Inclusive Growth and Shared Prosperity through Skills
To provide evidence-based advice to advance Victoria’s skills planning and delivery, and engage to drive collaborative solutions for businesses and people
- Responsiveness
- Integrity
- Impartiality
- Accountability
- Respect
- Leadership
- Human rights
Strategic Objective 1: Provide a forward view on skills requirements
Priority Areas and Skills Plan actions
- Develop the evidence base on skills needs, employment demand, training outcomes and future skills
- Monitor employment demand and skills and workforce shortages and the alignment of education and training.
- Collaborate with Jobs and Skills Australia and state and territory industry skills bodies to inform Victorian solutions.
- Work with local, regional and national stakeholders, Industry Advisory Groups and Regional Skills Taskforces to understand the skills landscape, generate evidence, and validate findings.
- Publish the Victorian Skills Plan and Regional Skills Demand
- Profiles to drive skills responses and contemporary education
Strategic Objective 2: Enable increased participation in training that leads to good jobs and career pathways
Priority Areas and Skills Plan actions
- Enhance advice available to provide tailored career support at all ages and stages of life
- Strengthen Skills and Jobs Centres
- Promote connections from senior secondary school to post compulsory education and training, the community sector and industry
- Support clear and seamless pathways that build on prior learning and support individuals’ career ambitions, including at-risk Victorians
- Advocate and partner across government to remove barriers and increase opportunities for all Victorians to participate in education and training and the workforce
Strategic Objective 3: Lift quality and performance
Priority Areas and Skills Plan actions
- Celebrate excellence and achievement across the skills system
- With the VDC, develop a VET workforce strategy, professional development framework and new skilling and teaching strategies
- Engage TAFEs and other training providers in forward planning for skills, continuous improvement and quality delivery
- Influence state and national regulators to establish a differentiated approach to teacher qualifications to meet contemporary skills needs
- Support the department to manage vocational education supply by linking economy-wide demand factors to VET systems responses.
Strategic Objective 4: Develop innovative solutions to skills design and delivery
Priority Areas and Skills Plan actions
- Through skills lab and taskforce models, partner to shape the skills needed for key government priorities, including Clean Economy priorities, the revitalised Care Economy and digital transformation of businesses
- Design delivery of future skills that support new industries and new capabilities
- Advocate for qualifications reforms that improve the supply of future skills and increase the flexibility and responsiveness of the system
Strategic Objective 5: Create connections and impact
Priority Areas and Skills Plan actions
- Communicate proactively to position the VSA as the authority on skills, especially for the Government’s industry, infrastructure, health and community objectives.
- Activate the Stakeholder Engagement and Collaboration approach and broker industry investment and buy-in
- Partner with the department, including the Office of TAFE Coordination and Delivery, to integrate the various offerings across the ACFE, VET and Higher Education sectors
- Harness local, sector and state-wide solutions through the VSA Advisory Board, Principal Regional Advisors and Regional Taskforce Managers to identify opportunities for systemic reform
- Bring people, business and employers into relevant skilling solutions at the local, industry, and system level
- Broker industry investment and commitment to resolve critical employer and community skilling issues
- Embed and champion inclusive practice across the skills system
- Maintain a high performing organisation, and support the VSA Advisory Board