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Volume 6, Enabling autonomy and access

Victorian Government response to the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability.

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Recommendation 6.1 A national plan to promote accessible information and communications

The Australian Government and state and territory governments should develop and agree on an Associated Plan in connection with Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021–2031 to improve the accessibility of information and communications for people with disability. The Associated Plan should be co-designed with people with disability and their representative organisations. It should be finalised by the end of 2024.

The Associated Plan should:

  • consolidate and build on existing initiatives and commitments by governments
  • recognise the diversity of people with disability and the many formats and languages that people may require information to be provided in
  • consider the roles of various stakeholders, including the Australian Government, state and territory governments, disability service providers, disability representative organisations and organisations representing people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
  • focus, in the first instance, on information and communications about preparing for and responding to emergencies and natural disasters, and public health
  • include targeted actions to ensure access to information and communications for people with disability in the criminal justice system; supported accommodation, including group homes; Australian Disability Enterprises; and day programs
  • identify and allocate appropriate funding and resources for delivery
  • include mechanisms for review and public reporting of progress made against the Associated Plan.
Responsible jurisdiction/sLead Victorian ministerLead Victorian Government departmentVictorian Government position
Commonwealth, states and territoriesMinister for DisabilityDepartment of Families, Fairness and HousingAccept in principle

Victorian Government response to recommendation 6.1

We accept this recommendation in principle.

Our accessible communications project is building capacity and leadership on accessible communications. This includes communications before, during and after emergencies. The project is funded for 4 years to 2024–25.

This will aid the national plan. It will provide guidance and knowledge that we can build on.

Joint response to recommendation 6.1

Accept in principle

The Australian Government and state and territory governments recognise that people with disability have a right to access information and communications on an equal basis with others.

All governments support the development of an Associated Plan to Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021–31 to improve the accessibility of information and communications for people with disability.

The Australian Government will lead the development of the Associated Plan, building on existing initiatives to deliver a unified approach. The Associated Plan will be developed in consultation with state and territory governments.

The Associated Plan will be developed with people with disability and their representative organisations. This includes First Nations people with disability, people with disability from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, people who are Deaf or hard of hearing, people who are blind or have low vision, Deafblind people, people with intellectual disability, and other people with disability who may face additional barriers to accessing the information and communications they need.

Scoping and development will commence in 2024.

Recommendation 6.2 Increase the number of Auslan interpreters

The Australian Government and state and territory governments, through the Disability Reform Ministerial Council, should commission the development of a workforce strategy to increase the number and quality of Auslan interpreters.

The strategy should:

  • be based on a robust demand-supply analysis to quantify the current gaps and shortages in interpreting services. This includes analysis of qualifications, specialisations, geographic coverage, and the availability and use of face-to-face interpreting and Video Remote Interpreting
  • include costed initiatives to:
    • increase the number of Auslan interpreters, including the provision of scholarships and stable ongoing employment opportunities, particularly in under-serviced areas
    • support specialisations in health, legal and other critical sectors (including minimum qualifications)
    • provide ongoing professional development and industry standards to support a high-quality interpreter workforce
    • increase and retain Auslan interpreters who are First Nations or from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
    • raise awareness and promote pathways to becoming an Auslan interpreter.

The strategy should be developed by September 2024, and implementation of the strategy should begin by January 2025.

Responsible jurisdiction/sLead Victorian ministerLead Victorian Government departmentVictorian Government position
Commonwealth, states and territoriesMinister for Skills and TAFEDepartment of Jobs, Skills, Industry and RegionsAccept

Victorian Government response to recommendation 6.2

We accept this recommendation in full.

We are increasing the number of Auslan interpreters by including Auslan qualifications in our Free TAFE commitment.

This helps to create a more inclusive Victoria for Victorians who are Deaf or hard of hearing.

In the 2022–23 State Budget, we made these qualifications free:

  • Diploma of Auslan
  • Diploma of Interpreting (Auslan)
  • Advanced Diploma of Interpreting (Auslan).

These free qualifications will help Auslan interpreters progress in their careers.

They are part of the entry requirements to become either a Certified Provisional Interpreter or a Certified Interpreter.

We have also removed the ‘once-in-a-lifetime limit’ for Free TAFE for these qualifications.

Joint response to recommendation 6.2

Accept in principle

The Australian Government and state and territory governments recognise the critical role Auslan interpreters play in supporting people who are Deaf or hard of hearing to access the information and communications they need.

Governments also recognise Deaf interpreters and translators who support people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds or are more familiar with foreign sign languages, people with sensory or cognitive disability, people who are educationally or linguistically disadvantaged, or people who have limited conventional Auslan.

All governments support nationally coordinated work to boost the Auslan and Deaf interpreter workforce. As part of its work developing an Associated Plan under Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021–31 to improve the accessibility of information and communications for people with disability consistent with recommendation 6.1, the Disability Reform Ministerial Council will consider strategies, initiatives and approaches to boost the Auslan and Deaf interpreter workforce.

Recommendation 6.3 Access to appropriately skilled and qualified interpreters

The Australian Government, the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI) and the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) should take steps to ensure people with disability have access to appropriately skilled and qualified interpreters as needed.

Training for interpreters

NAATI should require interpreters to complete training in disability awareness before receiving accreditation and as part of their ongoing professional development to maintain accreditation.

Interpreters in disability service provision

The NDIA should:

  • ensure staff are aware of the NDIA’s Practice Guide on Accessible Communication and the provisions of the Practice Guide for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander planning support relating to interpreters and translation
  • provide training for staff on how to arrange and work with an interpreter.

The Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), in consultation with states and territories, should:

  • amend the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Provider Registration and Practice Standards) Rules 2018 (Cth) to introduce a standard on effectively working with interpreters
  • amend the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Quality Indicators for NDIS Practice Standards) Guidelines 2018 (Cth) to include indicators relevant to the standard on working effectively with interpreters, including that providers have relevant policies and procedures in place.

The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission should amend the NDIS Workforce Capability Framework to provide that the Communicate Effectively Core Capability for Advanced Support Work explicitly includes working with interpreters.

Responsible jurisdiction/sLead Victorian ministerLead Victorian Government departmentVictorian Government position
CommonwealthDoes not applyDoes not applyNote

Victorian Government response to recommendation 6.3

We note this recommendation.

This recommendation is not within our area of responsibility.

Recommendation 6.4 Terms and definitions in guardianship and administration legislation

  1. States and territories should amend their guardianship and administration legislation to:
    • include the terms ‘support order’, ‘support agreement’ and ‘supported persons’
    • remove the terms ‘guardianship order’ and ‘administration order’ or ‘financial management order’, and replace these with ‘representative order’
    • remove the terms ‘guardian’ and ‘administrator’ or ‘financial manager’, and replace these with ‘representative’
    • remove the term ‘enduring guardian’ and replace this with ‘enduring representative’
    • remove the terms ‘enduring guardianship’ and ‘enduring power of attorney’, and replace these with ‘enduring representation agreement’
    • remove the terms ‘decision-making capacity’, ‘capacity’ and ‘mental incapacity’, and replace these with ‘decision-making ability’.
  2. The new and replacement terms should be defined consistently with the definitions provided in Table 6.2.11.
  3. States and territories should amend the title of their guardianship and administration legislation to refer to decision-making. For example, ‘Supported and represented decision-making Act’ or ‘Decision-making Act’.
Responsible jurisdiction/sLead Victorian ministerLead Victorian Government departmentVictorian Government position
States and territoriesAttorney-GeneralDepartment of Justice and Community SafetySubject to further consideration

Victorian Government response to recommendation 6.4

We will consider this recommendation further.

We accept in principle the need for national consistency. However, we need to look at the impacts of implementing some elements of this recommendation.

In particular, the Guardianship and Administration Act 2019 (Vic) has only been in effect for a short time.

We are also involved with national efforts to reform powers of attorney laws.

Recommendation 6.5 Objects of guardianship and administration legislation

States and territories should review and reform their guardianship and administration legislation to include a statement of statutory objects which:

  • recognises and promotes the rights of people with disability consistent with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)
  • includes the text of article 12 of the CRPD
  • recognises the role of support to enable people who may require support to make, participate in and implement decisions that affect their lives.
Responsible jurisdiction/sLead Victorian ministerLead Victorian Government departmentVictorian Government position
States and territoriesAttorney-GeneralDepartment of Justice and Community SafetySubject to further consideration

Victorian Government response to recommendation 6.5

We will consider this recommendation further.

We need to examine the scope and impact of this recommendation before we determine our position.

The Disability Royal Commission noted that multiple Acts in Victoria already reflect the Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities (CRPD).

Replicating the existing protection and Article 12 under law may be counterproductive.

Recommendation 6.6 Supported decision-making principles

  1. States and territories which have not already done so should review and reform their guardianship and administration legislation to include the following supported decision-making principles. The legislation should oblige all persons exercising powers, carrying out functions or performing duties under the legislation to have regard to the principles.

    Principle 1 – Recognition of the equal right to make decisions

    All people have an equal right to make decisions that affect their lives and to have those decisions respected.

    Principle 2 – Presumption of decision-making ability

    All people must be presumed to be able to make decisions.

    Principle 3 – Respect for dignity and dignity of risk

    All people must be treated with dignity and respect and supported to take risks to enable them to live their lives the way they choose, including in their social and intimate relationships.

    Principle 4 – Recognition of informal supporters and advocates

    The role of informal supporters, support networks and advocates who provide support for decision-making should be acknowledged and respected.

    Principle 5 – Access to support

    People who may require supported decision-making should be provided with equitable access to appropriate support to enable the person, as far as practicable in the circumstances, to:

    • make and participate in decisions affecting them
    • communicate their will and preferences
    • develop their decision-making ability.

    Principle 6 – Decisions directed by will and preferences

    The will and preferences of people who may require supported decision-making must direct decisions that affect their lives.

    Principle 7 – Inclusion of safeguards

    There must be appropriate and effective safeguards where people may require supported decision-making, including to prevent abuse and undue influence.

    Principle 8 – Co-designed processes

    People with disability, in particular people with cognitive disability, their supporters and representative organisations, should be involved in the development and delivery of policies and practices on supported decision-making.

    Principle 9 – Recognition of diversity

    The diverse experiences, identities and needs of people who may require supported decision-making must be actively considered.

    Principle 10 – Cultural safety

    First Nations people and culturally and linguistically diverse people with disability are entitled to supported decision-making that is culturally safe, sensitive and responsive. This includes recognising the importance of maintaining a person’s cultural and linguistic environment and set of values.

  2. The Australian Government and state and territory governments should also take steps to review and reform other laws concerning individual decision-making to give legislative effect to the supported decision-making principles.
Responsible jurisdiction/sLead Victorian ministerLead Victorian Government departmentVictorian Government position
Commonwealth, states and territoriesAttorney-GeneralDepartment of Justice and Community SafetyAccept in principle

Victorian Government response to recommendation 6.6

We accept this recommendation in principle.

With the exception of Principle 8, the Guardianship and Administration Act 2019 (Vic) already gives effect to this recommendation.

We need to consider the best way to apply the co-design element of the recommendation.

Joint response to recommendation 6.6

Commonwealth, ACT, NT, Qld, Tas, Vic, WA: Accept in principle

NSW, SA: Subject to further consideration

The Australian Government and state and territory governments recognise and respect the inherent dignity and individual autonomy of all people with disability and are committed to ongoing work to ensure people with disability who may require support to make decisions are provided that support. All governments recognise substituted decision-making should only be used as a last resort.

Recommendation 6.6 (a)

The Australian Capital Territory, Northern Territory, Queensland, Tasmania and Victoria accept in principle the principles outlined by the Disability Royal Commission.
New South Wales, South Australia and Western Australia note that consideration of the Disability Royal Commission’s supported decision-making principles is subject to respective legislative review processes in their respective jurisdictions.

Recommendation 6.6 (b)

The Australian Government and state and territory governments support taking steps to identify other relevant laws concerning decision-making that may require review regarding approaches to supported decision-making.

Recommendation 6.7 Decision-making ability

States and territories should review and reform their guardianship and administration legislation to:

  • ensure consistency with Principle 2 in Recommendation 6.6 that all people should be presumed to be able to make decisions
  • provide that this presumption cannot be rebutted solely on the basis that a person has a disability
  • require that anyone responsible for deciding whether the presumption has been rebutted that a person has decision-making ability for the relevant decision, must consider:
    • the supports available to the person, including the quality of existing support relationships
    • that decision-making ability is specific to the decision being made
    • the nature and complexity of the specific decision to be made
    • the views of the person and, with their consent, the views of family and informal supporters who have significant involvement in the person’s life.
Responsible jurisdiction/sLead Victorian ministerLead Victorian Government departmentVictorian Government position
States and territoriesAttorney-GeneralDepartment of Justice and Community SafetyAccept

Victorian Government response to recommendation 6.7

We accept this recommendation in full.

The Guardianship and Administration Act 2019 (Vic) and the Powers of Attorney Act 2014 (Vic) give effect to this recommendation.

Victoria’s legal framework for decision-making presumes decision-making capacity at all levels (unless there is evidence to the contrary).

It also has a graded approach to decision-making and support. This preserves the person’s capacity as far as possible.

Recommendation 6.8 Formal supporters

States and territories should introduce into guardianship and administration legislation provisions to enable statutory and personal appointments of one or more supporters for personal and financial matters, following the approach taken by Victoria in Part 4 of the Guardianship and Administration Act 2019 (Vic) and Part 7 of the Powers of Attorney Act 2014 (Vic). This includes provisions on:

  • appointment of supporters
  • role, powers and duties of supporters
  • safeguards in relation to supports
  • review and revocation of support agreements and orders.
Responsible jurisdiction/sLead Victorian ministerLead Victorian Government departmentVictorian Government position
States and territoriesAttorney-GeneralDepartment of Justice and Community SafetyAccept

Victorian Government response to recommendation 6.8

We accept this recommendation in full.

The Guardianship and Administration Act 2019 (Vic) and the Powers of Attorney Act 2014 (Vic) give effect to this recommendation.

Recommendation 6.9 Representatives as a last resort

States and territories should review and reform their guardianship and administration legislation to provide that representation orders should be made only as a last resort and in a way that is least restrictive of a person’s rights, autonomy and actions, as practicable in the circumstances. The reforms should include:

  1. the repeal of provisions authorising plenary representation orders
  2. a requirement that the relevant tribunal should make an order appointing a representative only if satisfied that:
    • the proposed represented person does not have decision-making ability for one or more decisions
    • the order is necessary, taking into account:
      • the will and preferences of the proposed represented person
      • the availability and suitability of less intrusive and restrictive measures, including formal and informal support arrangements, negotiation and mediation
    • the order will promote the person’s personal and social wellbeing
  3. a provision that the tribunal must take into account, in deciding whether a person (other than a public official) is suitable for appointment as a representative:
    • the will and preferences of the proposed represented person
    • the nature of the relationship between the proposed representative and the proposed represented person
    • whether the proposed representative is likely to act honestly, diligently and in good faith
    • whether the proposed representative has or may have a conflict of interest in relation to any of the decisions referred to in the order
  4. a prohibition on a representation order made in the absence of the proposed represented person, unless the tribunal is satisfied that either:
    • the represented person does not wish to attend the hearing in person
    • the personal attendance of the represented person at the hearing is impracticable or cannot reasonably be arranged
  5. a requirement that when considering whether a support or representation order should be made for a First Nations person, the tribunal should take into account:
    • the likely impact of the order on the person’s culture, values, beliefs (including religious beliefs) and linguistic environment
    • the likely impact of the order on the person’s standing or reputation in their community
    • any other considerations pertaining to the person’s culture
  6. provisions on the review and revocation of representation orders, including that:
    • a representation order lapses on the expiration of three years after the date on which it is made, unless the tribunal has specified an expiry date (earlier than three years) in the order or the order is renewed
    • a tribunal must conduct a review of a representation order at least once within each three-year period after making the order
    • when reviewing an order, the tribunal should consider:
      • whether the order is still necessary, considering the factors listed in b)
      • whether the representative is still eligible and suitable
      • whether the representative is meeting their responsibilities and carrying out their required functions.
Responsible jurisdiction/sLead Victorian ministerLead Victorian Government departmentVictorian Government position
States and territoriesAttorney-GeneralDepartment of Justice and Community SafetyAccept

Victorian Government response to recommendation 6.9

We accept this recommendation in full.

The Guardianship and Administration Act 2019 (Vic), Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998 (Vic) and the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 (Vic) give effect to this recommendation.

Recommendation 6.10 Decision-making process

States and territories should review and reform their guardianship and administration legislation to include a decision-making process that appointed supporters and representatives are required to follow.

The decision-making process for both supporters and representatives should involve:

  • supporting the person to express their will and preferences
  • assisting the person to develop their own decision-making ability.

The decision-making process for representatives should also include the following steps and considerations:

  • the person’s will and preferences must be given effect
  • where the person’s current will and preferences cannot be determined, the representative must give effect to what they believe the person’s will and preferences are likely to be, based on all the information available
  • if it is not possible to determine what the person would likely want, the representative must act to promote and uphold the person’s personal and social wellbeing with the least possible restriction on their dignity and autonomy
  • a representative may override the person’s will and preferences only where necessary to prevent serious harm. In these circumstances, the representative must act to promote and uphold the person’s personal and social wellbeing with the least possible restriction on their dignity and autonomy.
Responsible jurisdiction/sLead Victorian ministerLead Victorian Government departmentVictorian Government position
States and territoriesAttorney-GeneralDepartment of Justice and Community SafetyAccept in principle

Victorian Government response to recommendation 6.10

We accept this recommendation in principle.

The Guardianship and Administration Act 2019 (Vic) already gives effect to part of this recommendation.

We need to consider other legislation involving decision-making processes.

Section 9 of the Guardianship and Administration Act 2019 (Vic) uses the same order of decision-making processes set out in this recommendation.

The Powers of Attorney Act 2014 (Vic) has some principles that reflect elements of the recommendation. However, they are not in hierarchical order.

If the recommendation is to cover the Powers of Attorney Act 2014 (Vic), we will need to do more work to look at the benefits and risks.

Recommendation 6.11 Guidelines on maximising participation

  1. The Australian Guardianship and Administration Council should update the Guidelines for Australian Tribunals: Maximising the participation of the Person in guardianship proceedings to align with our recommendations on guardianship and supported decision-making (see in particular Recommendations 6.4–6.10 and 6.19).
  2. The guardianship division or list in each state and territory tribunal should consider adopting, through practice directions or other appropriate means, the updated Guidelines for Australian Tribunals: Maximising the participation of the Person in guardianship proceedings.
Responsible jurisdiction/sLead Victorian ministerLead Victorian Government departmentVictorian Government position
States and territoriesAttorney-GeneralDepartment of Justice and Community SafetySubject to further consideration

Victorian Government response to recommendation 6.11

We will consider this recommendation further.

This recommendation is for the Australian Guardianship and Administration Council.

We will consult with the Council to consider this recommendation.

The Guidelines are a national document. This means some jurisdictions may need to revise their laws before the Council can amend the document in line with this recommendation.

Recommendation 6.12 Public disclosure and confidentiality restrictions

States and territories should amend their guardianship and administration laws or tribunals acts to:

  • repeal provisions prohibiting publication of material identifying a party to the proceedings as the default position
  • empower the tribunal to make an order prohibiting publication of material identifying the party to the proceedings if the circumstances justify such an order, taking into account the will and preferences of that party.
Responsible jurisdiction/sLead Victorian ministerLead Victorian Government departmentVictorian Government position
States and territoriesAttorney-GeneralDepartment of Justice and Community SafetyAccept in principle

Victorian Government response to recommendation 6.12

We accept this recommendation in principle.

However, the reforms are complex. We will need to consult with stakeholders before we can accept the recommendation in full.

We will also need to consider laws with similar prohibitions regarding people with impaired capacity. These laws include the Powers of Attorney Act 2014 (Vic) and the Medical Treatment Planning and Decisions Act 2016 (Vic).

Recommendation 6.13 Information and education on supported decision-making

  1. States and territories should ensure that, where legislation to this effect is not already in place, the functions of public advocates and public guardians include providing information, education and training on supported decision-making to people requiring supported decision-making and their families, private supporters and representatives (present or prospective), disability service providers, public agencies, the judiciary, tribunal members and legal representatives.
  2. States and territories should ensure that, where legislation to this effect is not already in place, public advocates and public guardians are empowered to provide advice and assistance to people who may require decision-making support, including in relation to applications for support and representation orders.
Responsible jurisdiction/sLead Victorian ministerLead Victorian Government departmentVictorian Government position
States and territoriesAttorney-GeneralDepartment of Justice and Community SafetyAccept in principle

Victorian Government response to recommendation 6.13

We accept this recommendation in principle.

The Guardianship and Administration Act 2019 (Vic) already covers most of this recommendation.

The Office of the Public Advocate helps people and organisations who need assistance around supported decision-making.

The Office of the Public Advocate provides advice, information and education on the Powers of Attorney Act 2014 (Vic). It has a telephone/web-based advice line. It also publishes the Take control information guide (recently updated in 2022) and electronic forms.

This role is not enshrined in the Powers of Attorney Act 2014 (Vic). However, it does not need to be. This is because it is implemented via funding arrangements.

We will need to consult with Office of the Public Advocate to make sure everything in this recommendation can be done with existing resourcing.

Recommendation 6.14 Systemic advocacy to promote supported decision-making

States and territories should ensure that, where this is not already the case, a statutory body has a function to undertake systemic advocacy to promote supported decision-making. This function should include:

  • monitoring, investigating, researching, reporting, making recommendations and advising on any aspect of relevant decision-making legislation
  • encouraging the development and improvement of programs, services and facilities that promote the autonomy of people with disability
  • supporting organisations that undertake advocacy and education on supported decision-making.
Responsible jurisdiction/sLead Victorian ministerLead Victorian Government departmentVictorian Government position
States and territoriesAttorney-GeneralDepartment of Justice and Community SafetySubject to further consideration

Victorian Government response to recommendation 6.14

We will consider this recommendation further.

The Office of the Public Advocate helps people and organisations who need assistance around supported decision-making.

We need to consult with the Office of the Public Advocate to see which parts of this recommendation relate to their existing work. There may be other statutory bodies that fulfill these functions.

The Office of the Public Advocate advocates for people with disability on a systemic basis. This is provided for in section 15(c) of the Guardianship and Administration Act 2019 (Vic).

Recommendation 6.15 Updating the national standards for public advocates, public guardians and public trustees

Public advocates, public guardians and public trustees, through the Australian Guardianship and Administration Council, should update the National Standards of Public Guardianship and National Standards for Financial Managers to:

  • include the supported decision-making principles
  • align with reforms to state and territory guardianship and administration legislation that give effect to recommendations 6.4–6.10
  • amend the relevant standards to provide that public officials acting as representatives should have frequent meetings and ongoing, accessible communication with the represented person to get to know the person and develop a trusted relationship. Meetings should take place in line with a represented person’s preferences as to format and attendees, wherever practicable
  • amend the relevant standards to recognise the importance of ensuring all engagement with First Nations and culturally and linguistically diverse people is culturally safe and responsive and that appropriate training for staff is provided to enable them to do so
  • amend the relevant standards to recognise the importance of public officials acting as representatives facilitating connections between a represented person and advocates and informal supporters.
Responsible jurisdiction/sLead Victorian ministerLead Victorian Government departmentVictorian Government position
States and territoriesAttorney-GeneralDepartment of Justice and Community SafetySubject to further consideration

Victorian Government response to recommendation 6.15

We will consider this recommendation further.

This recommendation is for the Australian Guardianship and Administration Council.

We will need to consult with the Council before we provide our response.

Recommendation 6.16 Financial skills development programs

  1. All public trustees should offer a financial skills development program to people under a representation order appointing the public trustee as a representative. The program should promote financial independence and:
    • be developed in partnership with representative organisations of people with disability, including organisations representing people with intellectual disability, and financial counselling community support organisations
    • incorporate broad eligibility criteria
    • be actively promoted, especially among people entering administration.
  2. Upon successful completion of the program, public trustees should support a person to apply for a review of their order. If a person is not eligible for the program, the public trustee must advise them of their right to apply to the relevant tribunal for review of their order.
  3. Public trustees should report annually on the number of people who have participated in the program, the number who have completed it and the number who have subsequently transitioned out of administration arrangements.
Responsible jurisdiction/sLead Victorian ministerLead Victorian Government departmentVictorian Government position
States and territoriesTreasurerState Trustees Accept in principle

Victorian Government response to recommendation 6.16

We accept this recommendation in principle.

We have provided funding for Victorian State Trustees’ Financial Independence Program from 2021–22 to 2025–26.

This program helps the financial decision-making capacity of represented persons.

It aims to support participants to gain full independence. This is consistent with Administrators’ duties under the Guardianship and Administration Act 2019 (Vic).

Recommendation 6.17 Transparency of public trustee fees and charges

Public trustees in each state and territory should:

  • publish accessible information about the services they provide to people under administration orders, the fees and charges applicable for those services and the ways in which fees are calculated for each individual
  • on appointment, annually and following any significant change to a person’s circumstances, send to people under administration orders individualised and accessible information detailing the services they will receive and the fees for those services.
Responsible jurisdiction/sLead Victorian ministerLead Victorian Government departmentVictorian Government position
States and territoriesTreasurerState TrusteesAccept

Victorian Government response to recommendation 6.17

We accept this recommendation in full.

The Victorian State Trustees publishes its fees and charges on its website.

Recommendation 6.18 Review of public trustees’ fees and charges

State and territory governments should ensure that public trustees’ fees and charges have been independently reviewed since 2019. Where such a review has not been conducted since this time, state and territory governments should arrange a comprehensive review of the fees and charges payable by people under administration orders to the public trustee in their jurisdiction. The reviews should make recommendations to ensure fees and charges are fair and equitable for all people under administration orders.

Responsible jurisdiction/sLead Victorian ministerLead Victorian Government departmentVictorian Government position
States and territoriesTreasurerState TrusteesAccept in principle

Victorian Government response to recommendation 6.18

We accept this recommendation in principle.

We support measures that ensure fees and charges for professional administration services are fair and equitable.

In Victoria, the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal may appoint a trustee when a person’s financial and property affairs are subject to an administration order. The trustee may be the Victorian State Trustees, a trustee company, or another professional administrator, such as a lawyer.

We support an appropriate framework to ensure all administrators’ fees and charges are transparent, fair and equitable.

We will need to consider how to allocate responsibility for the proposed independent review.

This is because the current framework sits across 3 separate departments.

We will also need to consider the scope and funding of the independent review. This includes how to put the review’s recommendations into action.

Recommendation 6.19 Data collection on support and representation arrangements

The Australian Government and states and territories should develop and implement a national approach to collecting and publishing de-identified data on support and representation arrangements, led by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.

The national approach should consistently use definitions of ‘disability’, ‘representation’ and ‘support’ arrangements proposed in this Final report, and should employ methodologies which enable reporting on comparisons across jurisdictions and trends over time.

The national approach should include collection and publication of data on:

  • numbers of formally appointed representatives and supporters, disaggregated appropriately
  • the extent to which people with disability who are the subject of the proceedings participate in the proceedings and the manner in which they participate (for example, in person or via alternative technological means)
  • numbers of representative agreements commenced, terminated, revoked, varied or reviewed
  • the extent to which people with disability who are the subject of the proceedings are legally represented.

The data should identify, to the greatest extent practicable, types of impairment, age, First Nations people with disability, culturally and linguistically diverse people with disability, LGBTIQA+ people with disability, women with disability and National Disability Insurance Scheme participants.

Responsible jurisdiction/sLead Victorian ministerLead Victorian Government departmentVictorian Government position
Commonwealth, states and territoriesAttorney-GeneralDepartment of Justice and Community SafetyAccept in principle

Victorian Government response to recommendation 6.19

We accept this recommendation in principle.

Victoria’s guardianship tribunal processes support people who self-identify as Aboriginal.

Guardianship processes are a sensitive time. We acknowledge that people may not want to self-identify against the range of sociodemographic variables of interest identified in the report.

Most orders are made privately. The tribunal notes the participation of people subject to guardianship hearings. This supports the tribunal’s operations and responses.

Data is not kept about the number of formally appointed representatives.

Instead of attempting to collect additional sociodemographic variables, we will consider integrating data through the National Disability Data Asset or similar data asset.

Victoria has specific secrecy provisions that restrict the availability of information on guardianship orders by the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal.

We need to account for this in relation to data sharing agreements that would support any new data collection.

Joint response to recommendation 6.19

Accept in principle

The Australian Government and state and territory governments recognise the benefits of a nationally consistent approach to data collection and reporting on support and representation arrangements to support an evidence-based approach to reform in this area.

In January 2024, Disability Ministers agreed Commonwealth, state and territory officials focus and accelerate work to resolve data gaps in relation to the reporting requirements under Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021–2031 Outcomes Framework by the end of 2024. All governments are also working together to develop an action plan, with agreed timeframes, to drive data collection (including gender disaggregated data) and reporting on data-related Disability Royal Commission recommendations. The action plan is expected to be published in 2024.

Recommendation 6.20 Interpretative declaration

Commissioners Bennett, Galbally, Mason and McEwin recommend the Australian Government withdraw its interpretative declaration in relation to article 12 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Responsible jurisdiction/sLead Victorian ministerLead Victorian Government departmentVictorian Government position
CommonwealthDoes not applyDoes not applyNote

Victorian Government response to recommendation 6.20

We note this recommendation.

This recommendation is not within our area of responsibility.

Recommendation 6.21 Additional funding for advocacy programs

  1. For the financial years 2024–25 and 2025–26, the Australian Government should commit additional funding of:
    • $16.6 million per annum for the National Disability Advocacy Program
    • $20.3 million per annum for the National Disability Insurance Scheme Appeals Program.
      These amounts should be indexed to maintain their value in real terms from year to year.
  2. From 1 July 2026, the Australian Government should ensure long-term and stable funding for national disability advocacy programs to meet demand. This should be informed by improved data in line with Recommendation 6.22.
  3. From at least 1 July 2026, state and territory governments should ensure long-term and stable funding for disability advocacy programs in their jurisdictions to meet demand. This should be informed by improved data in line with Recommendation 6.22.
Responsible jurisdiction/sLead Victorian ministerLead Victorian Government departmentVictorian Government position
Commonwealth, states and territoriesMinister for DisabilityDepartment of Families, Fairness and HousingAccept in principle

Victorian Government response to recommendation 6.21

We accept this recommendation in principle.

We support in principle increasing the sustainability of disability advocacy.

The working group for the National Disability Advocacy Framework identified this as an action that needs coordinated effort.

Joint response to recommendation 6.21

Accept in principle

The Australian Government and the state and territory governments recognise the importance of advocacy in supporting people with disability to defend and protect their rights.

On 21 April 2023, Disability Ministers endorsed the National Disability Advocacy Framework 2023–2025 (NDAF) and associated Disability Advocacy Work Plan. The NDAF commits all governments to work together to improve national consistency and access to advocacy services for people with disability across Australia. Its purpose is to ensure people with disability have access to effective disability advocacy that promotes, protects and ensures their full and equal enjoyment of all human rights, enabling community participation and inclusion.

All governments support prioritising work on increasing culturally appropriate and accessible advocacy services for First Nations people with disability, people with disability from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and LGBTIQA+ people with disability.

Recommendation 6.22 Improved data collection and reporting on met and unmet demand for disability advocacy

The Australian Government and state and territory governments should improve data collection and reporting on met and unmet demand for disability advocacy within their jurisdiction.

At a minimum, this data should:

  • be collected and published on an annual basis
  • include demographic indicators that show geographic location, First Nations and culturally and linguistically diverse status
  • identify, where possible, whether a request for disability advocacy is from or concerns a person with disability who lives in supported accommodation or is in prison or juvenile detention.

This data should be collected and reported on an ongoing basis.

The Australian Government and state and territory governments should include data collection and reporting as a priority work area in the Disability Advocacy Work Plan associated with the 2023–2025 National Disability Advocacy Framework, and progress this as part of future National Disability Advocacy Frameworks or equivalents.

The Australian Government and state and territory governments should work together to ensure consistent definitions and methodologies allowing comparisons across jurisdictions and trends over time.

Publication of the data should commence no later than 1 July 2026.

Responsible jurisdiction/sLead Victorian ministerLead Victorian Government departmentVictorian Government position
Commonwealth, states and territoriesMinister for DisabilityDepartment of Families, Fairness and HousingAccept in principle

Victorian Government response to recommendation 6.22

We accept this recommendation in principle.

We support improved data collection in principle. This includes reporting on met and unmet demand for disability advocacy.

The working group for the National Disability Advocacy Framework identified this as an action that needs coordinated effort.

Joint response to recommendation 6.22

Accept in principle

The Australian Government and the state and territory governments recognise the importance of advocacy in supporting people with disability to defend and protect their rights.

On 21 April 2023, Disability Ministers endorsed the National Disability Advocacy Framework 2023–2025 (NDAF) and associated Disability Advocacy Work Plan. The NDAF commits all governments to work together to improve national consistency and access to advocacy services for people with disability across Australia. Its purpose is to ensure people with disability have access to effective disability advocacy that promotes, protects and ensures their full and equal enjoyment of all human rights, enabling community participation and inclusion.

All governments support prioritising work on increasing culturally appropriate and accessible advocacy services for First Nations people with disability, people with disability from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and LGBTIQA+ people with disability.

Recommendation 6.23 Culturally safe disability advocacy

The Disability Advocacy Work Plan associated with the 2023–2025 National Disability Advocacy Framework should be amended to include priority work areas on increasing culturally appropriate and accessible advocacy services for people with disability from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and LGBTIQA+ people with disability. Efforts under these priority work areas, and the priority work area on increasing culturally appropriate and accessible advocacy services for First Nations people with disability, should include training led by First Nations, culturally and linguistically diverse, and LGBTIQA+ people with disability and their representative organisations.

This work should be progressed as part of future National Disability Advocacy Frameworks or equivalents.

Responsible jurisdiction/sLead Victorian ministerLead Victorian Government departmentVictorian Government position
Commonwealth, states and territoriesMinister for DisabilityDepartment of Families, Fairness and HousingAccept in principle

Victorian Government response to recommendation 6.23

We accept this recommendation in principle.

We support increasing advocacy services for and representation of diverse communities. We will do this through the Victorian Disability Advocacy Program.

Joint response to recommendation 6.23

Accept in principle

The Australian Government and the state and territory governments recognise the importance of advocacy in supporting people with disability to defend and protect their rights.

On 21 April 2023, Disability Ministers endorsed the National Disability Advocacy Framework 2023–2025 (NDAF) and associated Disability Advocacy Work Plan. The NDAF commits all governments to work together to improve national consistency and access to advocacy services for people with disability across Australia. Its purpose is to ensure people with disability have access to effective disability advocacy that promotes, protects and ensures their full and equal enjoyment of all human rights, enabling community participation and inclusion.

All governments support prioritising work on increasing culturally appropriate and accessible advocacy services for First Nations people with disability, people with disability from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and LGBTIQA+ people with disability.

Recommendation 6.24 Improve implementation planning and coordination for the cognitive disability health capability framework

The Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care should:

  • expand the role of the Intellectual Disability Education and Training Expert Advisory Group to develop an implementation plan for the cognitive disability health capability framework, including key steps for embedding the capabilities from the framework in curricula in education and training programs for health practitioners across all training stages
  • develop a monitoring and evaluation framework to coordinate and measure delivery of the expanded capability framework and its implementation.
Responsible jurisdiction/sLead Victorian ministerLead Victorian Government departmentVictorian Government position
CommonwealthDoes not applyDoes not applyNote

Victorian Government response to recommendation 6.24

We note this recommendation.

This recommendation is not within our area of responsibility.

Recommendation 6.25 Expand the scope of health workforce capability development to include all forms of cognitive disability at all stages of education and training

The Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care should:

  • immediately expand the scope of the work on an intellectual disability health capability framework and associated resources to address all forms of cognitive disability, to apply at all stages of education and training. This expansion should include autism-specific content, and address specific healthcare issues for people with learning disability, dementia and acquired brain injury.
  • allocate additional funding to support the expanded scope of health workforce capability development.
Responsible jurisdiction/sLead Victorian ministerLead Victorian Government departmentVictorian Government position
CommonwealthDoes not applyDoes not applyNote

Victorian Government response to recommendation 6.25

We note this recommendation.

This recommendation is not within our area of responsibility.

Recommendation 6.26 Expand the role of the Health Ministers Meeting to monitor health workforce capability development

The Health Ministers Meeting should expand its role in monitoring progress of the intellectual disability health capability framework to encompass the expanded capability framework proposed in Recommendation 6.25. This should include annual reporting to the Health Ministers Meeting on the progress of actions.

Responsible jurisdiction/sLead Victorian ministerLead Victorian Government departmentVictorian Government position
Commonwealth, states and territoriesMinister for HealthDepartment of HealthAccept in principle

Victorian Government response to recommendation 6.26

We accept this recommendation in principle.

We support measures that include accessibility in our health policies and service delivery system. This also means skilling up our workforce to understand social and human rights models of disability and how these inform our workforce practices.

This recommendation aligns closely with our commitment in Inclusive Victoria: state disability plan 2022–2026 to build a shared understanding of disability confidence in specific workforces. This commitment also includes piloting disability-led approaches to awareness and inclusion training.

Joint response to recommendation 6.26

Accept in principle

Health Ministers have committed to annual reporting on progress of actions under the Roadmap for Improving the Health of People with Intellectual Disability. Ongoing annual reporting will consider any expansion to activities.

Recommendation 6.27 Establish regular progress reporting by accreditation authorities

Accreditation authorities for registered health professions and the peak professional bodies for non-registered health professions should:

  1. review and amend accreditation standards and evidence requirements where necessary to address whether cognitive disability health is sufficiently covered.
    If it is not, they should amend their accreditation standards or evidence requirements (as the case may be) accordingly.
  2. encourage or mandate education providers to develop specific cognitive disability health curriculum content and deliver such content using inclusive teaching practices, involving people with cognitive disability where possible.
  3. report annually to the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care on their progress in implementing this recommendation. Where accreditation authorities have only recently undertaken their five-yearly review, annual reporting should include progress on implementation planning to address this recommendation pending the next scheduled review.
Responsible jurisdiction/sLead Victorian ministerLead Victorian Government departmentVictorian Government position
Non-government and CommonwealthDoes not applyDoes not applyNote

Victorian Government response to recommendation 6.27

We note this recommendation.

This recommendation is not within our area of responsibility.

Recommendation 6.28 Improve access to clinical placements in disability health services

The Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care should make improved access to clinical placements in disability health services an immediate priority, including by:

  • exploring increased opportunities for student learning and development in cognitive disability health, including as part of interprofessional teams, with education providers and clinical placement providers.
  • considering mechanisms to enhance funded supervised clinical and work-based training placements to train students in providing quality health care to people with cognitive disability. This should include enhanced financial support for clinical placement and supervision in community settings.
Responsible jurisdiction/sLead Victorian ministerLead Victorian Government departmentVictorian Government position
CommonwealthDoes not applyDoes not applyNote

Victorian Government response to recommendation 6.28

We note this recommendation.

This recommendation is not within our area of responsibility.

Recommendation 6.29 Improve specialist training and continuing professional development in cognitive disability health care

  1. The Royal Australasian College of Physicians, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists, Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, Australasian College of Emergency Medicine and Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine should each:
    • develop specialised training content in cognitive disability health for different areas of specialisation, building on the capability framework and the core set of learning resources, so that future specialists can develop skills and competencies in cognitive disability health
    • expand and promote pathways for sub-speciality training in cognitive disability health.
  2. These groups, as well as the Australian Dental Association and professional bodies responsible for continuing professional development (CPD) in the nursing and allied health professions should each:
    • review CPD programs in their respective health discipline or specialty to determine whether CPD for the provision of health care to people with cognitive disability, including intellectual and/or developmental disabilities, should be enhanced
    • promote the development of CPD opportunities on the provision of health care to people with cognitive disability, including intellectual and/or developmental disabilities
    • raise awareness of such CPD opportunities among members.
  3. The Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care should reprioritise the National Roadmap for Improving the Health of People with Intellectual Disability action to embed training and CPD within all specialist training programs from a medium-term action (four to six years), to a short-term action (one to three years).
Responsible jurisdiction/sLead Victorian ministerLead Victorian Government departmentVictorian Government position
Non-government and CommonwealthDoes not applyDoes not applyNote

Victorian Government response to recommendation 6.29

We note this recommendation.

This recommendation is not within our area of responsibility.

Recommendation 6.30 Expand the scope of the National Centre of Excellence in Intellectual Disability Health

The Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care should expand the remit of the National Centre of Excellence in Intellectual Disability Health to include autism and other forms of cognitive impairment.

Responsible jurisdiction/sLead Victorian ministerLead Victorian Government departmentVictorian Government position
CommonwealthDoes not applyDoes not applyNote

Victorian Government response to recommendation 6.30

We note this recommendation.

This recommendation is not within our area of responsibility.

Recommendation 6.31 Embed the right to equitable access to health services in key policy instruments

  1. The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care should:
    • amend the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights to incorporate the right to equitable access to health services for people with disability and align with the scope of this proposed right in the Disability Rights Act recommended in Volume 4, Realising the human rights of people with disability
    • review and revise the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards and the National Safety and Quality Primary and Community Healthcare Standards to provide for the delivery of safe and high-quality health care for people with disability and align with the scope of the proposed right to equitable access to health services in the Disability Rights Act recommended in Volume 4
    • as part of this review, consider how the national standards support equal access to health services for people with disability throughout life, including (but not limited to) prevention and health promotion, diagnosis and early intervention and rehabilitation services.
  2. The Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care and state and territory counterparts should review all policies and protocols to ensure people with disability are permitted to be accompanied by a support person in any health setting. This should apply at all times, including when in-person healthcare restrictions are in place, such as during COVID-19.
Responsible jurisdiction/sLead Victorian ministerLead Victorian Government departmentVictorian Government position
Commonwealth, states and territoriesMinister for HealthDepartment of HealthAccept

Victorian Government response to recommendation 6.31

We accept this recommendation in full.

Under Inclusive Victoria: state disability plan 2022–2026, we will address the intersection of ableism with other forms of discrimination and disadvantage across our policies, programs and services.

Joint response to recommendation 6.31 (a)


The Australian Government and state and territory governments are committed to ensuring key policy instruments and plans support an inclusive Australian society that ensures people with disability have access to health care services that address their needs. The Australian Government, through the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care and in consultation with Commonwealth and state and territory governments, will develop a plan to update key policy instruments to ensure they articulate the requirements for safe and equitable access to health services for people with disability. Enacting this recommendation will enable a more person-centred approach to health care planning and delivery, reduce health disparities, provide guidance to patients, and set clear expectations on health services and clinicians.

Joint response to recommendation 6.31 (b)

Accept in principle

The Australian Government and state and territory governments are committed to reviewing all policies and protocols to support an inclusive Australia that ensures people with disability have access to high-quality health care. This includes permission to be accompanied by a support person in as many health settings as possible.

There may be some situations where disability support workers are not able to accompany patients (for example, during surgical procedures, some involuntary or forensic spaces). These instances will be minimised, and state and territory governments will ensure that disability adjustments and supports are fully provided where support workers cannot be present.

Recommendation 6.32 Increase capacity to provide supports and adaptations through improved guidance, funding and accessible information

The Australian Government and state and territory governments, in consultation with people with disability, should:

  1. identify and publish a list of frequently needed adaptations and supports (including communication supports) to enable people with disability to receive high-quality health care in all publicly funded settings. Adaptations and supports may need to be tailored to individual needs and additional supports may be required. These should include:
    • environmental modifications and aids to reduce sensory loads, such as dimmer lighting, reduced background noise and noise-cancelling headphones
    • preparatory action to familiarise the person with disability with clinical environments, such as hospital tours and animated videos
    • different modes of service delivery, such as home visits, and taking a forward-looking approach to minimise distress associated with certain procedures – for instance, taking extra blood to reduce the need for additional blood draws, or undertaking multiple procedures at once if sedation is required to decrease the number of hospital visits
    • novel and flexible approaches to pre-medication, including sedation, to reduce distress and anxiety before critical medical procedures.
  2. review hospital (admitted and non-admitted care) and primary health care funding models to ensure these adaptations and supports can be implemented in all relevant settings.
  3. disseminate information about the provision of adaptations and supports in a range of accessible formats.
Responsible jurisdiction/sLead Victorian ministerLead Victorian Government departmentVictorian Government position
Commonwealth, states and territoriesMinister for HealthDepartment of HealthAccept in principle

Victorian Government response to recommendation 6.32

We accept this recommendation in principle.

Under Inclusive Victoria: state disability plan 2022–2026, we have committed to support co-design with people with disability. We have also committed to using intersectional approaches, accessible communications and universal design to improve access to healthcare for people with disability. This will improve people’s healthcare experience and outcomes.

Joint response to recommendation 6.32

Accept in principle

The Australian Government and state and territory governments recognise that people with disability have a right to receive high-quality health care and that adaptations and supports may need to be tailored to individual needs. Further, that access to information and communications are on an equal basis with others.

All governments acknowledge that aspects of this recommendation require further consideration in the context of any changes to Australia’s human rights framework.

This recognises that the Disability Royal Commission’s proposed Disability Rights Act will be considered alongside the recently published recommendations of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights Inquiry into Australia’s Human Rights Framework.

This recommendation also requires consideration of any activities that are in-scope of National Health Reform Agreement public hospital services. As well as consideration of any activities that align with reforms considered for the 2025–30 National Health Reform Agreement Addendum.

Recommendation 6.33 Develop specialised health and mental health services for people with cognitive disability

State and territory governments should establish and fund specialised health and mental health services for people with cognitive disability to provide:

  • specialist assessment and clinical services, including preventive medicine, for people with cognitive disability and complex or chronic health and mental health needs
  • training and support for health providers to build their capacity to provide safe, high-quality health care to people with cognitive disability.

These services should be delivered through a model that includes:

  • specialist roles and multi-disciplinary teams embedded in local health service delivery
  • statewide specialised services that can be accessed by people with cognitive disability and health professionals regardless of their location
  • participation in a national network of specialised disability health and mental health services
  • evaluation of the impact of specialised services and publication of evaluation findings.

Planning to implement specialised services in each jurisdiction should begin as soon as practicable and take into account existing services and needs in each jurisdiction. These changes should be introduced by September 2026.

Responsible jurisdiction/sLead Victorian ministerLead Victorian Government departmentVictorian Government position
States and territoriesMinister for HealthDepartment of HealthAccept in principle

Victorian Government response to recommendation 6.33

We accept this recommendation in principle.

Our existing specialised mental health services include:

  • the Victorian Dual Disability Service – specialised support for Victorians with intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorders who have mental health challenges
  • Centre for Developmental Disability Health – specialised support for Victorians with intellectual disability and/or autism spectrum disorders
  • Community Brain Disorders Assessment and Treatment Service – specialised support for Victorians with an acquired brain injury and mental health difficulties
  • the Glaser Clinic – support for people with a cognitive disability who are in contact with the justice system.

However, we need to consider the detail of how we would provide:

  • specialist assessment and clinical services
  • training and support
  • specialist roles and multidisciplinary teams
  • access to statewide specialist services
  • participation in a national network of specialised disability mental health services.

We also need to consider what we need to do to:

  • improve and evaluate existing services
  • deliver additional specialised services
  • change existing models of care.

To do this, we need to collaborate and consult with stakeholders of our specialised mental health services.

We are also working to embed inclusive practices within Victoria’s mental health and wellbeing system. We are doing this by developing the Diverse Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Framework. This framework aims to improve and promote the mental health and wellbeing of diverse communities, including people with disabilities.

Recommendation 6.34 Introduce disability health navigators to support navigation of health care for people with disability

Through the Health Ministers Meeting, the Australian Government and state and territory governments should:

  1. jointly fund a national workforce of ‘disability health navigators’ to support people with cognitive disability and complex health needs access health services and to embed safe, accessible and inclusive practice in everyday health service provision
  2. develop a national evaluation framework to assess the impact of disability health navigators and share lessons learned across jurisdictions. Evaluation findings should be published.
Responsible jurisdiction/sLead Victorian ministerLead Victorian Government departmentVictorian Government position
Commonwealth, states and territoriesMinister for HealthDepartment of HealthAccept in principle

Victorian Government response to recommendation 6.34

We accept this recommendation in principle.

Our Disability Liaison Officer program has led the way in providing disability health navigation support for people with disability.

We are well positioned to contribute to a national evaluation framework to assess intervention outcomes.

We would welcome a jointly funded and expanded Disability Liaison Officer program.

Joint response to recommendation 6.34

Accept in principle

The Australian Government and state and territory governments are committed to ensuring people with disability have access to health care services that address their needs and recognise that people with disability may require additional support to navigate the health care system. All governments are committed to ensuring all Australians have access to safe and high-quality healthcare that meets their needs.

This recommendation also requires consideration of any activities that are in-scope of National Health Reform Agreement public hospital services as well as consideration of any activities that align with reforms considered for the 2025–30 National Health Reform Agreement Addendum.

All governments are committed to working together to support the development of a nationally consistent health navigation framework, which will be coordinated and aligned to complement the reshaped disability navigation function of the NDIS and would include scoping of disability health navigation in partnership with state and territory governments.

Scoping of disability health navigation would be required to identify what is currently available, what is working well and what gaps or missing elements in the support system need to be addressed to help people with disability and complex health needs navigate and access all aspects of the health and mental health systems. Scoping would include system navigation services that already exist within state and territory health systems. Stakeholders, including people with disability would be consulted as part of the scoping of disability health navigation.

All governments acknowledge that there are significant workforce challenges across the health care system, therefore the scoping of disability health navigators would also involve consideration of this issue.

  1. States and territories should ensure appropriate legal frameworks are in place in disability, health, education and justice settings, which provide that a person with disability should not be subjected to restrictive practices, except in accordance with procedures for authorisation, review and oversight established by law.
  2. The legal frameworks should incorporate the following requirements, appropriately adapted to sector-specific contexts:
    • Restrictive practices should only be used:
      • as a last resort, in response to a serious risk of harm to a person with disability or others, and only after other strategies, including supported decision-making, have been explored and applied
      • as the least restrictive response possible to ensure the safety of the person with disability or others
      • to the extent necessary to reduce the risk of harm and proportionate to the potential negative consequences from the use of restrictive practices
      • for the shortest time possible.
    • Decisions to authorise restrictive practices should be subject to independent review.
    • The use of restrictive practices should be subject to independent oversight and monitoring.
  3. The legal frameworks should set out the powers and functions of a Senior Practitioner for restrictive practices in disability service provision (or equivalent authority). These powers and functions should include:
    • promoting the reduction and elimination of the use of restrictive practices
    • protecting and promoting the rights of people with disability subjected to restrictive practices
    • developing and providing information, education and advice on restrictive practices to people with disability, their families and supporters, and the broader community
    • considering applications to use restrictive practices in disability service settings and authorising their use according to procedures consistent with the Draft Principles for Consistent Authorisation
    • developing guidelines and standards, and providing expert advice, on restrictive practices and behaviour support planning
    • receiving complaints about the use of restrictive practices and the quality of behaviour support planning
    • investigating the use of restrictive practices and the quality of behaviour support planning, either in response to complaints or of its own motion
    • acting in response to complaints and investigations where appropriate.
Responsible jurisdiction/sLead Victorian ministerLead Victorian Government departmentVictorian Government position
States and territoriesMinister for DisabilityDepartment of Families, Fairness and HousingAccept in part

Victorian Government response to recommendation 6.35

We accept this recommendation in part.

We have already put in place frameworks for the authorisation, review and oversight of the restrictive practices outlined in part (a).

Before we can provide a full response, we need to consult further with stakeholders in our health and mental health systems.

The Disability Act 2006 is Victoria’s legal framework for the authorisation, review and oversight of restrictive practices in the disability sector.

This includes the regulatory oversight role of the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission.

We have strengthened this legal framework with amendments in 2023 via the Disability and Social Services Regulation Amendment Act 2023.

In addition, the Education and Training Reform Act Regulations 2017, the Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 and the Mental Health and Wellbeing Act 2022 regulate restrictive practices in the education and health sectors.

In relation to part (b) of the recommendation, the Disability Act 2006 has the provisions to support this recommendation for the disability sector.

The Department of Education’s Restraint and Seclusion Policy has similar provisions for the education sector.

Isolation cannot be used as punishment in Victoria’s youth justice sector. We record isolations in a register.

Young people can make complaints to the Victorian Ombudsman. We report high-level isolation data publicly every quarter.

The Department of Health, the Department of Education and the Department of Justice and Community Safety will work together to provide a full response to this recommendation.

In relation to part (c), the Victorian Senior Practitioner is responsible under the Disability Act 2006 for the oversight and authorisation of regulated restrictive practices and compulsory treatment.

This includes special powers to issue directions or prohibitions and appointing authorised program officers in the disability sector.

Recommendation 6.36 Immediate action to provide that certain restrictive practices must not be used

State and territory governments should immediately:

  • Adopt the list of prohibited forms of restrictive practices agreed by the former Disability Reform Council in 2019 and provide that the use of seclusion on children and young people is not permitted in disability service settings.
  • Provide that the following are not permitted in health and mental health settings:
    • using seclusion and restraint as a means to reduce behaviours not associated with immediate risk of harm
    • using seclusion and restraint as a form of discipline, punishment or threat
    • restrictive practices that involve or include deliberate infliction of pain to secure compliance
    • using prone or supine holds, using any restraint intended to restrict or affect respiratory or digestive function, or forcing a person’s head down to their chest
    • secluding a person who is also mechanically restrained
    • secluding a person who is actively self-harming or suicidal
    • using metal handcuffs or hard manacles as a form of mechanical restraint (unless under police or other custodial supervision while in the health facility)
    • vest restraints for older people
    • neck holds
    • drugs, or higher doses of drugs, that create continuous sedation to manage behaviour
    • seclusion of children and young people.
  • Provide that the following are not permitted in education settings:
    • the use of restrictive practices:
      • as a form of discipline, punishment or threat
      • as a means of coercion or retaliation
      • in response to property destruction
      • for reasons of convenience
    • life threatening physical restraints, including physical restraints that restrict a student’s breathing or harm the student by:
      • covering the student’s mouth or nose, or in any way restricting breathing
      • taking the student to the ground into the prone or supine position
      • causing hyperextension or hyperflexion of joints
      • applying pressure to the neck, back, chest or joints
      • deliberately applying pain to gain compliance
      • causing the student to fall
      • having a person sit or kneel on the student
    • chemical restraints
    • mechanical restraints
    • clinical holding:
      • as a behaviour support strategy
      • to enforce the compliance of a student in undertaking personal care that is non-urgent and does not present a risk to the student
      • to punish a student
    • denial of key needs, such as food and water.
Responsible jurisdiction/sLead Victorian ministerLead Victorian Government departmentVictorian Government position
States and territoriesMinister for DisabilityDepartment of Families, Fairness and HousingAccept in principle

Victorian Government response to recommendation 6.36

We accept this recommendation in principle.

We are committed to reducing and eliminating restrictive practices to the greatest extent possible in all settings for people with disability.

We support the prohibition on the use of physical restraints.

We will not permit the use of punitive approaches outlined in this recommendation in disability settings. This includes seclusion of children and young people in disability settings.

The Victorian Senior Practitioner has issued a prohibition to disability service providers and registered NDIS providers.

This prohibits the forms of physical restraint outlined in this recommendation, in accordance with the Disability Act.

The Victorian Senior Practitioner has not issued a similar prohibition for punitive approaches.

However, in practice, the Victorian Senior Practitioner does not approve any proposals by service providers to use punitive approaches as part of a behaviour support plan under the Disability Act.

The Department of Education’s Restraint and Seclusion Policy has all the provisions needed to support this part of the recommendation. It also prohibits designated seclusion rooms and areas that are primarily used for the purpose of seclusion.

The Department of Education seeks to reduce and eliminate seclusion to the greatest extent possible. Victorian government schools are not allowed to use mechanical restraint or chemical restraint.

We will work collaboratively across government and with states and territories to consider approaches. We will give a full response to this recommendation later.

Recommendation 6.37 Data collection and public reporting on psychotropic medication

The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care and the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission should:

  • publish joint annual progress reports on implementation of measures under the Joint statement on the inappropriate use of psychotropic medicines to manage the behaviours of people with disability and older people
  • commission an independent evaluation of these measures to determine whether they have resulted in a reduction in the use of psychotropic medicines against people with cognitive disability. The evaluation should be co-designed with people with cognitive disability and their representative organisations and its results should be publicly reported.
Responsible jurisdiction/sLead Victorian ministerLead Victorian Government departmentVictorian Government position
CommonwealthDoes not applyDoes not applyNote

Victorian Government response to recommendation 6.37

We note this recommendation.

This recommendation is not within our area of responsibility.

Recommendation 6.38 Strengthening the evidence base on reducing and eliminating restrictive practices

The National Disability Research Partnership should commission a longitudinal study of the impact of positive behaviour support and other strategies to reduce and eliminate restrictive practices. This study should:

  • be co-designed with people with disability and relevant experts and professionals from the disability, health, education and justice sectors, to ensure the findings are relevant across a range of settings
  • include the experiences and identify the intersecting needs of a broad range of people with disability, such as First Nations people with disability, LGBTIQA+ people with disability, and culturally and linguistically diverse people with disability.
    Upon completion, the findings of the study should be made publicly available. Interim findings should be published at regular intervals.
Responsible jurisdiction/sLead Victorian ministerLead Victorian Government departmentVictorian Government position
CommonwealthDoes not applyDoes not applyNote

Victorian Government response to recommendation 6.38

We note this recommendation.

This recommendation is not within our area of responsibility.

Recommendation 6.39 Improving collection and reporting of restrictive practices data

The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare should work with state and territory governments to develop consistent data definitions and collection methods on restrictive practices across all jurisdictions, and align reporting periods. These definitions and collection methods should be finalised by the end of 2024.

Using consistent definitions and collection methods, state and territory governments should collect and publish data on the use of restrictive practices in health, education and justice settings. This data should be collected and published on an annual basis, with publication commencing by the end of 2025 at the latest. Data should identify, to the greatest extent practicable:

  • restraint type, including chemical, physical, mechanical, environmental and seclusion
  • disability status
  • types of impairment
  • age
  • gender
  • First Nations people
  • culturally and linguistically diverse people
  • people who identify as LGBTIQA+.
Responsible jurisdiction/sLead Victorian ministerLead Victorian Government departmentVictorian Government position
Commonwealth, states and territoriesMinister for DisabilityDepartment of Families, Fairness and HousingAccept in principle

Victorian Government response to recommendation 6.39

We accept this recommendation in principle.

We will build on our work with other jurisdictions and the Commonwealth to improve how we define, collect and distribute data.

We will streamline how we collect and interpret data. This will lead to better outcomes for service users and Victorians in care. It will also reduce the administrative burden on organisations and governments who use this data.

Before we can fully support this recommendation, we need to consult with stakeholders in the health, education and justice sectors. This will help us understand feasibility and funding needs.

The Department of Education uses the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data to identify students’ disability status and impairment.

The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data definitions are different from those used in other sectors. We will need to take this into consideration in our response.

Joint response to recommendation 6.39

Accept in principle

The Australian Government and state and territory governments are committed to working together to improve the collection and reporting of restrictive practices data and to considering sector-specific targets and performance indicators to drive the reduction and elimination of restrictive practices across all settings.

As a first step, and consistent with action 18.1 of the NDIS Review, the Disability Reform Ministerial Council will prioritise action to establish consistent targets and performance indicators to drive the reduction and elimination of restrictive practices in the NDIS and will task officials to develop a Joint Action Plan to reduce and eliminate restrictive practices in the NDIS.

Given the complexity and variation of data collection processes across jurisdictions, consultation with all sectors and flexibility on the timeframe for implementing these recommendations may be required.

Recommendation 6.40 Targets and performance indicators to drive the reduction and elimination of restrictive practices

The Australian Government and state and territory governments should establish sector-specific targets and performance indicators to drive the reduction and elimination of restrictive practices over time. This should be at both the national and state and territory levels for disability, health, education and justice settings. These targets and performance indicators should be established by 1 July 2025 at the latest.

Responsible jurisdiction/sLead Victorian ministerLead Victorian Government departmentVictorian Government position
Commonwealth, states and territoriesMinister for DisabilityDepartment of Families, Fairness and HousingAccept in principle

Victorian Government response to recommendation 6.40

We accept this recommendation in principle.

We are working to reduce and eliminate restrictive practices.

We also support the development of national principles for restrictive practice authorisation. This will help to achieve national consistency.

This includes standardising data collection and reporting. This will establish benchmarks and performance indicators that measure the effectiveness of our efforts to reduce restrictive practices.

Ultimately, we want to eliminate restrictive practices in disability, health and education settings.

We also want to reduce restrictive practices in justice settings. We will do this using strengthened authorisation and oversight in line with the intent of this recommendation.

Joint response to recommendation 6.40

Accept in principle

The Australian Government and state and territory governments are committed to working together to improve the collection and reporting of restrictive practices data and to considering sector-specific targets and performance indicators to drive the reduction and elimination of restrictive practices across all settings.

As a first step, and consistent with action 18.1 of the NDIS Review, the Disability Reform Ministerial Council will prioritise action to establish consistent targets and performance indicators to drive the reduction and elimination of restrictive practices in the NDIS and will task officials to develop a Joint Action Plan to reduce and eliminate restrictive practices in the NDIS.

Given the complexity and variation of data collection processes across jurisdictions, consultation with all sectors and flexibility on the timeframe for implementing these recommendations may be required.

Recommendation 6.41 Legislative prohibition of non-therapeutic sterilisation

  1. All jurisdictions should amend or enact legislation prohibiting non-therapeutic procedures resulting in permanent sterilisation of people with disability, except where:
    • there is a threat to the life of the person with disability were the procedure not performed or
    • the person with disability is an adult and has given voluntary and informed consent to the procedure, with support for decision-making if required.
  2. All jurisdictions should amend or enact relevant legislation in accordance with paragraph a) by the end of 2024.
  3. The Australian Guardianship and Administrative Council (AGAC) should expand its annual collation and publication of data on the sterilisation of people with disability. This data should include the number of applications, reasons for applications, reasons for the outcomes of applications and the number of approvals to conduct a sterilisation procedure.

    Where this does not already occur, the data should be collected and provided to AGAC annually by:

    • the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia
    • state and territory superior courts
    • state and territory guardianship and administration bodies.

      The data should be de-identified, as appropriate. It should be disaggregated, to the greatest extent possible, by:

    • disability status
    • types of impairment
    • age
    • gender
    • First Nations people
    • culturally and linguistically diverse people
    • people who identify as LGBTIQA+.
  4. A review of legislation enacted or amended according to paragraph a) of this recommendation should be conducted every five years, in light of the data published according to paragraph c). This review should aim to strengthen protections for people with disability and avoid consequences which hamper reproductive autonomy.
Responsible jurisdiction/sLead Victorian ministerLead Victorian Government departmentVictorian Government position
Commonwealth, states and territoriesAttorney-GeneralDepartment of Justice and Community SafetySubject to further consideration

Victorian Government response to recommendation 6.41

We will consider this recommendation further.

For adults, Part 6 of the Guardianship and Administration Act 2019 (Vic) already substantially meets this recommendation.

We will consider how to respond to the recommendation in relation to children.

Joint response to recommendation 6.41

ACT, WA: Accept in principle

Commonwealth, NSW, Qld, NT, SA, Tas, Vic: Subject to further consideration

The Australian Government and state and territory governments are committed to protecting the human rights of people with disability and will work to strengthen protections in relation to non-therapeutic procedures resulting in permanent sterilisation of people with disability.

The need to protect the privacy of individuals is relevant in considering approaches to expanding data collection and reporting.

The Commonwealth, NSW, NT, Qld, SA, Tas and Vic governments will further consider issues raised by this recommendation noting differences between jurisdictions’ legislative frameworks and current reform processes underway in some jurisdictions.
