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Strategic Plan 2022–25

This is our plan to support inclusive growth and shared prosperity through skills.


Inclusive Growth and Shared Prosperity through Skills


To provide evidence-based advice to advance Victoria’s skills planning and delivery, and engage to drive collaborative solutions for businesses and people


  1. Responsiveness
  2. Integrity
  3. Impartiality
  4. Accountability
  5. Respect
  6. Leadership
  7. Human rights

Strategic Objective 1: Provide a forward view on skills requirements

Priority Areas and Skills Plan actions

  • Develop the evidence base on skills needs, employment demand, training outcomes and future skills
  • Monitor employment demand and skills and workforce shortages and the alignment of education and training.
  • Collaborate with Jobs and Skills Australia and state and territory industry skills bodies to inform Victorian solutions.
  • Work with local, regional and national stakeholders, Industry Advisory Groups and Regional Skills Taskforces to understand the skills landscape, generate evidence, and validate findings.
  • Publish the Victorian Skills Plan and Regional Skills Demand
  • Profiles to drive skills responses and contemporary education

Strategic Objective 2: Enable increased participation in training that leads to good jobs and career pathways

Priority Areas and Skills Plan actions

  • Enhance advice available to provide tailored career support at all ages and stages of life
  • Strengthen Skills and Jobs Centres
  • Promote connections from senior secondary school to post compulsory education and training, the community sector and industry
  • Support clear and seamless pathways that build on prior learning and support individuals’ career ambitions, including at-risk Victorians
  • Advocate and partner across government to remove barriers and increase opportunities for all Victorians to participate in education and training and the workforce

Strategic Objective 3: Lift quality and performance

Priority Areas and Skills Plan actions

  • Celebrate excellence and achievement across the skills system
  • With the VDC, develop a VET workforce strategy, professional development framework and new skilling and teaching strategies
  • Engage TAFEs and other training providers in forward planning for skills, continuous improvement and quality delivery
  • Influence state and national regulators to establish a differentiated approach to teacher qualifications to meet contemporary skills needs
  • Support the department to manage vocational education supply by linking economy-wide demand factors to VET systems responses.

Strategic Objective 4: Develop innovative solutions to skills design and delivery

Priority Areas and Skills Plan actions

  • Through skills lab and taskforce models, partner to shape the skills needed for key government priorities, including Clean Economy priorities, the revitalised Care Economy and digital transformation of businesses
  • Design delivery of future skills that support new industries and new capabilities
  • Advocate for qualifications reforms that improve the supply of future skills and increase the flexibility and responsiveness of the system

Strategic Objective 5: Create connections and impact

Priority Areas and Skills Plan actions

  • Communicate proactively to position the VSA as the authority on skills, especially for the Government’s industry, infrastructure, health and community objectives.
  • Activate the Stakeholder Engagement and Collaboration approach and broker industry investment and buy-in
  • Partner with the department, including the Office of TAFE Coordination and Delivery, to integrate the various offerings across the ACFE, VET and Higher Education sectors
  • Harness local, sector and state-wide solutions through the VSA Advisory Board, Principal Regional Advisors and Regional Taskforce Managers to identify opportunities for systemic reform
  • Bring people, business and employers into relevant skilling solutions at the local, industry, and system level
  • Broker industry investment and commitment to resolve critical employer and community skilling issues
  • Embed and champion inclusive practice across the skills system
  • Maintain a high performing organisation, and support the VSA Advisory Board
