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Victoria’s progress in advancing disability inclusion

Victorian Government response to the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability.

The Disability Royal Commission said Victoria is doing well in several areas. It said these areas are leading examples of disability inclusion.

It commented on Victoria’s Residential Tenancies Act 1997. This Act protects the rights of people living in Specialist Disability Accommodation.

The Disability Royal Commission said that other states and territories should use this Act as a model.

The Disability Royal Commission also commented on another Act. This is Victoria’s Guardianship and Administration Act 2019. It said this Act made important changes to our guardianship system.

The Disability Royal Commission also praised the way we use co-design. This is when people with lived experience help us design and deliver our services.

For example, Victoria is using co-design as it builds its new mental health and wellbeing system.

Work already under way

Victoria’s response will build on work we are already doing.

This includes our state disability plan for 2022 to 2026. This plan is called Inclusive Victoria: state disability plan 2022–26.

Inclusive Victoria: state disability plan 2022-26 sets out 6 focus areas. These focus areas are all things the Disability Royal Commission said we need to do:

  • co-design with people with disability
  • Aboriginal self-determination
  • intersectional approaches
  • accessible communications and universal design
  • disability confident and inclusive workforces
  • effective data and outcomes reporting.

Victoria has already made big investments in the family violence and mental health and wellbeing systems. These investments came about because of Victorian Royal Commissions.

We are improving our education, transport, health and housing systems. This will make it easier for people with disability to get the services they need.

We are strengthening legal protections for people with disability.

We are also working towards Aboriginal self-determination. This includes establishing the Yoorrook Justice Commission and preparing for Treaty.
