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Reference Description
ACSC Australian Cyber Security Centre
AMAF Asset Management Accountability Framework
AWS Amazon Web Services
Azure Microsoft Azure
BAU Business As Usual
BIL(s) Business Impact Level(s) for Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability, as per OVIC’s Victorian Protective Data Security Standards
CIA / C-I-A Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability
CIO Chief Information Officer
CMDB Configuration Management Database
COBIT Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies
DJSIR Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
DTF Victorian Department of Treasury and Finance
DV CSB Digital Victoria’s Cyber Security Branch
GCP Google Cloud Platform
IaaS Infrastructure as a Service
ITAM Information Technology Asset Management (IT Asset Management)
IT-CMF IT Capability Maturity Framework
ITIL Information Technology Infrastructure Library
ITSM Information Technology Service Management

International Organization for Standardization

KPI Key Performance Indicator
OVIC Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner
PaaS Platform as a Service
PDP Performance & Development Plan
SaaS Software as a Service
SIEM Security Information and Event Management
SLA Service Level Agreement
Victoria’s Cyber Strategy 2021 Victoria’s Cyber Strategy 2021
VMIA Victorian Managed Insurance Authority
VPDSS Victorian Protective Data Security Standards
WOVG Whole of Victorian Government
