Topic/reason for contact |
Responsible authority |
Contact details |
Speeding or red light traffic fines. |
Fines Victoria |
Metropolitan: (03) 9200 8111 Regional: 1300 369 819 (cost of a local call) |
Demerit points, licence suspension or cancellation. |
VicRoads |
International: +61 3 8391 3216 |
Report a road safety camera that is flashing when no offence has occurred. Please note: cameras can flash for reasons other than offence detection (eg. testing). More information is on the flashed but not speeding page. |
Department of Justice and Community Safety |
Use the feedback form below. |
Suggest a new road safety camera site | Department of Justice and Community Safety | Suggest a location |
Cameras Save Lives web content feedback. |
Department of Justice and Community Safety |
Use the feedback form below. |
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