Young people bring strength, energy and optimism to Victoria. They are leaders in our schools, universities, TAFEs, workplaces and communities. They are making Victoria stronger, fairer and more sustainable.
Victorians have been through the most challenging years in our recent history. This unprecedented pandemic gives us an opportunity to look at how we can have the best future possible. We have a chance now to make sure we are setting every single young person in our state up for success – to achieve their dreams and to have a secure future.
Because if we are going to come out of this stronger, we need to do things differently.
We must open doors for more young people to be involved in government decision making. This means including young people with diverse lived experience, and who come from many different backgrounds and communities. And we must listen. This strategy will set the bar on meaningful engagement with young people and elevate their voices on issues that matter to them and their future.
Now more than ever, it is vital that every Victorian young person has equitable access to opportunities – in education, jobs and career pathways, community, recreation, safety and much more.
We will better coordinate our efforts to ensure young people have what they need to get through life’s challenges. This strategy provides a framework for how we can work together more effectively to support and empower young people.
Delivering this strategy will take a collective effort–with young people at the centre and the support of the sector, organisations, industry, parents, carers, families and communities.
This strategy will help build the momentum needed to improve young people’s lives and unleash their potential. It is an exciting step forward. But it is just the start of an ongoing partnership with young people, the youth and community sectors and across government.
A special thank you to the young people whose ideas and feedback have helped shape this strategy. It exists for you, and it is also better because of you. We look forward to continuing to work with you as we implement this strategy.

The Hon. Daniel Andrews MP, Premier of Victoria

The Hon. Ros Spence MP, Minister for Youth

Katie Hall MP, Parliamentary Secretary for Youth