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Ensuring First Peoples in Victoria are strong and self-determining

First Peoples – State Relations

  • Support strong policy outcomes for First Peoples that promote self-determination and address injustice, by driving whole-of-government policy and reform in the Treaty and First Peoples portfolio.
  • Coordinate implementation across government of the National Agreement on Closing the Gap, including supporting the Partnership Forum on Closing the Gap as the Victorian Government’s formal shared decision-making forum.
  • Advance Aboriginal self-determination and improved outcomes in line with commitments made by the Victorian Government.
  • Prepare to embark on the next phase of the landmark Treaty process and commence Treaty negotiations with First Peoples in Victoria.
  • Drive and support strong cultural heritagemanagement and protection under Victoria’s Aboriginal cultural heritage system.
  • Support non-formally recognised Traditional Owner groups to access the independent legal and research services required to gain recognition and activate rights.
  • Work with First Peoples and support the Minister for Treaty and First Peoples to respond to native title claims made in the Federal Court of Australia.
  • Negotiate and implement agreements between the State and Traditional Owner Groups, under the Traditional Owner Settlement Act 2010.
  • Lead the implementation of the government’s response to the First Principles Review recommendations to deliver on Traditional Owners’ aspirations in relation to land, waters and natural resources under the Traditional Owner Settlement Act.
  • Lead the whole-of-government response to the Yoorrook Justice Commission, the nation’s first truth-telling inquiry into historic and ongoing systemic injustices committed against Aboriginal Victorians since colonisation.
  • Support Aboriginal organisations to build,repair, refurbish or expand community infrastructure.
  • Deliver the Munarra Centre for Regional Excellence in accordance with self-determined decision-making processes.
  • Support self-governance and self-determination at the Lake Tyers and Framlingham Aboriginal Trusts.
  • Recognise the achievements of Aboriginal Victorians and celebrate the diversity of Aboriginal culture in Victoria through Aboriginal cultural events and awards.
  • Support the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council to progress and fulfil its statutory functions.
