On Thursday 1 August 2024, the department sent service providers information about Arrival, a new system that will replace KIMS (the Kindergarten Information Management System) for kindergarten data reporting.
Arrival is a purpose-built system that will make it easier for Victorian government-funded kindergarten services to report data.
Arrival will also include functionality to enable sessional services to collect and report daily attendance data, aimed at improving preschool participation and outcomes for children.
This data will help drive our initiatives to boost engagement in kindergarten in partnership with the sector, so that Victorian children receive the full learning and developmental benefits of a quality early childhood education.
Preparing for Arrival
In the lead-up to the system’s introduction in January 2025, we will continue to provide information about Arrival to help services and providers prepare for the new system.
Alongside our communications through direct email and the Early Childhood Update, we have created a dedicated Arrival webpage to host all the latest information and resources about transitioning to the new system.
You can also contact the department’s Arrival Implementation team with any questions or support needs. Please refer to the team’s contact details below.
Find out more
For more information, refer to the Arrival webpage.
For further enquiries, contact the department's Arrival Implementation team by email: arrival.implementation@education.vic.gov.au