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Domain 4: Responsive service system

Outcomes and indicators to measure progress on achieving our 'Responsive service system' goals.

Result for young people: Services are accessible, coordinated and respond to my evolving needs

Goals for young people Measures
I have more equitable access to locally available and culturally responsive services
  • Proportion of young people who report having access to safe (including age-appropriate and culturally safe) services that they need
  • Proportion of young people who feel they can make a complaint about a service if needed
Services are better coordinated and tailored to my needs and circumstances
  • Proportion of young people who feel satisfied that the services they received met their needs and circumstances
I am more involved in designing, delivering, leading and evaluating services, policies and programs
  • Proportion of young people who are clients of services and who are involved in co-design or decision making with service providers
  • Proportion of services that have involved the voice of young people with lived experience in the design, delivery, governance and evaluation of services, policies and programs

Note: Definition of youth is not consistent across data sources.

