- Contribute knowledge and expertise about their service and sector including specific issues experienced by that sector
- Share relevant agency information and data as agreed to FVRIC strategic planning processes and other FVRIC activities and initiatives
- Inform approaches to improving service system responses
- Advise on practice and operational issues impacting on services
- Identify opportunities for addressing emerging issues and trends
- Implement relevant actions in the strategic plan
- Participation as a member of the FVRIC administrative executive
- Employment of the PSA on behalf of the FVRIC:
- the auspice agency will manage the recruitment process and include the FVRIC chair (and where relevant the deputy chair) on the selection panel. Where the auspice agency representative and chair are the same person, then the deputy chair should represent the Regional Integration Committee
- support the PSA to
- operate independently on behalf of the FVRIC and to focus their work on the priorities in the FVRIC Strategic and Annual Action Plans,
- in collaboration with the chair (and deputy chair where applicable) to ensure the optimal functioning of the FVRIC
- the priorities and key tasks for the PSA should be described in an annual Work Plan aligned with the FVRIC Strategic Plan and Annual Action Plan. The chair (and deputy chair where applicable) should be involved in the development of the PSA Work Plan.
- provide line management for the PSA including the provision of occupational health supports and relevant training and professional development opportunities
- ensure that appropriate professional support, supervision and performance management is provided. Given the importance of the collaborative working relationship between the PSA and the chair in leading the FVRIC, arrangements for professional support, supervision and performance management for the PSA should be agreed with the chair, (and deputy chair where relevant) and PSA (note reference to the Leadership Group in the Governance arrangements to support integration across the local area (horizontal integration) section)
- where deemed appropriate external supervision may be facilitated
- provide appropriate communications, technology and business equipment including access to a vehicle to support the PSA in their work
- Manage funding and ensure accountability requirements are met:
- manage funding on behalf of the FVRIC by ensuring there is a projected budget aligned with the Strategic Plan and Annual Action Plans, monitor expenditure and providing financial updates and reports to the PSA, chair and DFFH Area as required
- ensure that performance reports and acquittals are prepared and lodged as required
- participate in performance related discussions with the DFFH Area, together with the FVRIC chair and PSA
- Ensure that the FVRIC is operating in accordance with guidelines and the partnership agreement:
- ensure that there is regular review of the partnership agreement to ensure they reflect any developments in membership, meeting arrangements and decision-making processes
- ensure appropriate grievance procedures to address any conflicts associated with the operation of the FVRIC are mutually agreed with the FVRIC chair
- work in collaboration with the DFFH Area contact, the chair, and deputy chair (where applicable) and the PSA to address any issues of concern regarding the functioning of the FVRIC
The chair holds a key leadership role within the FVRIC.
- Appointment of the chair:
- the chair may be either a senior member of one of the member agencies, or the FVRIC may appoint an independent chair. Remuneration of a FVRIC chair is not mandated and is at the discretion of the FVRIC
- if the auspice agency also provides the chair, a deputy chair should be appointed to work actively with the chair and PSA to support the operation of the FVRIC
- it is usual for the chair to be appointed of a period of 2 to 3 years, with an election or reappointment process at the end of that period which may result in the re-appointment of the chair.
- at the end of their term, the chair is expected to support the transition to the new chair
- The chair is expected to:
- develop a collaborative and constructive working relationship with the PSA and auspice agency contact
- work in collaboration with the PSA to provide strategic leadership to the FVRIC:
- work with FVRIC members to develop a shared understanding of the local service system, and to develop shared insights regarding challenges and opportunities in the area
- maintain focus on the key objectives as described in the Strategic Plan
- identify and prioritise strategic goals and focus the work of the committee on achieving these goals regional work to achieve these priorities
- prepare agendas to focus on progressing activities relevant to strategic priorities and objectives described in the FVRIC Strategic Plan and Action Plan
- develop and lead a participatory and inclusive process for the development of the Strategic Plan and associated action plans
- formulate contributions to SFVIAC activities and statewide policy development and planning discussions, and to prioritise local issues to be raised in any statewide forums
- chair FVRIC meetings to promote active participation, exchange and dialogue on key issues relevant to the FVRIC objectives
- foster collaborative approaches and co-operation between stakeholders to strengthen integration of across the service system, and harness the leadership capabilities of members, drawing on their knowledge of relevant systems and service delivery issues
- actively address any conflicts in line with the grievance procedure in the partnership agreement
- ensure the FVRIC develops a Strategic Plan and Annual Action Plans in accordance with the guidelines
- ensure there are regular reviews of progress against the Strategic Plan and Annual Action Plan (at a minimum every six months) and oversee any required adjustment (in collaboration with the auspice agency and the PSA) to the Action Plan and/or PSA Work Plan if required.
- participate in the development of the PSA’s Work Plan to ensure alignment with the Annual Action Plan
- ensure that there is a review of the governance arrangements and partnership agreement at least every two years to ensure they reflect any developments in membership, meeting arrangements and decision-making processes
- participate in discussions with the PSA and auspice agency representative regarding the content and preparation of reports on the activities of the FVRIC, including budget monitoring and acquittals
- participate in discussions with the auspice agency, the PSA and the DFFH Area to discuss FVRIC activity and annual reports, and the financial position of the FVRIC
- represent the FVRIC and the collective view and position of the FVRIC rather than their individual perspective or that of the agency they represent
- sign letters and documents on behalf of the FVRIC
- by agreement with the auspice agency the chair may act as a delegate for the auspice agency in the provision of professional support and supervision for the PSA
- Appointment of the chair:
The PSA works closely with the FVRIC chair to provide strategic leadership for the FVRIC:
Management and support arrangements for the PSA:
- The PSA is employed by the auspice agency, and ultimately the auspice agency is responsible to ensure that the PSA is effective in the role. However, the PSA is also accountable to the FVRIC chair and the FVRIC membership. Given the shared leadership functions and intersecting accountabilities for these key roles, a Leadership Agreement regarding the respective roles and responsibilities of the auspice agency, FVRIC chair, and PSA should be documented in the partnership agreement
- The priorities and key tasks for the PSA should be described in an annual Work Plan aligned with the FVRIC Strategic Plan and Annual Action Plan, developed by the PSA and the auspice agency with the involvement of the chair (and deputy chair where applicable).
- It is recommended that the PSA, FVRIC chair and the auspice agency representative meet quarterly (and otherwise as required) to collectively review progress against the PSA Work Plan and to discuss and resolve any potential issues impacting upon the work of the PSA
The responsibilities of the PSA include:
- Information gathering and knowledge building to support the work of the FVRIC:
- collate and analyse local system information and perspectives to develop insights and identify issues, gaps and priorities to inform planning for local system improvement and the implementation of statewide reforms
- maintain an overview of key policy and program developments and identify implications and opportunities for system development in the area.
- actively ensure alignment of the work of the FVRIC with statewide family violence reform objectives and the Strategic Plan.
- actively work with FVRIC member agencies to identify potential improvements to the local service system and the integrated implementation of family violence reforms
- provide informed, considered and evidenced advice to the Committee, FSV and other stakeholders.
- Supporting good governance
- Foster collaborative cross sector relationships and initiate and support partnership projects to strengthen connections between local services
- Maintain strong connections and work collaboratively with key regional governance structures and networks
- Provide operational support for the FVRIC, support governance development and review processes including updates to the partnership agreement.
- Develop and maintain effective communication strategies to ensure the members of the FVRIC are kept well informed of decisions, the progress of initiatives and strategic engagement
- Provide an induction kit comprised of an up-to-date partnership agreement . Strategic Plan, Action Plan, recent reports and other relevant documents to all FVRIC members.
- Participate in the SFVIAC to represent the interests of the FVRIC and to advocate for local issues and interests
- Provide regular reports (usually monthly) to the FVRIC on activities and achievements against the Action Plan, and updates on statewide policy matters including activities and engagement undertaken by the SFVIAC
- Strategic Planning and Reporting:
- lead the development, implementation and operationalisation of the FVRIC Strategic Plan and Annual Action Plans
- ensure that FVRIC activities and priorities are aligned with the Strategic Plan
- coordinate the preparation and submission of reporting on behalf of the FVRIC
- participate in discussions with the auspice agency, chair and the DFFH Area to discuss the mid-year and full year FVRIC activity and performance reports, and financial position of the FVRIC.
- Capacity building
- undertake activities to build capacity and knowledge regarding the Family Violence reforms and service responses within and across the system
- develop communications and engagement between the family violence services, other sectors, peak bodies and government on matters relevant to cross sector system integration
- coordinate and develop capacity building and workforce development initiatives that improve the safety of victim survivors and increase the accountability for perpetrators.
- co-ordinate and oversee the delivery of MARAM Collaborative Practice Training in the area.
- oversee the delivery of any FSV funded projects for which the FVRIC is responsible
- Represent the FVRIC
- at routine meetings with FSV
- in regional and statewide forums and advocate on issues relevant to the area
- in activities and engagement co-ordinated through the Statewide Family Violence Integration Advisory Committee (SFVIAC)