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The use of a Configuration Management Database (CMDB) is recommended for all organisations with more than 200 end users, as this has the following benefits:

  • All IT asset data can be stored in one place (source of truth)
  • Automated and semi-automated IT operational and IT asset management processes can be built around the IT asset data
  • Data can be imported into and exported out of this database to other systems.

Here is an example of a technology ecosystem for IT asset management:

Technology ecosystem for IT Asset management

  • Download 'Technology ecosystem for IT Asset management '

Some organisations may wish to have their own CMDB, others may wish to share. In the context of a shared CMDB, each IT asset can be tagged with the department/agency that owns it, so access to the data can be restricted to just the owning department/agency.

The deployment of Standard Operating Environments across an organisation can also aid in managing assets and gathering information on assets in a standardised way.
