Nominations for the 2024 Victorian Training Awards are now open.
The Victorian Training Awards showcase the best of the best in Victoria’s vocational education system. Could you – or someone you know – be a part of this inspiring awards program?
This year is a special one for the Victorian Training Awards. 2024 marks the award’s 70th anniversary. Since 1954, the Victorian Training Awards have celebrated achievement, aspiration, and empowerment through skills.
A lot has changed since 1954, of course.
Technological and social changes have transformed our economy and the trades and industries that support it. But what hasn’t changed is people’s dreams to find good, fulfilling jobs in growing industries.
Our current transition from a carbon-intensive to a green economy is the challenge we face and the opportunity we must leverage for future prosperity.
In the coming 70 years, the achievements of our apprentices, trainers and training organisations will surpass our imaginations.
This year, as you prepare your nomination for yourself, your organisation, or someone who’s made an impressive contribution to vocational education, I encourage you to reflect on this remarkable story of Victorian achievement: the workers and teachers who have come before us and helped build our nation-leading vocational education and training system.
I also encourage you to look forward to the future: to the vocational education heroes of tomorrow whose best achievements are ahead of them.
This is your chance to help write the story of the next 70 years of vocational education success in Victoria.
On this, our 70th anniversary, I encourage you to nominate for the 2024 Victorian Training Awards.
Best wishes.
Craig Robertson
Victorian Skills Authority