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Conditions of entry

By entering the 2024 Victorian Training Awards, you agree to abide by the following conditions of entry.

All categories

  1. A nominee must not be nominated for any similar award in another state or territory in the same year.
  2. Prospective entrants must be able to meet all the eligibility requirements for the award category being nominated.
  3. All nominations must be submitted online via the Award Force portal at: in a new window)
  4. Each award category has specific criteria. All applications must meet the criteria and be factually correct for the submission to be considered a valid entry. Non-compliance with entry requirements will be sufficient reason for the Victorian Training Awards team to reject the application.
  5. The closing date for all nominations is 23:59 on Monday 29 April 2024. Nominations will not be accepted after this date. The Victorian Skills Authority reserves the right to extend the deadline for nominations for any emerging circumstance.
  6. It is the responsibility of all nominees and nominators to ensure that they have selected the correct category.
  7. The Victorian Skills Authority reserves the right to reassign nominations lodged to incorrect categories at its discretion.
  8. By applying, all nominees for the Victorian Training Awards agree that all or part of any non-confidential material or details from their nominations, photographs and recordings can and may be used online, in any broadcast and print media and in a range of publicity and promotional materials related to skills and training or the national training awards.
  9. All finalists will be required to attend a virtual online interview with the judging panel for their category.
  10. All finalists are required to attend the Victorian Training Awards’ related events and ceremony on Friday 30 August 2024 (TBC).
  11. Finalists and winners of the Victorian Training Awards acknowledge that they may be required to participate in media interviews.
  12. Finalists and winners of the Victorian Training Awards may be required to participate in media interviews or speaking opportunities arranged by the principal partner or the major sponsors of their categories.

Individual categories

  1. Where an entrant is not self-nominated, they must agree to being nominated.
  2. Victorian Training Award individual winners will be required to represent the state as finalists at the Australian Training Awards in Canberra in December 2024.
  3. All individual winners of the Victorian Training Awards will be required to attend a 2 day professional development program to prepare for the Australian Training Awards. Further details for individual finalists attending the professional development program will be provided after the Victorian Training Awards.

Business and training provider categories

  1. All training initiatives, courses and registered training organisations (RTOs) referenced in nominations must either be registered with the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority(opens in a new window) (VRQA) or Australian Skills Quality Authority(opens in a new window) (ASQA) for course delivery in Victoria.
  2. RTOs in training provider categories must have their head office located in Victoria.
  3. To be considered for selection all RTOs delivering courses must have scope of registration to deliver such courses in Victoria.
  4. Organisational winners of the Victorian Training Awards, in aligned categories, will be nominated to represent Victoria as finalists at the Australian Training Awards in Canberra in December 2024.
