I feel that my voice and contributions have been heard and are reflected in key areas of my life |
- Proportion of young people who feel they have been consulted on their ideas and opinions
- Proportion of young people who feel valued by society or the extent to which they have opportunities to have a real say on issues that are important to them
I participate and engage in social, community and civic life |
- Proportion of young people who participate in, and are involved in, social and community groups or civic and political groups
- Proportion of young people who participate in recreational activities (performing and visual arts, music, dance, sport and recreation activities)
- Proportion of young people who volunteer
I am involved in decisions on matters that affect my life |
- Proportion of young people 18 years or older who are enrolled to vote and who do vote
- Proportion of young people who feel able to make choices and take action about their own lives, experiences and relationships