We’re helping more children learn and play outdoors with the second round of the Bush Kinder Grants Program.
Through each round of the program, 150 one-off grants of $6,000 are available to eligible kindergartens to help them establish nature programs. Applications for this round close 5 pm Wednesday 4 September 2024.
The Bush Kinder Grants Program will support successful kindergarten services to do one of the following:
- establish a new or enhance an existing off-site bush kinder program held regularly in a local outdoor natural space
- establish a new or enhance an existing onsite bush kinder program by improving the above-ground outdoor biodiversity of the existing kindergarten premises, if suitable off-site locations are unavailable.
What is bush kinder?
Bush kinder programs are early learning educational programs regularly delivered outdoors through natural environments, such as parks, local bushland and beaches.
Bush kinder programs give children the freedom to learn through play with natural materials in outdoor environments.
By increasing the amount of time children spend outdoors and in natural environments, bush kinder programs can help to:
- improve children’s wellbeing, physical development, fine and gross motor skills, core strength, coordination, balance, eyesight and physical endurance
- encourage children to build deeper understandings of science, technology, engineering, and maths
- support children to make decisions and judgements that build confidence in their abilities in new surroundings
- improve children’s connections to nature, which can encourage their knowledge and commitment to environmental sustainability into adulthood.
How to apply
If you’re a funded kindergarten service with a current National Quality Standard rating and have not been a previous recipient of a bush kinder grant, you can apply now.
All applications must be submitted through SmartyGrants by 5 pm Wednesday 4 September 2024.
Find out more
For more information, refer to Bush Kinder Grants Program and Bush Kinder.
For further enquiries, contact the department by email: bush.kinder.grants@education.vic.gov.au