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Overview of the Victorian Government’s response

Victorian Government response to the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability.

The Disability Royal Commission published its final report on 29 September 2023.

The final report has 222 recommendations. Of these:

  • 45 apply to areas in the sole responsibility of Victoria
  • 5 apply to individual states that are not Victoria
  • 85 apply to areas of joint Commonwealth, state and territory responsibility
  • 84 apply to areas of sole Commonwealth responsibility
  • 3 apply to areas of joint Commonwealth and non-government agencies’ responsibility.

The Victorian Government accepted most of the recommendations in full, in principle or in part. We will consider a further 22 recommendations, 8 of which are in the sole remit of Victoria.

Victoria has worked in partnership with the Commonwealth and other states and territories. We developed responses to the 85 joint Commonwealth, state and territory recommendations. All states and territories have accepted or accepted in principle most joint recommendations. Victoria has not accepted 1 joint recommendation.

The Commonwealth and all state and territory governments released a joint response on 31 July 2024. Victoria’s response builds on this joint response.

This document sets out the Victorian Government responses. The responses are in the order they come in the Disability Royal Commission’s final report:

  • Volume 4: Realising the human rights of people with disability
  • Volume 5: Governing for inclusion
  • Volume 6: Enabling autonomy and access
  • Volume 7: Inclusive education, employment and housing
  • Volume 8: Criminal justice and people with disability
  • Volume 9: First Nations people with disability
  • Volume 10: Disability services
  • Volume 11: Independent oversight and complaint mechanisms
  • Volume 12: Beyond the Royal Commission.

Note the first recommendation is 4.1. There are no recommendations in volumes 1, 2 or 3 of the final report.
