There are key moments in years 7-12 when you can support your child to make important decisions about their future.
These decisions will include:
- the school subjects they want to complete
- their senior secondary certificate
- the post-school courses they want to do
- the careers they are interested in exploring.
Your child’s school will provide a career education program that helps them make these decisions. It will include opportunities for self-discovery, exploration of industries and careers, setting goals and making career plans.
For a simple version of this information, download the guide:
- Career and course exploration with your child (DOCX, 3.59MB)
- Career and course exploration with your child (PDF, 450KB)
Some of these opportunities are only available for government school students. For general advice, see tips on how to talk to your child about their career.
Year 7 onward
Career exploration activities
Students in government schools often complete career exploration activities in years 7-8. These activities will help your child:
- learn about occupations and industries
- identify their interests, skills, values, beliefs and attributes
- understand how these things connect to setting and achieving their goals
- connect their learning in school to their goals for life.
Career action planning
Students in government schools do career action planning activities in secondary school. This can start in year 7. This will help them:
- reflect on what they’ve learned and how their interests and strengths have changed over time
- choose their school subjects and post-school goals.
Your school might use the My Career Portfolio online career planning tool for these activities.
You can ask your child or their school for their plan, so you can talk about it together.
Tech School
Tech School programs engage and inspire secondary students to consider STEM careers in emerging and growth industries across Victoria. Programs allow students to use cutting edge technologies and experience hands-on STEM activities which promote further study and career pathways.
Ask your school if they participate in any Tech School programs.
Year 9 onward
Morrisby profile
The My Career Insights program provides all government school students in year 9 with access to the Morrisby profile and a free expert career consultation session, supported by the Australian Centre for Career Education.
Morrisby is a world-leading online careers tool that will help your child:
- understand their strengths and the sort of study and career options that will suit them
- select their subjects for year 10 and think about their year 11 and 12 studies.
You’ll receive a consent form from your school, which you’ll need to complete for your child to access this program.
Look out for information from your school about the My Career Insights program and how to join your child for their career consultation session.
Work experience
Your child can do a short-term work experience placement with an employer from year 9 (minimum age 14). They will get insights into an industry and work, develop employability skills, explore career options and increase their independence and self-confidence.
This can be arranged by you or your school. Your child could do more work experience in later years to keep exploring their options.
Speak to your school about their work experience process to make sure you follow their procedure.
Secondary certificate and VET choices
In years 9 and 10, it’s time for your child to start to consider the skills, knowledge and experience they want to have when they leave school.
Their subject and secondary certificate choices should support their goals for study and work.
You can help your child make informed choices.
Many schools will provide an information night for parents and a handbook to explain the subjects and programs they offer. Look out for information from your school.
Secondary certificate choices

The VCE is a senior secondary certificate that can lead to an Australian Tertiary Aggregate Result (ATAR) score. It can lead to university, TAFE, apprenticeships, traineeships or employment. Students can also do VET and start progressing towards a VET qualification as part of their VCE.
The VCE Vocational Major is a program within the VCE that focuses on practical learning with a VET component. It can lead to apprenticeships, traineeships, TAFE, university (via non-ATAR entry, for example through portfolio-based entry) or employment.
The Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC) is a flexible foundation secondary course for a limited number of students not able or ready to undertake the VCE or VCE Vocational Major.
Please speak to your school about which of these options is right for your child. All mainstream government secondary schools need to offer the VCE Vocational Major and the Victorian Pathways Certificate where there is student demand.
For more information about these options, read about study options in year 11 and 12.
VET choices
Your child can work towards one or more VET certificates in their VCE (including the Vocational Major) or VPC program. VET is practical learning that gives students skills in a specific industry, and often includes structured learning in a workplace.
Commencing VET during school can provide a pathway into a wide range of industries including Health, Building and Construction, Engineering, Hospitality, Building and Construction, Community Services, and Early Childhood Education.
Some schools may also offer short VET ‘taster’ programs for students prior to senior secondary, which give students a taste of VET certificates and career pathways before they select a VET subject as part of their VCE. These programs help students find the VET subject that is right for them. You can ask your school if they offer any VET taster programs.
School-based apprenticeships and traineeships
Your child could do VET as a paid part-time apprenticeship or traineeship while completing school.
In government schools, school-based apprenticeships and traineeships are supported through the Head Start program. The program provides wrap-around support to students, including finding an appropriate workplace and regular check-ins.
Years 10, 11 and 12
Career expos and open days
Metro and regional career expos allow students to explore what’s possible after school. Some are after school or on weekends, and some can be attended as excursions during school.
TAFE and university open days are an opportunity to discover the broad range of pathways available after school, or to learn more about a specific course. You can attend these events with your child to explore the options together. Search online for expos and open days to attend.
Applications for further study
In Victoria, year 12 students apply for TAFE or university place through the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC).
Your school may run an information night for parents and students about the VTAC course application process.
You and your child can also learn about applying for a post-school apprenticeship or traineeship from the Australian Apprenticeships website.
Keep an eye on school communications for study and post-school information sessions.
Find out more
Senior secondary education is changing. To learn more about your child’s options in secondary school, visit Many Talents, One VCE.