Building and construction
VPG date
28 February 2023
VPG current
Victorian Purchasing Guide CPC Construction Plumbing and Services Training Package Release 9.0(opens in a new window)Word 358.69 KBVictorian Purchasing Guide CPC Construction Plumbing and Services Training Package Release 9.0 (PDF)(opens in a new window)PDF 751.66 KBDescription
This updated version of the VPG for CPC Release 9.0 & 8.0 corrects an error relating to the minimum and maximum payable hours for the 2 qualifications updated in Release 9. The figures were inserted into the wrong columns.
Release 9.0 includes 2 new qualifications:
- CPC50722 Diploma of Waterproofing Design and Survey
- CPC20822 Prefabricated Concrete Element Installation
- Development of 13 units of competency.
Release 8.0 includes 3 new units of competency on Silica Safety:
- CPCSIL2001 Use and maintain respiratory protective equipment
- CPCSIL3001 Work with products and materials containing crystalline silica
- CPCSIL4001 Supervise and manage work with products and materials generating respirable crystalline silica.
Note: In addition, the nominal hours for CPCCLRG3001 Licence to perform rigging basic level have been revised.
VPG superseded
CPC Construction, Plumbing and Services Training Package Release 7 (Superseded)(opens in a new window)Word 775.12 KBDescription
Release 7 of the CPC Construction, Plumbing and Services training package included one revised unit.
To support employment outcomes in Victoria, the August release of VPG R7.0 had revised hours for CPC32820 Certificate III in Fire Protection to meet the requirements for Fire Protection Plumber registration with the Victorian Building Authority.
VPG date
20 May 2014
VPG current
Victorian Purchasing Guide CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Training Package Version 9(opens in a new window)Word 177.95 KBVictorian Purchasing Guide CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Training Package Version 9(opens in a new window)PDF 552.16 KBDescription
This Victorian Purchasing Guide reflects Release 9 of the CPC08 Construction and Property Services Training Package and includes one new qualification and 7 revised qualifications.
VPG superseded
CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Training Package (Superseded)(opens in a new window)Word 295.41 KBDescription
This Victorian Purchasing Guide reflects Release 8 of the CPC08 Construction and Property Services Training Package.
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