Provide a forward view on skills requirements
We measure our performance against this objective through the following:
- the annual publication of the Victorian Skills Plan
- the provision of useful data insights (with usefulness measured through user surveys)
- qualitative information on skills needs gathered through engagement with stakeholders (with supporting data and insights)
Enable increased participation in training that leads to good jobs and career pathways
We measure our performance against this objective through the following:
- greater awareness of the connections between senior secondary school and the post compulsory education and training sector
- publication of skills advice and data insights through the VSA’s communication channels:
- Skills and Jobs Centres
- Victorian Skills Gateway
- TAFE and Training Line
- our website
Lift quality and performance
We measure our performance against this objective through the following:
- delivery of new skilling, professional development and teaching strategies for the VET workforce
- innovation in skills design and delivery attuned to student aspirations and future skills
- roll out of a continuous improvement framework for TAFEs, based on VSA survey data
Develop innovative solutions to skills design and delivery
We measure our performance against this objective through the following:
- priority skills strategies — agreed approaches to responding to prioritised industry and community skills needs are delivered within budget envelope
- development of new skilling and engagement strategies to assist at-risk Victorians into work they value
- establishment of industry compacts and Skills Labs to stimulate collaboration in addressing skilling issues for industries undergoing significant change and, or facing crucial skills shortages
Create connections and impact
We measure our performance against this objective through the following:
- implementing and demonstrating the tenets of the VSA Integrity Framework by activating the VSA stakeholder engagement and collaboration system
- showcasing excellence in vocational and adult and community education
- establishment of a culture where industry and education and training provider leaders prioritise the greater good and build influence and authority in ways that develop a strategic forward view of skills guided by the VSA Integrity Framework