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Contact us about road safety cameras

Contact details for your queries about road safety cameras and infringements.

Topic/reason for contact

Responsible authority

Contact details

Speeding or red light traffic fines.

Fines Victoria

Metropolitan: (03) 9200 8111

Regional: 1300 369 819 (cost of a local call)

Demerit points, licence suspension or cancellation.


13 11 71

International: +61 3 8391 3216

Report a road safety camera that is flashing when no offence has occurred.

Please note: cameras can flash for reasons other than offence detection (eg. testing). More information is on the flashed but not speeding page.

Department of Justice and Community Safety

Use the feedback form below.

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Cameras Save Lives web content feedback.

Department of Justice and Community Safety

Use the feedback form below.

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Please provide your contact information if you would like us to respond or if you want to be able to follow up or change your query.

Privacy collection notice

This information is being collected on behalf of the Department of Justice and Community Safety (DJCS).  The information that you provide is used to respond to your enquiry about road safety cameras. 

For more information on our handling of any personal information, please refer to the DJCS Information Privacy Policy(opens in a new window).

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