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Message from the Secretary

I am pleased to present the Department of Premier and Cabinet’s (DPC’s) Corporate Plan 2024–28 which outlines our key areas of focus over the next four years.

Our department has undergone some important changes in 2024, to ensure we are well positioned to support the strategic objectives of the Victorian Government. We have welcomed back the Multicultural Affairs portfolio with its focus on helping to build safe, fair, inclusive and resilient Victorian communities. We also farewelled Industrial Relations Victoria and the Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal, which transferred to the Department of Treasury and Finance.

DPC now consists of the following five groups:

  • Office of the Secretary
  • Justice and Public Administration
  • Economic Policy and State Productivity
  • First Peoples – State Relations
  • Social Policy and Intergovernmental Relations.

The department will continue to support the Premier through policy development and implementation, as well as providing expert advice on legal and policy matters, including the functions of Cabinet, Cabinet Committees and the Executive Council.

We will also provide ongoing support to the Deputy Premier, the Minister for Multicultural Affairs and the Minister for Treaty and First Peoples.

The next few years will be especially significant for our First Peoples – State Relations group, with Victoria scheduled to take the next step towards reconciliation and advancing self-determination for First Peoples, by beginning the country's first Treaty negotiations.

DPC has a unique opportunity and responsibility to drive standards in public-sector excellence and integrity during the next four years. I look forward to working collaboratively with DPC staff and our colleagues in other departments and statutory authorities to ensure Victoria's public sector is doing everything it can to support the Victorian people and maintain its trust.

Jeremi Moule
