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Definitions of positions for the Victorian Government response to the Disability Royal Commission

Victorian Government response to the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability.

AcceptAccept / support the recommendation in full. Where all elements of the recommendation are supported, there is an existing funding source, and there is work underway, work completed, or existing services to acquit the recommendation.
Accept in principle Agree with the overarching policy intent of the recommendation, but support implementation in a different way or timeframe to what the Disability Royal Commission recommended and/or funding and implementation issues require further analysis, and a funding source will need to be approved by Government.
Accept in part Accept one or more components of a multifaceted recommendation, but clearly reject another aspect. To be used rarely for complex multifaceted recommendations in which it would be misleading to indicate ‘accept in principle’ due to governments’ clearly not supporting a key element of the recommendation.
Subject to further considerationNot able to accept or not accept at this time. Further analysis is required for the government to determine its position, there is no existing funding source, the recommendation differs from existing government policy and there is no existing stream of work/service to acquit this recommendation. Responses should indicate a timeframe for consideration.
Do not acceptDo not support the recommendation as it differs substantially from existing government policy, and acceptance of the recommendation would pose a significant financial risk to the Government and/or pose a risk to people with disability.
NoteUsed in response to recommendations that fall outside the remit of the respective government. For example, a state or territory response to a recommendation that sits solely with the Commonwealth (and vice versa).
There may also be a limited number of joint recommendations in which ministerial councils / governments may wish to ‘note’ the recommendation as opposed to taking a formal position – this is distinct from recommendations that ‘require further consideration’ in that governments may consider that further consideration is not required, with details to be set out in the text of the response.
