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Writing tips

Free writing assistance is available to help you write the best possible nomination.

Free writing assistance

In previous years, judges have given feedback that many nominations had excellent content that demonstrated the achievements of nominees, but many could have benefited from clearer writing and greater focus on the selection criteria.

We have a professional writer on board to help you write the best possible nomination.

Once you have an initial draft of your nomination, with responses to each of the selection criteria, our writer can review your draft and give you some feedback on how you can refine your responses.

It’s free and it’s easy. Just send us an email(opens in a new window).

In 2023, 70% of finalists took up writing assistance.

Writing tips

  • Use active voice
    • for example, I did this, I achieved this.
  • Use topic sentences
    • for example, I chose to study a Certificate III in Plumbing because I was motivated to find a career that challenged me while providing stability and the ability to own my own business.
    • or, I showed that I can be a passionate advocate for training when I volunteered to give a presentation on my course at an online forum that my training provider organised for people who were interested in starting this course next year.
  • Take advantage of your full word limits
  • Show evidence for what you write
    • for example, tell us the actions you took to achieve something and the results of your actions.
    • or, show measurable outcomes with numbers and statistics.
