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Stronger policy outcomes for Victoria

Economic Policy and State Productivity

  • Provide advice on current and future economic challenges and opportunities, including to support development of the government’s Economic Growth Statement and the government’s budgeting and financial management, as well as efficient government operations, including the digitising of government services.
  • Provide advice to support the efficient operation of markets, while maintaining appropriate protections for consumers.
  • Provide advice to deliver a renewable energy transition and achieve emissions reduction across the economy to reach the government’s target of net zero emissions by 2045, support delivery of the government’s environmental and agricultural priorities and maintain the sustainable use of Victoria’s natural resources in a changing climate.
  • Support delivery of the government’s transport infrastructure program and coordinate a range of reforms to improve the safety, liveability and sustainability of Victoria’s built environment, including implementation of Victoria’s Housing Statement.
  • Support delivery of the government’s industry and innovation agenda, including driving investment in commercialisation and jobs outcomes, providing advice to deliver the government’s skills and workforce priorities and providing oversight and advice relating to the delivery of the government’s Regional Package.
  • Advise, deliver and facilitate engagement with international stakeholders in Victoria and overseas, particularly by the Premier, Deputy Premier and the Governor, that promote trade and investment, continue to build the state’s vibrant multicultural fabric and achieve other priority whole-of-government objectives.

Social Policy and Intergovernmental Relations

  • Support the delivery of critical social policy reforms to improve outcomes for Victorians accessing housing and social services, including the Big Housing Build, reform in the children and families system and continued implementation of family violence reforms.
  • Support the Victorian Government to deliver key commitments to improve the health and wellbeing of Victorians, including the record health-infrastructure pipeline, as well as supporting health-system reform and performance.
  • Support the Victorian Government to deliver critical education policy reforms, including negotiating the new Better and Fairer Schools Agreement and implementing Best Start, Best Life reforms alongside the continued roll out of Three-Year-Old Kindergarten.
  • Support the ongoing implementation of recommendations from the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System, to deliver a reformed and integrated mental health and wellbeing system with community at its core, as well as the progression of critical alcohol and other drug-system reforms.
  • Advocate for Victorian interests in intergovernmental relations and work collaboratively with other jurisdictions and the Commonwealth Government on National Cabinet priorities, including addressing gender-based violence, disability reform and the negotiation of significant intergovernmental agreements for schools, health, land-transport infrastructure and energy transition.
  • Tackle racism, promote multiculturalism and celebrate diverse communities to help build safe, fair, inclusive and resilient Victorian communities.
