (FVRAG), associated working groups, and other statewide forums and policy discussions with government and peak bodies.
Strategic priorities for FVRICs
FVRICs fulfil their important role in strategic leadership by focussing on five strategic priorities to achieve system development and improvement. FVRICs need to address all these strategic priorities and all FVRIC activities should contribute to at least one of the priorities.
Strategic planning and annual action planning
Each FVRIC is required to develop a 3-year Strategic Plan showing the alignment of local objectives with statewide policy and reform priorities. The Strategic Plan needs to describe the key objectives and anticipated outcomes in relation each of the five strategic priorities for FVRICs.
In addition to the Strategic Plan, each year the FVRIC is required to develop an Annual Action Plan documenting the activities and initiatives to be undertaken in relation to each of the priorities and objectives identified in the Strategic Plan in that period. A projected budget showing the anticipated expenditure of FSV funding provided to support the FVRIC needs to be provided with the Annual Action Plan. Refer and download the templates for the Annual Plan and projected budget in Attachments.
The Annual Action Plan and projected budget provide the framework for annual reporting to the DFFH Area. This reporting fulfils the formal accountability and acquittal requirements for the auspice agency under the service agreement with DFFH. Further detail on reporting requirements is provided in the oversight and reporting requirements section.
Planning cycle and process
FVRICs are required to undertake strategic planning every three years. The strategic plan should cover the period commencing 1 July following the release of the Family Violence Reform Rolling Action Plan (FVRRAP.) It is recommended that preparation to inform the next strategic plan commences well in advance of the end date of the current plan. FSV will advise the anticipated release date for the FVRRAP as early as possible.
The development of the FVRIC Strategic Plan should be a consultative and collaborative process informed by:
- FSV reform priorities in the current FVRRAP and Industry Plan RAP
- priorities identified in the Dhelk Dja Agreement and by the local Dhelk Dja Action Group
- other key reforms which impact on family violence responses, as advised by FSV
- current initiatives and priorities identified by the DFFH Area, The Orange Door
- peak bodies (Safe and Equal and NTV)
- input by FVRIC members, people with lived experience, and other key stakeholders
- relevant data and evidence
- progress against the previous FVRIC Strategic Plan
Given the system stewardship role of DFFH, it is expected that the FVRIC actively engage with their DFFH Area in the development and implementation of the Strategic Plan.
Content and format of the Strategic Plan
The FVRIC Strategic Plan needs to identify objectives and actions for each of the five statewide FVRIC strategic priorities, and include the following information:
- brief description of the FVRIC, including membership and strategic connections
- brief overview of the process to develop the plan
- brief overview of relevant Family violence and demographic data for the area
- brief overview of the local service system - family violence response services, related services/sectors, as well as any prevention services (if relevant)
- summary of key objectives in relation to each of the five FVRIC strategic priorities, including:
- issue to be addressed
- key stakeholders
- local data or evidence relevant to the issue
- alignment with statewide policy and reform objectives
- type of activity to be undertaken to address the issue (noting specific activities are to be described in more detail in Annual Action Plans), and anticipated timeframe for activities (Year 1,2 or 3)
- desired outcomes
- impact / change indicators
- plan for review of the Strategic Plan
- Annual Action Plan – Year 1 (refer to the below Annual Action Plans section)
Content and format of Annual Action Plans
The FVRIC is required to develop an Annual Action Plan describing the actions that will be taken in the 12-month period to support the achievement of objectives identified in the Strategic Plan. The Annual Action Plan needs to include:
- activities to be undertaken in relation to each of the five strategic priorities, including the timeframes for each activity
- key stakeholders
- progress indicators
- projected budget showing anticipated project costs
FSV can provide or confirm the current template for the Annual Action Plan.
The FVRIC is required to have a formal process to monitor progress against the Annual Action Plan, and to ensure continuity between Action Plans. This monitoring may indicate the need for some adjustment to the priorities set out in the Strategic Plan.
Endorsement of the Strategic Plan and Annual Action Plans
Each FVRIC is required to submit their Strategic Plan and Annual Action Plan (Year 1) with projected budget to the DFFH Area by 1 May, following the release of the relevant Rolling Action Plan for the Ending Family Violence Plan for Change.
FSV will provide advice to FVRICs and the DFFH Areas regarding any specific priorities which need to be addressed in Strategic Plans and Annual Action Plans.
All Strategic Plans and Annual Action Plans are to be formally endorsed by the DFFH Area. The Annual Action Plan for Year 2 is to be submitted to the DFFH Area with the Annual Report for year 1, and the Annual Action Plan for Year 3 is to be submitted with the Annual Report for Year 2.
DFFH Area endorsement of the Strategic Plan and Annual Action Plans will ensure that the DFFH Area is aware of the priorities and projects of the FVRIC, and that synergies with relevant work across the area can be identified. Plans which align with the strategic priorities described in these guidelines will be endorsed by DFFH.
It is expected that submission of the Strategic Plan and/or Annual Action Plan to the DFFH Area will include a meeting with the DFFH Area, attended by the auspice agency, chair and principal strategic advisor for the FVRIC.
Significant changes to the Strategic Plan or Annual Action Plans, such as alteration of key deliverables should also be agreed with the DFFH Area.
DFFH Areas should seek advice from FSV in relation to any unresolved issues with Strategic Plans and Annual Action Plans.
Governance arrangements for FVRICs
This section describes the governance mechanisms which enable FVRICs to provide strategic leadership and drive system integration and development. These include:
- effective cross sector engagement and co-ordinating arrangements to ensure the required level of knowledge and influence within the local service system
- key governance mechanisms providing connections between regional and statewide work to ensure strong alignment between local work and statewide policy priorities and input by FVRICs into statewide policy discussions.
Governance arrangements to support integration across the local area (horizontal integration)
A key success factor for FVRICs is the active participation by members in planning and implementing initiatives. Governance arrangements for FVRICs need to be representative, inclusive, and actively support transparent and participatory decision-making.
Although there may be some variation across areas in the way FVRICs operate, the following guidance is provided to achieve a level of statewide consistency and effectiveness.
Governance arrangements to connect with statewide policy and program development (vertical integration)
While the key focus of FVRICs is to drive system improvements at the local level, mechanisms are required to ensure that the detailed knowledge and insights emerging from this work inform statewide planning and policy development processes.
Oversight and reporting requirements
This section describes the roles of DFFH Areas and FSV in providing oversight of FVRICs and the requirements for formal reporting and financial acquittal.
FSV and DFFH Areas work together to support FVRICs and to oversee performance and outcomes. A level of informal monitoring occurs through the DFFH Area’s participation as a member of the FVRIC, and through the SFVIAC’s routine engagement with FSV.
Reporting ensures accountability and enables both DFFH and FSV to identify synergies and FVRIC contributions to area priorities and statewide policy objectives.
Role of the DFFH Area in performance monitoring and contract management
The DFFH Area has primary responsibility for contract management and performance monitoring and fulfils this by:
- engaging in discussions with the FVRIC chair, PSA and auspice agency representative regarding the FVRIC Strategic Plan and progress in relation to Action Plans
- assessing annual reports against the FVRIC Strategic Plan and Annual Action Plan
- assessing financial acquittals and liaising with FSV regarding any funding related issues
- engaging with the chair of the FVRIC, PSA and auspice agency representative to discuss any concerns regarding FVRIC activities or overall performance. While the auspice agency is responsible for ensuring that reporting requirements are met, any discussions concerning the performance of the FVRIC should involve the auspice agency, the chair and the PSA.
- assessing performance and acquittal for other projects or initiatives led by the FVRIC.
- providing advice to FSV on the overall performance of the FVRIC and any significant changes to the Strategic Plan.
FVRICs are required to provide the following information to the local DFFH Area with the Annual Report:
- contact details for the Auspice agency representative, the chair (and deputy chair where relevant), and PSA
- membership list
- current Strategic Plan and Annual Action Plan
- information on key emerging risks and issues related to the FVRIC
- other relevant information, as requested by DFFH
Role of FSV in statewide oversight of FVRICs
FSV manages the funding, policy and authorising context for the work of FVRICs, and FVRICs are accountable to FSV for ensuring their activities align with statewide family violence reform objectives.
FSV also provides advice to the DFFH Area on issues and requirements relevant to FVRICs.
FSV provides statewide oversight by:
- maintaining regular engagement through the SFVIAC, as described in the Governance arrangements to connect with state wide policy and program development (vertical integration) section.
- keeping the SFVIAC informed about the status of key relevant initiatives managed by FSV.
- monitoring of and support with key plans and reporting, including Strategic Plans, and Annual Action Plans.
- receiving the annual overview of key achievements submitted by the SFVIAC
- liaising with DFFH Areas regarding:
- statewide priorities and reform objectives to support DFFH Areas to assess FVRIC Strategic Plans
- emerging issues or risks relevant to the effective functioning of FVRICs
- any concerns regarding performance of FVRICs
Reporting requirements for FVRICs
FVRICs are accountable to the DFFH Areas for performance against their Annual Action Plan and for the acquittal of funding provided by FSV or the DFFH Area. All funding must be utilised in accordance with guidance provided by FSV or the DFFH Area where funding has been provided by the DFFH Area.
The FVRIC is required to participate in any discussions initiated by the DFFH Area regarding FVRIC activities and performance, and to provide the following to the DFFH Area:
- Annual reports against the Annual Action Plan
- Annual financial report based showing the projected budget and actual expenditure for the 12-month period.
In addition to annual performance reporting FVRICs are required to report on any non-recurrent funding provided for any specific projects or initiatives.
FVRICs are also required to advise the DFFH Area on any emerging risks and issues related to the FVRIC, and any other relevant information as requested by DFFH.
An Overview of Reporting Requirements is provided at Appendix 1.
Appendix 1
Overview of reporting requirements.
Appendix 2
Statement of responsibilities for key roles within the FVRIC.
Appendix 3
Statement of responsibilities for the SFVIAC.
Appendix 1
Overview of reporting requirements.
Report | Frequency and timing | Responsibility for reporting | Format of report |
Report to FVRIC members on:
At least quarterly (noting FVRICs have different decision-making process and meeting schedules) | PSA working in collaboration with FVRIC chair | Verbal or other report as agreed within FVRIC, and noted in the FVRIC minutes |
Annual activity report to DFFH Area on progress against Annual Action Plan |
End of year report by 30 July |
PSA and FVRIC chair (Written report endorsed by auspice agency rep before delivery to DFFH Area) |
Reporting template 1 |
Annual financial acquittal for DFFH Area:
Statement of expenditure for FSV and any DFFH area funding – by 30 July Audited agency financial reports are due by 30 September |
Auspice agency with endorsement of chair and PSA |
Reporting template 2 |
Quarterly report on delivery of MARAM Collaborative Practice training | Provided to FSV and DFFH Area within two weeks of the end of each quarter. |
PSA Local decision on whether auspice agency endorsement is required |
Template provided by FSV |
Annual overview of highlight achievements across all FVRICs |
Provided to FSV by 30 November | SFVIAC | Showing highlights relevant to each of the five FVRIC strategic priorities |
Appendix 2
Statement of responsibilities for key roles within the FVRIC.
Appendix 3
Statement of responsibilities for the SFVIAC.
The key functions of the SFVIAC are to:
- Support regular information exchange and knowledge building across FVRICs:
- identify and analyse differences and similarities between regions to better inform family violence reform delivery, including identifying opportunities for innovation
- deliberate and establish a consolidated position on systemic issues in relation to family violence reform and service delivery across Victoria
- identify opportunities for more consistent planning and reporting across FVRICs to inform understanding of systemic issues, including data development activities
- collaborate on state-wide initiatives in shared FVRIC priority areas
- provide peer support and learning opportunities to build knowledge and skills relevant to regional integration activities
- Provide the linkage mechanism to connect FVRICs with FSV and other state government and statewide sector bodies:
- engage with FSV, peak bodies and other statewide forums to ensure the perspectives of FVRICs are represented in statewide policy discussions
- provide representation of FVRICs on the Family Violence Reform Advisory Group and other family violence reform governance groups as requested
- provide advice on the design and implementation of family violence reforms, informed by the local knowledge of implementation opportunities and challenges.
- provide advice and advocacy on system issues impacting on the implementation of the family violence reforms
- promote the unique value of FVRICs in supporting the cross-sector collaboration and local service system development to support the implementation of the family violence reforms
- build awareness of the current work and further potential of FVRICs.
- develop an annual regional integration highlights overview including commentary on key systems issues across the state for FSV.
SFVIAC secretariat
The secretariat supports the SFVIAC by providing administrative and co-ordinating functions. Responsibilities of the SFVIAC secretariat include:
- administration and coordination to support the SFVIAC meetings including calendar invitations, preparing agendas for SFVIAC meetings, circulating agenda papers, liaising with peak body members, organising guest speakers, and taking minutes at meetings
- collation of relevant information from FVRICs to inform SFVIAC discussions regarding policy and implementation issues with statewide sector bodies and government, and for proposing strategies for advocating on emerging issues.
- coordination of responses to requests for statewide information relevant to FVRICs
- coordination the preparation and submission of the Annual Regional Integration Highlights Overview for FSV
- liaison with FSV regarding the agenda for meetings between the SFVIAC and FSV, and co-ordinate input and feedback from PSAs
- coordination the response to requests for PSA representation on statewide panels, advisory/steering committees and/or reform working groups in consultation with the members of the SFVIAC.