Individual categories
The Apprentice of the Year Award is presented to a Victorian apprentice who has displayed outstanding achievement in all aspects of their trade. The winner of this award will represent Victoria at the Australian Training Awards.
You must:
- be a permanent resident of Australia
- have a training contract registered with
- the Victorian Registration and
- Qualifications Authority
- have completed or be due to complete, your nationally recognised training course in the period 1 July 2024 – 31 December 2025 in the state of Victoria
- Have completed or be due to complete your training in the state of Victoria
- not be enrolled in school.
Provide a short overview covering a description of the qualification you are enrolled in, your training provider and employer (if applicable) as well as your reason for choosing your industry and training path.
(Limit: 300 words)
Selection criteria
Criterion 1
Career and study achievements
Tell us about:
- why you chose your course
- what you have learnt and how you have changed
- what have you gained from your time studying
- how have you contributed to your workplace.
(Limit: 400 words)
Criterion 2
Team and communication skills
Tell us about:
- what you have been able to tell others (workmates, employers, friends or family) about your training
- what you like about working in a team setting
- what traits you think are important to positively influence others.
(Limit: 400 words)
Criterion 3
Ability to be an ambassador (representative) for training in Victoria
Tell us about:
- times when you have taken a leadership role inside or outside of work
- times when you have been a representative for your course, your training provider or another cause outside of your training
- how you would describe the quality of your training.
(Limit: 400 words)
Criterion 4
Other qualities and pursuits
Tell us about:
- any challenges that you have overcome during your training
- times you have used initiative either in your training, your personal life or your workplace
- the qualities or activities you feel make you well suited to take on the role of Apprentice of the Year
- your involvement in other community or industry pursuits.
(Limit: 400 words)
The Trainee of the Year Award is presented to a Victorian individual who is undertaking a traineeship and has been outstanding in all aspects of their training. The winner of this award will represent Victoria at the Australian Training Awards.
You must:
- be a permanent resident of Australia
- have a training contract registered with the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority
- have completed or be due to complete, your nationally recognised training course in the period 1 July 2024 – 31 December 2025 in the state of Victoria
- not be enrolled in school.
Provide a short overview covering a description of the qualification you are enrolled in, your training provider and employer (if applicable) as well as your reason for choosing your industry and training path.
(Limit: 300 words)
Selection criteria
Criterion 1
Career and study achievements
Tell us about:
- why you chose your course
- what you have learnt and how you have changed
- what you have gained from your time studying
- how you have contributed to your workplace.
(Limit: 400 words)
Criterion 2
Team and communication skills
Tell us about:
- what have you been able to tell others (workmates, employers, friends or family) about your training
- what you like about working in a team setting
- what traits you think are important to positively influence others.
(Limit: 400 words)
Criterion 3
Ability to be an ambassador for training in Victoria
Tell us about:
- times when you have taken a leadership role inside or outside of work
- times when you have been a representative for your course, your training provider or another cause outside of your training
- how you would describe the quality of your training.
(Limit: 400 words)
Criterion 4
Other qualities and pursuits
Tell us about:
- any challenges that you have overcome during your training
- times you have used initiative either in your training, your personal life or your workplace
- the qualities or activities you feel would be useful in your role as Trainee of the Year
- your involvement in other community or industry pursuits.
(Limit: 400 words)
The Vocational Student of the Year Award is presented to a student whose outstanding achievement in a course of study led to a nationally recognised qualification. The winner of this award will represent Victoria at the Australian Training Awards.
You must:
- be a permanent resident of Australia
- have completed or be due to complete, your nationally recognised training course in the period 1 July 2024 – 31 December 2025 in the state of Victoria
- be enrolled as a full-time or part-time student (but not as an apprentice or trainee).
Provide a short overview covering a description of the qualification you are enrolled in, your training provider and employer (if applicable) as well as your reason for choosing your industry and training path.
(Limit: 300 words)
Selection criteria
Criterion 1
Career and study achievements
Tell us about:
- why you chose your course
- what you have learnt and how you have changed
- what you have gained from your time studying
- how you have contributed to your workplace.
(Limit: 400 words)
Criterion 2
Team and communication skills
Tell us about:
- what have you been able to tell others (workmates, employers, friends or family) about your training
- what you like about working in a team setting
- what traits you think are important to positively influence others.
(Limit: 400 words)
Criterion 3
Ability to be an ambassador for training in Victoria
Tell us about:
- times when you have taken a leadership role inside or outside of work
- times when you have been a representative for your course, your training provider or another cause outside of your training
- how you would describe the quality of your training.
(Limit: 400 words)
Criterion 4
Other qualities and pursuits
Tell us about:
- any challenges that you have overcome during your training
- times you have used initiative either in your training, your personal life or your workplace
- the qualities or activities you feel would be useful in your role as Vocational Student of the Year
- your involvement in other community or industry pursuits.
(Limit: 400 words)
The School-based Apprentice or Trainee of the Year Award is presented to a student who is undertaking a Certificate II or above qualification as a part-time Victorian School-based Apprentice or Trainee. The award recognises the student’s commitment to their formal studies at school and in the workplace. The winner of this award will represent Victoria at the Australian Training Awards.
You must:
- be a permanent resident of Australia
- be enrolled at school in Victoria
- be undertaking or completing a Certificate II or above qualification, through a Victorian School-based Apprenticeship or Traineeship
- have a training contract registered with the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority.
Provide a short overview covering a description of the qualification you are enrolled in, your training provider and employer (if applicable) as well as your reason for choosing your industry and training path.
(Limit: 300 words)
Selection criteria
Criterion 1
Career and study achievements
Tell us about:
- why you chose your course
- what you have learnt and how you have changed
- what you have gained from your time studying
- how you have contributed to your workplace.
(Limit: 400 words)
Criterion 2
Team and communication skills
Tell us about:
- what you have been able to tell others (workmates, employers, friends or family) about your training
- what you like about working in a team setting
- what traits you think are important to positively influence others.
(Limit: 400 words)
Criterion 3
Ability to be an ambassador for training in Victoria
Tell us about:
- times when you have taken a leadership role inside or outside of school
- times when you have been a representative for your course, your training provider/school or another cause outside of your training
- how you would describe the quality of your training.
(Limit: 400 words)
Criterion 4
Other qualities and pursuits
Tell us about:
- any challenges that you have overcome during your training
- times you used initiative either in your training, your personal life or your school
- the qualities or activities you feel would be useful in your role as School-based Apprentice or Trainee of the Year
- your involvement in other community or industry pursuits.
(Limit: 400 words)
The Koorie Student of the Year Award recognises the achievements of a Koorie student who demonstrates the relevance of lifelong learning for themselves and their community. The winner of this award will represent Victoria at the Australian Training Awards.
You must:
- be a permanent resident of Australia
- identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
- meet the eligibility requirements for any of the individual student categories:
- Apprentice of the Year
- Trainee of the Year
- Vocational Student of the Year
- School-based Apprentice or Trainee of the Year.
Provide a short overview covering a description of the qualification you are enrolled in, your training provider and employer (if applicable) as well as your reason for choosing your industry and training path.
(Limit: 300 words)
Selection criteria
Criterion 1
Career and study achievements
Tell us about:
- why you chose your course
- what you have learnt and how you have changed
- what you have gained from your time studying
- any challenges that you have overcome during your training.
(Limit: 400 words)
Criterion 2
Team and communication skills
Tell us about:
- what have you been able to tell others (workmates, employers, friends or family) about your training
- what you like about working in a team setting
- what traits you think are important to positively influence others.
(Limit: 400 words)
Criterion 3
Ability to be an ambassador for training in Victoria
Tell us about:
- times when you have taken a leadership role inside or outside of work/school
- times when you have been a representative for your course, your training provider or another cause outside of your training
- how you would describe the quality of your training.
(Limit: 400 words)
Criterion 4
Other qualities and pursuits
Tell us about:
- how you are connected with your community or extended family
- how the training has impacted on your community
- the qualities or activities you feel would be useful in your role as Koorie Student of the Year
- how have you contributed to your community.
(Limit: 400 words)
The Teacher or Trainer of the Year Award recognises innovation and excellence by a teacher or trainer providing nationally recognised training to students in the TAFE and training sector. The winner of this award will represent Victoria at the Australian Training Awards.
You must:
- be a permanent resident of Australia
- be a qualified teacher/trainer (as determined by the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs))
- be employed (or regularly contracted) by a registered training provider
- Have delivered training in Victoria (from 1 January 2024 - 31 December 2025) which will lead/has led to nationally recognised qualifications or Statements of Attainment under the Australian Qualifications Framework
- All applicants must be endorsed by the RTO and evidence of the teacher/trainer’s qualification must be submitted with the application.
Provide an overview of your areas of expertise, qualifications, courses and/or classes taught, education and work background. Please also provide a description of the environment in which you operate and any specific challenges you encountered and overcame during the course of teaching or training.
(Limit: 300 words)
Selection criteria
Criterion 1
Excellence and initiatives
Tell us about:
- what involvement you have had in the development of new learning methodologies and training delivery
- an initiative you have implemented which has led to innovation or improvement in your delivery and/or assessment practice
- how you have shared the outcomes of your innovation or improvement with your colleagues
- the impact of these initiatives or improvements on your learners, your colleagues and your industry partners.
(Limit: 400 words)
Criterion 2
Learner needs and focus
Tell us about:
- how you support your learners’ diverse needs and ensure they continue to be engaged in learning
- what evidence there is of the effectiveness of the design and delivery methodologies of your training program
- examples where you have initiated a new idea or activity etc. in response to feedback
- what learner, industry and/or community feedback mechanisms you have utilised.
(Limit: 400 words)
Criterion 3
Commitment to vocational educating and training (VET) teaching and learning
Tell us about:
- how you maintain and grow your own skills and knowledge
- how you support others to develop their skills and knowledge
- examples of your engagement with other VET professionals.
(Limit: 400 words)
Criterion 4
Links with industry and the community
Tell us about:
- how active links with industry and the community are implemented in practice
- what are the major issues confronting the industry/industries related to your teaching program
- how VET practices can help address these issues
- what level of engagement you have with industry and professional bodies
- how you promote VET in industry and the community.
(Limit: 400 words)
The Outstanding Achievement in the TAFE and Skills Sector award is presented in recognition of an individual’s outstanding leadership and contribution to the Victorian TAFE and training sector for more than 15 years.
A contribution may be an innovation, new knowledge, or ways to improve professional practice deemed to be above and beyond the everyday with a long-lasting impact within the sector.
This award has unique nomination procedures and eligibility.
- Individuals cannot self-nominate for this award category, nominations must be made on behalf of an individual.
- Nominees do not need to be currently employed to be eligible for this award.
- Once an individual has been nominated for the award, they become an enduring nominee and, if not successful initially, are eligible for consideration for this award in subsequent years.
- A posthumous nomination can be made for this award.
The nomination follows the eligibility set by the Australian Training Awards.
The nominated individual must:
- have an established history of distinguished service to the TAFE and training sector (15 years or more, of sustained service)
- have made a positive and lasting contribution to the TAFE and training sector
- be recognised by other industry, training, education or employer groups, and have the respect of professional peers
- be acknowledged as having reached a pinnacle of their profession or industry
- have demonstrated, over an extended period of time, a contribution which has included either research, industry achievement, professional leadership or service to the TAFE and training sector
- have demonstrated high-levels of personal integrity
- have exhibited leadership and provided inspiration to others in the TAFE and training sector
- have positively influenced the TAFE and training sector in Victoria
- have made significant and fundamental contributions and be able to demonstrate a lifetime commitment to the TAFE and training sector.
Provide a short overview of the person, their achievements and the reason for the nomination.
(Limit: 400 words)
Selection criteria
Criterion 1
History of service
Consider the nominee’s history of service to the VET and skills sector - in particular, positions of leadership the nominee has held such as on boards or as chair of committees. Any other known history in the sector, such as participation on committees and workgroups, and any examples of the nominee representing the VET and skills sector officially as a liaison to other organisations or at state, national or international meetings.
Additionally, consideration is given to an individual’s broader contributions to the VET and skills sector.
(Limit: 800 words)
Criterion 2
Significant contribution and positive influence on the VET and skills sector
Consider the nominee’s significant contribution(s) to the advancement of vocational education and training practice and skills development, including teaching or training positions or programs, awards or recognition from professional or industry groups and institutions, and/or innovative approaches to difficulties.
How will the nominee’s story inspire others to higher standards in their work or to raise the communities’ perception of the VET and skills sector?
(Limit: 800 words)
Criterion 3
The nominee’s leadership in the field of vocational education and training including, but not limited to, positively influencing policy or practice on a state, national or international level. This may include government committees and workgroups, advocacy, senior positions, other training, mentoring or committee participation.
How have they “made a difference” in some way?
(Limit: 800 words)