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2020 school leavers and the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

For parents of students with disability in Victoria who are completing school in 2020.

Post school options for students

Leaving school is a big change for all young people. Students with disability may need extra support for this transition and starting the planning and preparation process early is critical to help young people move into study, employment or other options after they finish secondary school.

We provide a range of resources and services to support career education and pathways planning for all students, including students with a disability.

For more information, access the Leaving school and career planning - students with disability, or Career education pages.

Some students with a disability aspire to pursue employment and financial independence. A range of employment services are available to help people find work. For information and services for job seekers with a disability, access Job Access(opens in a new window).

Other students aspire to pursue further education or training which can provide social connections with peers, and opportunities for future employment through University or TAFE. If a student is unsure whether University or TAFE is right for them, they may do short courses. Learn Locals provide short courses through less formal learning opportunities in a friendly local environment.

For students with very high support needs, their post-school planning should include options that support ongoing life skills development, social inclusion, and the pursuit of active and fulfilling experiences.

About the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

The National Disability Insurance Scheme is a new approach to providing individualised support for Australians under the age of 65 with a permanent and significant disability. The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is the Agency which administers the NDIS.

For information on the types of supports the NDIS will fund visit Supports funded by the NDIS.

For information on how to apply for the NDIS visit How to apply.

School leaver supports for NDIS participants

The NDIS can fund a range of post-school supports to assist young people with disabilities to move into employment or other options. NDIS supports may include assistance across a range of life areas such as social and community participation, building life and work skills, mobility or communication technology, or finding and maintaining a job.

School Leaver Employment Supports are NDIS funded supports for NDIS eligible Year 12 school leavers. This approach builds on and strengthens the skills that students have gained at school. It offers support for up to two years after finishing Year 12 to help participants get ready for work and plan their pathway to employment.

School Leaver supports are tailored to meet individual employment goals and may include work experience in open employment, job skills training and travel training. More information about School Leaver Employment supports can be found on the NDIS website.

NDIS participants may be eligible to receive employment supports in addition to other supports that are deemed reasonable and necessary.

Frequently asked questions

How can my school help my child access the NDIS?

If you are asked to provide evidence to support your application to the NDIS, schools can provide you with copies of your student records. Relevant information that schools may hold include:

  • copies of previous or current Program for Students with Disabilities applications
  • Individual Education Plans
  • Student Support Service reports or allied health reports.

Although providing these existing school documents is recommended, please note that schools are not required to arrange new assessments for the purpose of providing evidence to support a student’s access to the NDIS.

What if my child is not eligible for the NDIS?

You can approach the NDIA for information about local community supports or the Local Area Coordinator (LAC) in your area for linkage to other supports such as Centrelink and Disability Employment Services.

You can look up the LAC in your area.

If your child is not eligible for the NDIS due to not meeting the NDIS residency criteria you can contact the Department of Health and Human Services to see if your child is eligible for post-school supports at or tel: 1800 783 783.

What does my child need to do before meeting with the NDIA to develop my plan?

Your child may have already thought about their post-school options and have an idea about what they are interested in doing after they leave school.

Before meeting with the NDIA, students should think about what supports they use now, what their goals are for the future and what they need to achieve them. Students can take any information they have that will help them to think and talk about their goals with their NDIA representative.

Students may wish to take plans or information from their school that will assist in sharing information about their future goals and aspirations. For example, they may have developed a Career Action Plan at school. If students are already receiving support from a Disability Employment Service Provider, make sure they let the LAC or planner know this.

Please refer to the booklet available from the NDIS called Let’s Talk About Work.

More information is available at NDIS and planning process.

What if my child already had their NDIS plan review this year?

If your child’s plan was reviewed earlier this year and they did not request post school supports to be included in their plan, you should go to the office of your NDIA Local Area Coordinator and ask for a Change of Circumstances form. This needs to be completed to organise a review of your plan. In the meantime, you should find out which providers in your local area assist school leavers. The Local Area Coordinators will help you find these. While you wait for your plan review, it is a good idea to contact these providers to find out what they can offer. You may already have some funding in your plan that can be used to get started whilst you wait for your plan review.

Contact NDIS

For more information contact the NDIS
