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Connecting industry with skills

We strengthen the link between industry needs, training delivery and student attraction and outcomes, and foster innovation and improved decision-making.

Industry Engagement Framework

The Industry Engagement Framework continues under the Victorian Skills Authority (VSA).

It is the main way for industry, unions and employers to inform and engage with the state’s training system.

The Industry Engagement Framework was established in 2016.

It strengthens the link between the needs of industry and what students want.

The framework is dynamic and flexible. It responds to changing priorities and emerging issues. It helps set up regular, ongoing engagement with industry. It also helps us collect information from across Victoria’s industries.

The framework allows us to better understand the needs of regional industry. It also allows us to understand any issues impacting training.

The 10 Industry Advisory Groups (IAGs) are an important part of the framework. The IAGs have a formal role with the VSA. This includes providing us with advice and insights about skill demands and needs as part of the government’s funded training system.

We also get insights from our regional skills taskforces and industry skills taskforces.

Advisory groups and taskforces

Industry Advisory Groups

There are 10 Industry Advisory Groups (IAGs) which are as part of the Industry Engagement Framework. These IAGs include industries ranging from construction and health, to resources and manufacturing.

The members of the IAGs include representatives from industry, unions and employers. The IAGs meet 4 times a year.

IAGs provide us with knowledge about their industries. This intelligence helps us understand our priority growth sectors as well as our existing industries.

The 10 IAGs

  • Construction including construction technologies and civil construction
  • Resources, forestry, paper and pulp
  • Business services
    • financial services
    • professional services
    • property services
    • education (including international education)
    • IT
    • printing and graphic arts
    • cultural and related industries
  • Primary industries
    • agriculture and rural production
    • food and fibre
    • horticulture
    • animal care and management
    • racing
    • conservation and land management
    • seafood and aquaculture
  • Manufacturing, engineering and automotive
    • aerospace
    • medical technology
    • pharmaceuticals
    • transport technology
    • defence technology
    • furnishing
    • textiles, clothing and footwear
  • Electro technology
    • electricity generation and supply
    • gas supply
    • new energy technology
  • Transport and logistics
    • aviation
    • road transport
    • rail
    • maritime
    • ports
    • warehousing
  • Community services and health services
  • Service industries
    • retail
    • tourism
    • travel
    • personal services
    • sport, fitness and recreation
  • Public safety, public sector, corrections, water and local government.

Industry Advisory Groups and training packages

Click to see the training packages that each Industry Advisory Group covers.

Regional skills taskforces

Regional skills taskforces gather information and provide advice about the unique skills needs of Victoria’s regions, especially those facing skills shortages. Visit the profiles and snapshots for each region:

Regional Skills Demand Profiles(opens in a new window)

Industry skills taskforces

Industry skills taskforces are groups brought together as required. They work for a set time on a particular existing or emerging issue. (Examples include a taskforce established to examine the skills and training needs of the National Disability Insurance Scheme, and the Victorian Apprenticeships and Traineeships Taskforce.)

Contact us

For general enquiries, contact Industry Advisory Groups(opens in a new window).
