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Measuring our progress

Our advisory and delivery partners

Opportunities to work together to make improvements are available to us every day. This underpins the VSA’s collaboration for collective impact. The formal measurement of impact is set out below.

The VSA’s performance aligns with the Department of Education’s objectives and performance statements, measured by the Budget Paper 3 (BP3) Performance Objectives for the Victorian Training System. The VSA’s survey data is the basis for the following BP3 measures:

  • proportion of employers of apprentices and trainees who are satisfied with training
  • proportion of VET completers who are satisfied with their training
  • proportion of VET completers with an improved employment status after training
  • proportion of VET completers who achieved their main reason for training

The VSA’s performance measurement focuses on outputs and outcomes. To help drive improvement, performance measurement includes:

  1. Trends over time which show performance direction and variation
  2. Targets that forecast the expected performance which can be reflected through annual workplans
  3. Benchmarks that allow performance to be compared in relative terms
  4. Performance thresholds which highlight where intervention should be undertaken.

The performance criteria and measures below highlight the contribution the VSA is making to the social and economic outcomes of Victorians.

A consistent and shared understanding of performance expectations and accountabilities will help to drive the continuous improvement of the work of the VSA as it completes its establishment tasks and transitions to full functionality. Over time our performance criteria and measures will be further developed, and data points will be available against which to consider trends, targets, benchmarks and thresholds.
