The Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) has launched a new national code on how to safely take, share and store images or videos of children in early childhood education.
The National Model Code (the Code) addresses the use of electronic devices while providing education and care for children.
While the Code is voluntary, we encourage services to adopt the model as recommended practice under the National Quality Framework.
The Code recommends that:
- only service-issued devices should be used to take photos or videos of children
- personal electronic devices that can take or record images are not to be carried or used, unless for authorised essential purposes such as emergencies, health and family needs
- strict controls should be in place for storing and retaining children's images and recordings.
The Code supports services to implement child safe practices and increase awareness among staff and families about the risks and considerations associated with taking images or videos of children, while providing education and care.
Where does the Code apply?
While the Code has been developed for use in centre-based early childhood education services approved under the National Quality Framework, any type of children’s education and care service can apply it.
Approved providers of early childhood education are also encouraged to consult with educators, staff, families and carers about the Code, to make sure it meets their specific needs.
This includes regarding the use of devices by families, carers and other visitors to the service, as well as the use of children’s personal electronic devices, where applicable.
Find out more
For more information, refer to: